Source code for

import numpy as np
from astropy import units as u
import pandas as pd

[docs] def read_artis_density(fname): """ Reading a density file of the following structure (example; lines starting with a hash will be ignored): The first density describes the mean density in the center of the model and is not used. 5 #index velocity [km/s] log10(density) [log10(g/cm^3)] 0 1.1e4 1.6e8 1 1.2e4 1.7e8 Parameters ---------- fname : str filename or path with filename Returns ------- time_of_model : astropy.units.Quantity time at which the model is valid data : pandas.DataFrame data frame containing index, velocity (in km/s) and density """ with open(fname) as fh: for i, line in enumerate(open(fname)): if i == 0: no_of_shells = np.int64(line.strip()) elif i == 1: time_of_model = u.Quantity(float(line.strip()), "day").to("s") elif i == 2: break artis_model_columns = [ "index", "velocities", "mean_densities_0", "ni56_fraction", "co56_fraction", "fe52_fraction", "cr48_fraction", ] artis_model = pd.read_csv( fname, skiprows=2, usecols=(0, 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7), dtype={item: np.float64 for item in artis_model_columns}, names=artis_model_columns, # The argument `delim_whitespace` was changed to `sep` # because the first one is deprecated since version 2.2.0. # The regular expression means: the separation is one or # more spaces together (simple space, tabs, new lines). sep=r"\s+", ).to_records(index=False) velocity = u.Quantity(artis_model["velocities"], "km/s").to("cm/s") mean_density = u.Quantity(10 ** artis_model["mean_densities_0"], "g/cm^3")[ 1: ] return time_of_model, velocity, mean_density