Source code for tardis.transport.r_packet_transport

import numpy as np
from numba import njit

from tardis.transport.montecarlo import njit_dict_no_parallel
from tardis.transport.geometry.calculate_distances import (
from tardis.transport.montecarlo.estimators.radfield_estimator_calcs import (
from tardis.transport.frame_transformations import (
from tardis.transport.montecarlo.opacities import calculate_tau_electron
from tardis.transport.montecarlo.r_packet import (

[docs] @njit(**njit_dict_no_parallel) def trace_packet( r_packet, numba_radial_1d_geometry, numba_model, opacity_state, estimators, chi_continuum, escat_prob, continuum_processes_enabled, enable_full_relativity, disable_line_scattering, ): """ Traces the RPacket through the ejecta and stops when an interaction happens (heart of the calculation) Parameters ---------- r_packet : tardis.transport.montecarlo.r_packet.RPacket numba_radial_1d_geometry : tardis.transport.montecarlo.numba_interface.NumbaRadial1DGeometry numba_model : tardis.transport.montecarlo.numba_interface.NumbaModel opacity_state : tardis.transport.montecarlo.numba_interface.OpacityState estimators : tardis.transport.montecarlo.numba_interface.Estimators Returns ------- """ r_inner = numba_radial_1d_geometry.r_inner[r_packet.current_shell_id] r_outer = numba_radial_1d_geometry.r_outer[r_packet.current_shell_id] ( distance_boundary, delta_shell, ) = calculate_distance_boundary(r_packet.r,, r_inner, r_outer) # defining start for line interaction start_line_id = r_packet.next_line_id # defining taus tau_event = -np.log(np.random.random()) tau_trace_line_combined = 0.0 # Calculating doppler factor doppler_factor = get_doppler_factor( r_packet.r,, numba_model.time_explosion, enable_full_relativity, ) comov_nu = * doppler_factor distance_continuum = tau_event / chi_continuum cur_line_id = start_line_id # initializing varibale for Numba # - do not remove last_line_id = len(opacity_state.line_list_nu) - 1 for cur_line_id in range(start_line_id, len(opacity_state.line_list_nu)): # Going through the lines nu_line = opacity_state.line_list_nu[cur_line_id] # Getting the tau for the next line tau_trace_line = opacity_state.tau_sobolev[ cur_line_id, r_packet.current_shell_id ] # Adding it to the tau_trace_line_combined tau_trace_line_combined += tau_trace_line # Calculating the distance until the current photons co-moving nu # redshifts to the line frequency is_last_line = cur_line_id == last_line_id distance_trace = calculate_distance_line( r_packet, comov_nu, is_last_line, nu_line, numba_model.time_explosion, enable_full_relativity, ) # calculating the tau continuum of how far the trace has progressed tau_trace_continuum = chi_continuum * distance_trace # calculating the trace tau_trace_combined = tau_trace_line_combined + tau_trace_continuum distance = min(distance_trace, distance_boundary, distance_continuum) if distance_trace != 0: if distance == distance_boundary: interaction_type = InteractionType.BOUNDARY # BOUNDARY r_packet.next_line_id = cur_line_id break elif distance == distance_continuum: if not continuum_processes_enabled: interaction_type = InteractionType.ESCATTERING else: zrand = np.random.random() if zrand < escat_prob: interaction_type = InteractionType.ESCATTERING else: interaction_type = InteractionType.CONTINUUM_PROCESS r_packet.next_line_id = cur_line_id break # Updating the J_b_lu and E_dot_lu # This means we are still looking for line interaction and have not # been kicked out of the path by boundary or electron interaction update_line_estimators( estimators, r_packet, cur_line_id, distance_trace, numba_model.time_explosion, enable_full_relativity, ) if tau_trace_combined > tau_event and not disable_line_scattering: interaction_type = InteractionType.LINE # Line r_packet.last_interaction_in_nu = r_packet.last_line_interaction_in_id = cur_line_id r_packet.last_line_interaction_shell_id = r_packet.current_shell_id r_packet.next_line_id = cur_line_id distance = distance_trace break # Recalculating distance_continuum using tau_event - # tau_trace_line_combined # I don't think this needs to be updated # since tau_event is already the result of the integral # from the initial line distance_continuum = (tau_event - tau_trace_line_combined) / ( chi_continuum ) else: # Executed when no break occurs in the for loop # We are beyond the line list now and the only next thing is to see # if we are interacting with the boundary or electron scattering if cur_line_id == (len(opacity_state.line_list_nu) - 1): # Treatment for last line cur_line_id += 1 if distance_continuum < distance_boundary: distance = distance_continuum if not continuum_processes_enabled: interaction_type = InteractionType.ESCATTERING else: zrand = np.random.random() if zrand < escat_prob: interaction_type = InteractionType.ESCATTERING else: interaction_type = InteractionType.CONTINUUM_PROCESS else: distance = distance_boundary interaction_type = InteractionType.BOUNDARY return distance, interaction_type, delta_shell
[docs] @njit(**njit_dict_no_parallel) def move_r_packet( r_packet, distance, time_explosion, numba_estimator, enable_full_relativity ): """ Move packet a distance and recalculate the new angle mu Parameters ---------- r_packet : tardis.transport.montecarlo.r_packet.RPacket r_packet objects time_explosion : float time since explosion in s numba_estimator : tardis.transport.montecarlo.numba_interface.NumbaEstimator Estimators object distance : float distance in cm """ doppler_factor = get_doppler_factor( r_packet.r,, time_explosion, enable_full_relativity ) r = r_packet.r if distance > 0.0: new_r = np.sqrt( r * r + distance * distance + 2.0 * r * distance * ) = ( * r + distance) / new_r r_packet.r = new_r comov_nu = * doppler_factor comov_energy = * doppler_factor # Account for length contraction if enable_full_relativity: distance *= doppler_factor update_base_estimators( r_packet, distance, numba_estimator, comov_nu, comov_energy )
[docs] @njit(**njit_dict_no_parallel) def move_packet_across_shell_boundary(packet, delta_shell, no_of_shells): """ Move packet across shell boundary - realizing if we are still in the simulation or have moved out through the inner boundary or outer boundary and updating packet status. Parameters ---------- distance : float distance to move to shell boundary delta_shell : int is +1 if moving outward or -1 if moving inward no_of_shells : int number of shells in TARDIS simulation """ next_shell_id = packet.current_shell_id + delta_shell if next_shell_id >= no_of_shells: packet.status = PacketStatus.EMITTED elif next_shell_id < 0: packet.status = PacketStatus.REABSORBED else: packet.current_shell_id = next_shell_id