Source code for tardis.energy_input.gamma_ray_interactions

import numpy as np
from numba import njit

from tardis.transport.montecarlo import njit_dict_no_parallel
from tardis.transport.montecarlo.opacities import (
from tardis.energy_input.util import (
from tardis.energy_input.GXPacket import GXPacketStatus

[docs] @njit(**njit_dict_no_parallel) def get_compton_angle(energy): """ Computes the compton angle from the Klein-Nishina equation. Computes the lost energy due to this angle Parameters ---------- energy : float Photon energy Returns ------- compton_angle : float Compton scattering angle lost_energy : float Energy lost based on angle new_energy : float Photon energy """ theta_angles, theta_distribution = compton_theta_distribution(energy) z = np.random.random() # get Compton scattering angle compton_angle = np.interp(z, theta_distribution, theta_angles) # Energy calculations new_energy = energy / ( 1.0 + kappa_calculation(energy) * (1.0 - np.cos(compton_angle)) ) lost_energy = energy - new_energy return compton_angle, lost_energy, new_energy
[docs] @njit(**njit_dict_no_parallel) def get_compton_fraction(energy): """ Computes the compton angle from the Klein-Nishina equation. Determines the probability of absorption from this angle. Parameters ---------- energy : float Photon energy Returns ------- compton_angle : float Compton scattering angle compton_fraction : float Fraction of energy lost """ theta_angles, theta_distribution = compton_theta_distribution(energy) z = np.random.random() # get Compton scattering angle compton_angle = np.interp(z, theta_distribution, theta_angles) # Energy calculations fraction = 1 / ( 1.0 + kappa_calculation(energy) * (1.0 - np.cos(compton_angle)) ) return compton_angle, fraction
[docs] @njit(**njit_dict_no_parallel) def get_compton_fraction_artis(energy): """Gets the Compton scattering/absorption fraction and angle following the scheme in ARTIS Parameters ---------- energy : float Energy of the gamma-ray Returns ------- float Scattering angle float Compton scattering fraction """ energy_norm = kappa_calculation(energy) fraction_max = 1.0 + 2.0 * energy_norm fraction_min = 1.0 normalization = np.random.random() * compton_opacity_partial( energy_norm, fraction_max ) epsilon = 1.0e20 count = 0 while epsilon > 1.0e-4: fraction_try = (fraction_max + fraction_min) / 2.0 sigma_try = compton_opacity_partial(energy_norm, fraction_try) if sigma_try > normalization: fraction_max = fraction_try epsilon = (sigma_try - normalization) / normalization else: fraction_min = fraction_try epsilon = (normalization - sigma_try) / normalization count += 1 if count > 1000: print("Error, failure to get a Compton fraction") break angle = np.arccos(1.0 - ((fraction_try - 1) / energy_norm)) return angle, fraction_try
[docs] @njit(**njit_dict_no_parallel) def get_compton_fraction_urilight(energy): """Gets the Compton scattering/absorption fraction and angle following the scheme in Urilight Parameters ---------- energy : float Energy of the gamma-ray Returns ------- float Scattering angle float Compton scattering fraction """ E0 = kappa_calculation(energy) x0 = 1.0 / (1.0 + 2.0 * E0) accept = False while not accept: z = np.random.random(3) alpha1 = np.log(1.0 / x0) alpha2 = (1.0 - x0**2.0) / 2.0 if z[1] < alpha1 / (alpha1 + alpha2): x = x0 ** z[2] else: x = np.sqrt(x0**2.0 + (1.0 - x0**2.0) * z[2]) f = (1.0 - x) / x / E0 sin2t = f * (2.0 - f) ge = 1.0 - x / (1 + x**2.0) * sin2t if ge > z[3]: accept = True cost = 1.0 - f return np.arccos(cost), x
[docs] @njit(**njit_dict_no_parallel) def compton_scatter(photon, compton_angle): """ Changes the direction of the gamma-ray by the Compton scattering angle Parameters ---------- photon : GXPhoton object compton_angle : float Returns ------- float64 Photon theta direction float64 Photon phi direction """ # get comoving frame direction comov_direction = angle_aberration_gamma( photon.direction, photon.location, photon.time_current ) # compute an arbitrary perpendicular vector to the comoving direction orthogonal_vector = get_perpendicular_vector(comov_direction) # determine a random vector with compton_angle to the comoving direction new_vector = euler_rodrigues(compton_angle, orthogonal_vector), comov_direction, ) # draw a random angle from [0,2pi] phi = 2.0 * np.pi * np.random.random() # rotate the vector with compton_angle around the comoving direction final_compton_scattered_vector = euler_rodrigues(phi, comov_direction), new_vector ) norm_phi = final_compton_scattered_vector, final_compton_scattered_vector ) norm_theta =, comov_direction) assert ( np.abs(norm_phi - 1) < 1e-8 ), "Error, norm of Compton scatter vector is not 1!" assert ( np.abs(norm_theta - np.cos(compton_angle)) < 1e-8 ), "Error, difference between new vector angle and Compton angle is more than 0!" # Calculate the angle aberration of the final direction final_direction = angle_aberration_gamma( final_compton_scattered_vector, photon.location, photon.time_current ) return final_direction
[docs] @njit(**njit_dict_no_parallel) def pair_creation_packet(packet): """ Pair creation randomly scatters the packet or destroys it, based on the frequency Parameters ---------- packet : GXPacket incoming packet Returns ------- GXPacket outgoing packet """ probability_gamma = ( 2 * ELECTRON_MASS_ENERGY_KEV / (H_CGS_KEV * packet.nu_cmf) ) if np.random.random() > probability_gamma: packet.status = GXPacketStatus.PHOTOABSORPTION return packet new_direction = get_random_unit_vector() # Calculate aberration of the random angle for the rest frame final_direction = angle_aberration_gamma( new_direction, packet.location, -1 * packet.time_current ) packet.direction = final_direction doppler_factor = doppler_factor_3d( packet.direction, packet.location, packet.time_current ) packet.nu_cmf = ELECTRON_MASS_ENERGY_KEV / H_CGS_KEV packet.nu_rf = packet.nu_cmf / doppler_factor packet.energy_rf = packet.energy_cmf / doppler_factor return packet
[docs] @njit(**njit_dict_no_parallel) def scatter_type(compton_opacity, photoabsorption_opacity, total_opacity): """ Determines the scattering type based on process opacities Parameters ---------- compton_opacity : float photoabsorption_opacity : float total_opacity : float Returns ------- status : GXPacketStatus Scattering process the photon encounters """ z = np.random.random() if z <= (compton_opacity / total_opacity): status = GXPacketStatus.COMPTON_SCATTER elif z <= (compton_opacity + photoabsorption_opacity) / total_opacity: status = GXPacketStatus.PHOTOABSORPTION else: status = GXPacketStatus.PAIR_CREATION return status