************ Installation ************ ============= Prerequisites ============= #. Requires a valid Anaconda `or Miniconda `_ installation. #. *(optional)*. Download and extract the `Chianti Atomic Database `_ **v9.0.1** and set the following environment variable in your shell configuration file: .. code :: export XUVTOP=/path/to/chianti/root #. *(optional)*. Download and extract the `CMFGEN Atomic Data `_. ==================== Clone the Repository ==================== .. code :: $ git clone https://github.com/tardis-sn/carsus.git ===================== Setup the Environment ===================== .. code :: $ cd carsus If you're using GNU/Linux or Intel-based Mac installation then directly create the environment using the below command: .. code :: $ conda env create -f carsus_env3.yml However, if you're using M1-based Mac (Apple Silicon), then force conda to install Intel-based packages: .. code :: $ CONDA_SUBDIR=osx-64 conda env create -f carsus_env3.yml =================== Install the Package =================== .. code :: $ conda activate carsus $ pip install -e . You are ready! Follow the `Quickstart for Carsus `_ guide to continue.