Source code for tardis.util.base

import logging
import os
import re
from collections import OrderedDict

import numexpr as ne
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import yaml
from tardis import constants
from astropy import units as u
from radioactivedecay import Nuclide, DEFAULTDATA
from radioactivedecay.utils import parse_nuclide, Z_DICT

import tardis
from import get_internal_data_path
from IPython import get_ipython, display
import tqdm
import tqdm.notebook
import functools
import warnings

k_B_cgs = constants.k_B.cgs.value
c_cgs = constants.c.cgs.value
h_cgs = constants.h.cgs.value
m_e_cgs = constants.m_e.cgs.value
e_charge_gauss = constants.e.gauss.value

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
tardis_dir = os.path.realpath(tardis.__path__[0])

        # The argument `delim_whitespace` was changed to `sep`
        #   because the first one is deprecated since version 2.2.0.
        #   The regular expression means: the separation is one or
        #   more spaces together (simple space, tabs, new lines).
        names=["atomic_number", "symbol"],

    (y, x) for x, y in ATOMIC_NUMBER2SYMBOL.items()

synpp_default_yaml_fname = get_internal_data_path("synpp_default.yaml")

NUMERAL_MAP = tuple(
        (1000, 900, 500, 400, 100, 90, 50, 40, 10, 9, 5, 4, 1),
        ("M", "CM", "D", "CD", "C", "XC", "L", "XL", "X", "IX", "V", "IV", "I"),

[docs] class MalformedError(Exception): pass
[docs] class MalformedSpeciesError(MalformedError): def __init__(self, malformed_element_symbol): self.malformed_element_symbol = malformed_element_symbol def __str__(self): return ( 'Expecting a species notation (e.g. "Si 2", "Si II", "Fe IV") ' f"- supplied {self.malformed_element_symbol}" )
[docs] class MalformedElementSymbolError(MalformedError): def __init__(self, malformed_element_symbol): self.malformed_element_symbol = malformed_element_symbol def __str__(self): return f"Expecting an atomic symbol (e.g. Fe) - supplied {self.malformed_element_symbol}"
[docs] class MalformedQuantityError(MalformedError): def __init__(self, malformed_quantity_string): self.malformed_quantity_string = malformed_quantity_string def __str__(self): return ( f'Expecting a quantity string(e.g. "5 km/s") for keyword ' f"- supplied {self.malformed_quantity_string}" )
[docs] def int_to_roman(i): """ Convert an integer into its roman numeral representation. Parameters ---------- i : int Integer to be converted into roman numerals Returns ------- str Returns roman numeral representation of i in str format. """ result = [] for integer, numeral in NUMERAL_MAP: count = i // integer result.append(numeral * count) i -= integer * count return "".join(result)
[docs] def roman_to_int(roman_string): """ Convert a roman numeral into its corresponding integer. Parameters ---------- roman_string : str Roman numeral to be converted into an integer Returns ------- int Returns integer representation of roman_string """ NUMERALS_SET = set(list(zip(*NUMERAL_MAP))[1]) roman_string = roman_string.upper() if len(set(list(roman_string.upper())) - NUMERALS_SET) != 0: raise ValueError(f"{roman_string} does not seem to be a roman numeral") i = result = 0 for integer, numeral in NUMERAL_MAP: while roman_string[i : i + len(numeral)] == numeral: result += integer i += len(numeral) if result < 1: raise ValueError(f"Can not interpret Roman Numeral {roman_string}") return result
[docs] def calculate_luminosity( spec_fname, distance, wavelength_column=0, wavelength_unit=u.angstrom, flux_column=1, flux_unit=u.Unit("erg / (Angstrom cm2 s)"), ): """ Calculates luminosity of star. Parameters ---------- spec_fname : file or str File or file name to be read distance : float Distance to star wavelength_column : int, optional(default = 0) Column index in which the wavelength is stored wavelength_unit : float, optional(default = u.angstrom) Dictates units used for calculating wavelength. flux_column : int, optional(default = 1) Column index in which the flux is stored flux_unit : str, optional(default = u.Unit('erg / (Angstrom cm2 s)') Dictates units used for flux Returns ------- luminosity.value : float Returned luminosity value of star. wavelength.min() : float Minimum value of wavelength of light wavelength.max() : float Maximum value of wavelength of light """ # BAD STYLE change to parse quantity distance = u.Unit(distance) wavelength, flux = np.loadtxt( spec_fname, usecols=(wavelength_column, flux_column), unpack=True ) flux_density = np.trapz(flux, wavelength) * (flux_unit * wavelength_unit) luminosity = (flux_density * 4 * np.pi * distance**2).to("erg/s") return luminosity.value, wavelength.min(), wavelength.max()
[docs] def create_synpp_yaml(radial1d_mdl, fname, shell_no=0, lines_db=None): """ Create a yaml file that is readable from syn++ Parameters ---------- radial1d_mdl : SimulationState Inputted object that will be read into YAML file fname : str File name for the synpp yaml shell_no : int, optional(default = 0) Number of shells lines_db : file, optional(default = None) Raises ------ ValueError If the current dataset does not contain necessary reference files """ logger.warning("Currently only works with Si and a special setup") if radial1d_mdl.atom_data.synpp_refs is not None: raise ValueError( "The current atom dataset does not contain the " "necessary reference files (please contact the authors)" ) radial1d_mdl.atom_data.synpp_refs["ref_log_tau"] = -99.0 for key, value in radial1d_mdl.atom_data.synpp_refs.iterrows(): try: radial1d_mdl.atom_data.synpp_refs["ref_log_tau"].loc[ key ] = np.log10( radial1d_mdl.plasma.tau_sobolevs[0].loc[value["line_id"]] ) except KeyError: logger.debug( "Synpp Ref does not have valid KEY for ref_log_tau in Radial1D Model" ) pass relevant_synpp_refs = radial1d_mdl.atom_data.synpp_refs[ radial1d_mdl.atom_data.synpp_refs["ref_log_tau"] > -50 ] with open(synpp_default_yaml_fname) as stream: yaml_reference = yaml.load(stream, Loader=yaml.CLoader) if lines_db is not None: yaml_reference["opacity"]["line_dir"] = os.path.join(lines_db, "lines") yaml_reference["opacity"]["line_dir"] = os.path.join( lines_db, "refs.dat" ) yaml_reference["output"]["min_wl"] = float("angstrom").value.min() ) yaml_reference["output"]["max_wl"] = float("angstrom").value.max() ) # raise Exception("there's a problem here with units what units does synpp expect?") yaml_reference["opacity"]["v_ref"] = float( ( radial1d_mdl.tardis_config.structure.v_inner[0].to("km/s") / (1000.0 * / u.s) ).value ) yaml_reference["grid"]["v_outer_max"] = float( ( radial1d_mdl.tardis_config.structure.v_outer[-1].to("km/s") / (1000.0 * / u.s) ).value ) # pdb.set_trace() yaml_setup = yaml_reference["setups"][0] yaml_setup["ions"] = [] yaml_setup["log_tau"] = [] yaml_setup["active"] = [] yaml_setup["temp"] = [] yaml_setup["v_min"] = [] yaml_setup["v_max"] = [] yaml_setup["aux"] = [] for species, synpp_ref in relevant_synpp_refs.iterrows(): yaml_setup["ions"].append(100 * species[0] + species[1]) yaml_setup["log_tau"].append(float(synpp_ref["ref_log_tau"])) yaml_setup["active"].append(True) yaml_setup["temp"].append(yaml_setup["t_phot"]) yaml_setup["v_min"].append(yaml_reference["opacity"]["v_ref"]) yaml_setup["v_max"].append(yaml_reference["grid"]["v_outer_max"]) yaml_setup["aux"].append(1e200) with open(fname, "w") as f: yaml.dump(yaml_reference, stream=f, explicit_start=True)
[docs] def intensity_black_body(nu, temperature): """ Calculate the intensity of a black-body according to the following formula .. math:: I(\\nu, temperature) = \\frac{2h\\nu^3}{c^2}\\frac{1} {e^{h\\nu \\beta_\\textrm{rad}} - 1} Parameters ---------- nu : float Frequency of light temperature : float Temperature in kelvin Returns ------- Intensity : float Returns the intensity of the black body """ beta_rad = 1 / (k_B_cgs * temperature) coefficient = 2 * h_cgs / c_cgs**2 intensity = ne.evaluate( "coefficient * nu**3 / " "(exp(h_cgs * nu * beta_rad) -1 )" ) return intensity
[docs] def species_tuple_to_string(species_tuple, roman_numerals=True): """ Convert a species tuple to its corresponding string representation. Parameters ---------- species_tuple : tuple Tuple of 2 values indicated atomic number and number of electrons missing roman_numerals : bool, optional(default = TRUE) Indicates whether the returned ion number is in roman numerals Returns ------- element_symbol, roman_ion_number : str Returns corresponding string representation of given tuple """ atomic_number, ion_number = species_tuple element_symbol = ATOMIC_NUMBER2SYMBOL[atomic_number] if roman_numerals: roman_ion_number = int_to_roman(ion_number + 1) return f"{str(element_symbol)} {roman_ion_number}" else: return f"{element_symbol} {ion_number:d}"
[docs] def species_string_to_tuple(species_string): """ Convert a species string to its corresponding tuple representation Parameters ---------- species_string : str String containing species symbol (e.g. Si II, Fe III) Returns ------- atomic_number, ion_number : tuple Returns tuple of length 2 indicating atomic number and ion number Raises ------ MalformedSpeciesError If the inputted string does not match the species format """ try: element_symbol, ion_number_string = re.match( r"^(\w+)\s*(\d+)", species_string ).groups() except AttributeError: try: element_symbol, ion_number_string = species_string.split() except ValueError: raise MalformedSpeciesError( f'Species string "{species_string}" is not of format <element_symbol><number>' f" (e.g. Fe 2, Fe2, ..)" ) atomic_number = element_symbol2atomic_number(element_symbol) try: ion_number = roman_to_int(ion_number_string) except ValueError: logger.debug( "Ion Number does not contain a Roman Numeral. Checking for integer value" ) try: ion_number = int(ion_number_string) except ValueError: raise MalformedSpeciesError( f"Given ion number ('{ion_number_string}') could not be parsed" ) if ion_number - 1 > atomic_number: raise ValueError( "Species given does not exist: ion number > atomic number" ) return atomic_number, ion_number - 1
[docs] def parse_quantity(quantity_string): """ Changes a string into it's corresponding astropy.Quantity object. Parameters ---------- quantity_string : str String to be converted into astropy.Quantity Returns ------- q : u.Quantity Corresponding astropy.Quantity object for passed string Raises ------ MalformedQuantityError If string is not properly formatted for Astropy Quantity """ if not isinstance(quantity_string, str): raise MalformedQuantityError(quantity_string) try: value_string, unit_string = quantity_string.split() except ValueError: raise MalformedQuantityError(quantity_string) try: value = float(value_string) except ValueError: raise MalformedQuantityError(quantity_string) try: q = u.Quantity(value, unit_string) except ValueError: raise MalformedQuantityError(quantity_string) return q
[docs] def element_symbol2atomic_number(element_string): """ Takes an element symbol and returns its corresponding atomic number Parameters ---------- element_string : str Inputted element symbol Returns ------- int Returned atomic number """ reformatted_element_string = reformat_element_symbol(element_string) if reformatted_element_string not in SYMBOL2ATOMIC_NUMBER: raise MalformedElementSymbolError(element_string) return SYMBOL2ATOMIC_NUMBER[reformatted_element_string]
[docs] def atomic_number2element_symbol(atomic_number): """ Convert atomic number to string Parameters ---------- atomic_number : int Inputted atomic number Returns ------- str Returned corresponding element symbol """ return ATOMIC_NUMBER2SYMBOL[atomic_number]
[docs] def reformat_element_symbol(element_string): """ Reformat the string so the first letter is uppercase and all subsequent letters lowercase. Parameters ---------- element_string : str Inputted element symbol Returns ------- str Returned reformatted element symbol """ return element_string[0].upper() + element_string[1:].lower()
[docs] def is_valid_nuclide_or_elem(input_nuclide): """ Parses nuclide string into symbol - mass number format and returns whether the nuclide is either contained in the decay dataset or is a raw element string. Parameters ---------- input_nuclide : str or int Nuclide name string or element string. Returns ------- bool Bool indicating if the input nuclide is contained in the decay dataset or is a valid element. """ try: parse_nuclide(input_nuclide, DEFAULTDATA.nuclides, "ICRP-107") is_nuclide = True except: is_nuclide = True if input_nuclide in Z_DICT.values() else False return is_nuclide
[docs] def quantity_linspace(start, stop, num, **kwargs): """ Essentially the same input parameters as linspace, but calculated for an astropy quantity start and stop. Parameters ---------- start : astropy.Quantity Starting value of the sequence stop : astropy.Quantity End value of the sequence num : int Number of samples to generate Returns ------- astropy.Quantity Returns num evenly spaced characters of type astropy.Quantity Raises ------ ValueError If start and stop values have no unit attribute. """ if not (hasattr(start, "unit") and hasattr(stop, "unit")): raise ValueError( "Both start and stop need to be quantities with a " "unit attribute" ) return ( np.linspace(start.value,, num, **kwargs) * start.unit )
[docs] def convert_abundances_format(fname, delimiter=r"\s+"): """ Changes format of file containing abundances into data frame Parameters ---------- fname : file, str File or file name that contains abundance info delimiter : str, optional(default = '\\s+') Determines the separator for splitting file Returns ------- DataFrame Corresponding data frame """ df = pd.read_csv(fname, delimiter=delimiter, comment="#", header=None) # Drop shell index column df.drop(df.columns[0], axis=1, inplace=True) # Assign header row df.columns = [Z_DICT[i] for i in range(1, df.shape[1] + 1)] return df
[docs] def is_notebook(): """ Checking the shell environment where the simulation is run is Jupyter based Returns ------- True : if the shell environment is IPython Based False : if the shell environment is Terminal or anything else """ try: # Trying to import the ZMQInteractiveShell for Jupyter based environments from ipykernel.zmqshell import ZMQInteractiveShell except NameError: logger.debug( "Cannot Import ipykernel.zmqshell. Not present inside Jupyter Environment" ) # If the class cannot be imported then we are automatically return False Value # Raised due to Name Error with the imported Class return False try: # Trying to import Interactive Terminal based IPython shell from IPython.core.interactiveshell import InteractiveShell except NameError: logger.debug( "Cannot Import IPython.core.interactiveshell. Not present in IPython shell" ) # If the class cannot be imported then we are automatically return False Value # Raised due to Name Error with the imported Class return False try: # Trying to get the value of the shell via the get_ipython() method shell = get_ipython() except NameError: logger.debug("Cannot infer Shell Id") # Returns False if the shell name cannot be inferred correctly return False # Checking if the shell instance is Jupyter based & if True, returning True if isinstance(shell, ZMQInteractiveShell): return True # Checking if the shell instance is Terminal IPython based & if True, returning False elif isinstance(shell, InteractiveShell): return False # All other shell instances are returned False else: return False
if is_notebook(): iterations_pbar = tqdm.notebook.tqdm( desc="Iterations:", bar_format="{desc:<}{bar}{n_fmt}/{total_fmt} [{elapsed}<{remaining}, {rate_fmt}]", ) iterations_pbar.container.close() packet_pbar = tqdm.notebook.tqdm( desc="Packets: ", postfix="0", bar_format="{desc:<}{bar}{n_fmt}/{total_fmt} [{elapsed}<{remaining}, {rate_fmt}]", ) packet_pbar.container.close() else: iterations_pbar = tqdm.tqdm( desc="Iterations:", bar_format="{desc:<}{bar:80}{n_fmt}/{total_fmt} [{elapsed}<{remaining}, {rate_fmt}]", ) packet_pbar = tqdm.tqdm( desc="Packets: ", postfix="0", bar_format="{desc:<}{bar:80}{n_fmt}/{total_fmt} [{elapsed}<{remaining}, {rate_fmt}]", )
[docs] def update_packet_pbar(i, current_iteration, no_of_packets, total_iterations): """ Update progress bars as each packet is propagated. Parameters ---------- i : int Amount by which the progress bar needs to be updated. current_iteration : int Current iteration number. no_of_packets : int Total number of packets in one iteration. total_iterations : int Total number of iterations. """ if packet_pbar.postfix == "": packet_pbar.postfix = "0" bar_iteration = int(packet_pbar.postfix) - 1 # fix bar layout when run_tardis is called for the first time if == None: fix_bar_layout(iterations_pbar, total_iterations=total_iterations) if == None: fix_bar_layout(packet_pbar, no_of_packets=no_of_packets) # display and reset progress bar when run_tardis is called again if iterations_pbar.n == total_iterations: if type(iterations_pbar).__name__ == "tqdm_notebook": iterations_pbar.container.close() fix_bar_layout(iterations_pbar, total_iterations=total_iterations) if bar_iteration > current_iteration: packet_pbar.postfix = current_iteration if type(packet_pbar).__name__ == "tqdm_notebook": # stop displaying last container packet_pbar.container.close() fix_bar_layout(packet_pbar, no_of_packets=no_of_packets) # reset progress bar with each iteration if bar_iteration < current_iteration: packet_pbar.reset(total=no_of_packets) packet_pbar.postfix = str(current_iteration + 1) packet_pbar.update(i)
[docs] def refresh_packet_pbar(): """ Refresh packet progress bar after each iteration. """ packet_pbar.refresh()
[docs] def update_iterations_pbar(i): """ Update progress bar for each iteration. Parameters ---------- i : int Amount by which the progress bar needs to be updated. """ iterations_pbar.update(i)
[docs] def fix_bar_layout(bar, no_of_packets=None, total_iterations=None): """ Fix the layout of progress bars. Parameters ---------- bar : tqdm instance Progress bar to change the layout of. no_of_packets : int, optional Number of packets to be propagated. total_iterations : int, optional Total number of iterations. """ if type(bar).__name__ == "tqdm_notebook": bar.container = bar.status_printer( bar.fp,, bar.desc, bar.ncols, ) if no_of_packets is not None: bar.reset(total=no_of_packets) if total_iterations is not None: bar.reset(total=total_iterations) # change the amount of space the prefix string of the bar takes # here, either packets or iterations bar.container.children[0].layout.width = "6%" # change the length of the bar bar.container.children[1].layout.width = "60%" # display the progress bar display.display(bar.container) else: if no_of_packets is not None: bar.reset(total=no_of_packets) if total_iterations is not None: bar.reset(total=total_iterations) else: pass
[docs] def deprecated(func): """ A decorator to add a deprecation warning to a function that is no longer used Parameters ---------- func : function """ @functools.wraps(func) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): warnings.warn("This function is deprecated.", DeprecationWarning) return func(*args, **kwargs) return wrapper