Source code for tardis.energy_input.gamma_packet_loop

import numpy as np
from numba import njit

from tardis.energy_input.gamma_ray_estimators import deposition_estimator_kasen
from tardis.energy_input.gamma_ray_grid import (
from tardis.energy_input.gamma_ray_interactions import (
from tardis.energy_input.GXPacket import GXPacketStatus
from tardis.energy_input.util import (
from tardis.opacities.opacities import (
from tardis.transport.montecarlo import njit_dict_no_parallel

[docs] @njit(**njit_dict_no_parallel) def gamma_packet_loop( packets, grey_opacity, photoabsorption_opacity_type, pair_creation_opacity_type, electron_number_density_time, mass_density_time, inv_volume_time, iron_group_fraction_per_shell, inner_velocities, outer_velocities, times, dt_array, effective_time_array, energy_bins, energy_df_rows, energy_plot_df_rows, energy_out, packets_info_array, ): """Propagates packets through the simulation Parameters ---------- packets : list List of GXPacket objects grey_opacity : float Grey opacity value in cm^2/g electron_number_density_time : array float64 Electron number densities with time mass_density_time : array float64 Mass densities with time inv_volume_time : array float64 Inverse volumes with time iron_group_fraction_per_shell : array float64 Iron group fraction per shell inner_velocities : array float64 Inner velocities of the shells outer_velocities : array float64 Inner velocities of the shells times : array float64 Simulation time steps dt_array : array float64 Simulation delta-time steps effective_time_array : array float64 Simulation middle time steps energy_bins : array float64 Bins for escaping gamma-rays energy_df_rows : array float64 Energy output energy_plot_df_rows : array float64 Energy output for plotting energy_out : array float64 Escaped energy array Returns ------- array float64 Energy output array float64 Energy output for plotting array float64 Escaped energy array Raises ------ ValueError Packet time index less than zero """ escaped_packets = 0 scattered_packets = 0 packet_count = len(packets) print("Entering gamma ray loop for " + str(packet_count) + " packets") deposition_estimator = np.zeros_like(energy_df_rows) for i in range(packet_count): packet = packets[i] time_index = get_index(packet.time_current, times) if time_index < 0: print(packet.time_current, time_index) raise ValueError("Packet time index less than 0!") scattered = False initial_energy = packet.energy_cmf while packet.status == GXPacketStatus.IN_PROCESS: # Get delta-time value for this step dt = dt_array[time_index] # Calculate packet comoving energy for opacities comoving_energy = H_CGS_KEV * packet.nu_cmf if grey_opacity < 0: doppler_factor = doppler_factor_3d( packet.direction, packet.location, effective_time_array[time_index], ) kappa = kappa_calculation(comoving_energy) # artis threshold for Thomson scattering if kappa < 1e-2: compton_opacity = ( SIGMA_T * electron_number_density_time[, time_index] ) else: compton_opacity = compton_opacity_calculation( comoving_energy, electron_number_density_time[, time_index], ) if photoabsorption_opacity_type == "kasen": # currently not functional, requires proton count and # electron count per isotope photoabsorption_opacity = 0 # photoabsorption_opacity_calculation_kasen() elif photoabsorption_opacity_type == "tardis": photoabsorption_opacity = ( photoabsorption_opacity_calculation( comoving_energy, mass_density_time[, time_index], iron_group_fraction_per_shell[], ) ) else: raise ValueError("Invalid photoabsorption opacity type!") if pair_creation_opacity_type == "artis": pair_creation_opacity = pair_creation_opacity_artis( comoving_energy, mass_density_time[, time_index], iron_group_fraction_per_shell[], ) elif pair_creation_opacity_type == "tardis": pair_creation_opacity = pair_creation_opacity_calculation( comoving_energy, mass_density_time[, time_index], iron_group_fraction_per_shell[], ) else: raise ValueError("Invalid pair creation opacity type!") else: compton_opacity = 0.0 pair_creation_opacity = 0.0 photoabsorption_opacity = ( grey_opacity * mass_density_time[, time_index] ) # convert opacities to rest frame total_opacity = ( compton_opacity + photoabsorption_opacity + pair_creation_opacity ) * doppler_factor packet.tau = -np.log(np.random.random()) ( distance_interaction, distance_boundary, distance_time, shell_change, ) = distance_trace( packet, inner_velocities, outer_velocities, total_opacity, effective_time_array[time_index], times[time_index + 1], ) distance = min( distance_interaction, distance_boundary, distance_time ) packet.time_current += distance / C_CGS packet = move_packet(packet, distance) deposition_estimator[, time_index] += ( (initial_energy * 1000) * distance * (packet.energy_cmf / initial_energy) * deposition_estimator_kasen( comoving_energy, mass_density_time[, time_index], iron_group_fraction_per_shell[], ) ) if distance == distance_time: time_index += 1 if time_index > len(effective_time_array) - 1: # Packet ran out of time packet.status = GXPacketStatus.END else: = get_index( packet.get_location_r(), inner_velocities * effective_time_array[time_index], ) elif distance == distance_interaction: packet.status = scatter_type( compton_opacity, photoabsorption_opacity, total_opacity, ) packet, ejecta_energy_gained = process_packet_path(packet) # Save packets to dataframe rows # convert KeV to eV / s / cm^3 energy_df_rows[, time_index] += ( ejecta_energy_gained * 1000 ) energy_plot_df_rows[i] = np.array( [ i, ejecta_energy_gained * 1000 # * inv_volume_time[, time_index] / dt, packet.get_location_r(), packet.time_current,, compton_opacity, photoabsorption_opacity, pair_creation_opacity, ] ) if packet.status == GXPacketStatus.PHOTOABSORPTION: # Packet destroyed, go to the next packet break else: packet.status = GXPacketStatus.IN_PROCESS scattered = True else: += shell_change if > len(mass_density_time[:, 0]) - 1: rest_energy = packet.nu_rf * H_CGS_KEV lum_rf = (packet.energy_rf * 1.6022e-9) / dt bin_index = get_index(rest_energy, energy_bins) bin_width = ( energy_bins[bin_index + 1] - energy_bins[bin_index] ) energy_out[bin_index, time_index] += rest_energy / ( bin_width * dt ) packet.status = GXPacketStatus.ESCAPED escaped_packets += 1 if scattered: scattered_packets += 1 elif < 0: packet.energy_rf = 0.0 packet.energy_cmf = 0.0 packet.status = GXPacketStatus.END packets_info_array[i] = np.array( [ i, packet.status, packet.nu_cmf, packet.nu_rf, packet.energy_cmf, lum_rf, packet.energy_rf,, ] ) print("Escaped packets:", escaped_packets) print("Scattered packets:", scattered_packets) return ( energy_df_rows, energy_plot_df_rows, energy_out, deposition_estimator, bin_width, packets_info_array, )
[docs] @njit(**njit_dict_no_parallel) def process_packet_path(packet): """Move the packet through interactions Parameters ---------- packet : GXPacket Packet for processing Returns ------- GXPacket Packet after processing float Energy injected into the ejecta """ if packet.status == GXPacketStatus.COMPTON_SCATTER: comoving_freq_energy = packet.nu_cmf * H_CGS_KEV compton_angle, compton_fraction = get_compton_fraction_artis( comoving_freq_energy ) # Packet is no longer a gamma-ray, destroy it if np.random.random() < 1 / compton_fraction: packet.nu_cmf = packet.nu_cmf / compton_fraction packet.direction = compton_scatter(packet, compton_angle) # Calculate rest frame frequency after scaling by the fraction that remains doppler_factor = doppler_factor_3d( packet.direction, packet.location, packet.time_current, ) packet.nu_rf = packet.nu_cmf / doppler_factor packet.energy_rf = packet.energy_cmf / doppler_factor ejecta_energy_gained = 0.0 else: packet.status = GXPacketStatus.PHOTOABSORPTION if packet.status == GXPacketStatus.PAIR_CREATION: packet = pair_creation_packet(packet) ejecta_energy_gained = 0.0 if packet.status == GXPacketStatus.PHOTOABSORPTION: # Ejecta gains comoving energy ejecta_energy_gained = packet.energy_cmf return packet, ejecta_energy_gained