.. _update regression-data: ************************* Update the Regression Data ************************* A special kind of tests are executed only when ``pytest`` is called alongside the ``--tardis-regression-data`` flag. These tests compare the output of the TARDIS code (mostly arrays) against the information stored in the regression data files. TARDIS stores regression data in the `tardis-regression-data `_ repository. Sometimes, this data needs to be updated. The procedure to update these files has been simplified, allowing for a more straightforward process. Imagine you are working on a new feature (or fix) for TARDIS, and you have opened a pull request. If the regression data tests are failing, this could happen for various reasons: A. There's a problem in your code. B. Your code is OK, but the regression data is outdated. C. The pipeline is broken. If you suspect scenario B, please follow these instructions: #. Activate the ``tardis`` environment. #. Fork and clone the ``tardis-regression-data`` repository. #. Follow any necessary instructions within your local copy. #. Go to your local ``tardis`` repository and ensure you are working on the branch from which you want to generate new regression data. #. Generate new regression data with ``pytest tardis --tardis-regression-data=/path/to/tardis-regression-data --generate-reference``. #. Check your results and ensure everything is correct. #. Make a new branch in ``tardis-regression-data``, push your new regression data, and open a pull request. If any issues arise during this process, please tag a `TARDIS team member `_ responsible for CI/CD.