Core Team

TARDIS Core Team is responsible for:

  • Overseeing the activities and sets the goals for the TARDIS Collaboration
  • Identifying science opportunities that match TARDIS capabilities or coordinates the addition of capabilities
  • Identifying education opportunities such as workshops, lecture development, and outreach opportunities

Core Members & Roles

Current TARDIS core team members are as follows (you can click on the role to learn more about it):

Role Descriptions

Principal Investigator

  • Guides the scientific and the educational activities of TARDIS
  • Advised by TARDIS Core


  • Designated person appointed to address the concerns of community members and to uphold the code of conduct
  • Solicit and provide anonymized feedback to the TARDIS CORE team
  • Assist the TARDIS CORE team with violations of the code of conduct or other ethical concerns
  • Specifically selected as not being part of the TARDIS collaboration

Software Architect

  • Ensure overall design pattern throughout TARDIS
  • Coordinate restructure and rewriting efforts
  • Identify and communicate new technologies relevant to TARDIS

PR/Issues Coordinator

  • Monitor open PRs and issues
  • Monitor reviewing is taking place
  • Close abandoned PRs / Issues

Infrastructure Coordinator

  • Inform team of break in any of the CI/CD pipelines
  • Delegate code maintenance and bug removal
  • Identify new technologies for CI/CD

Financial Coordinator

  • Manage budget for TARDIS
  • Ensure financial transparency
  • Coordinating with funding organizations
  • Securing funding for parts of the project via discussions and proposals to funding agencies

Education Coordinator

  • Coordinating work for weekly science meeting
  • Finding publications and collecting TARDIS models
  • Citation guide

Science Coordinator

  • Coordinating work for weekly science meeting
  • Finding publications and collecting TARDIS models
  • Citation guide

Community coordinator

  • Coordinates outreach efforts of TARDIS
  • Manages posting of tweets, updates for NumFOCUS monthly newsletter, etc.
  • Encourages participation of TARDIS (as an affiliated project) in different initiatives by NumFOCUS

Atomic Data Coordinator

  • Organises atomic data sources
  • Manages Carsus package repository

Visualization Coordinator:

  • Plans new visualisations of TARDIS results
  • Organises visualisation hackathon

Collaboration Coordinator

  • Manages role assignment for TARDIS Core
  • Organises TARDIS Core meetings
  • Administers TARDIS Core functions

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI)

  • Identify opportunities to use TARDIS to engage members of underrepresented minorities (URM) to coding/STEM
  • Identify papers about engaging URM in coding / science