Source code for tardis.transport.montecarlo.interaction

import numpy as np
from numba import njit

from tardis import constants as const
from tardis.transport.montecarlo import njit_dict_no_parallel
from tardis.transport.montecarlo.macro_atom import (
from tardis.transport.montecarlo.numba_interface import (
from tardis.transport.montecarlo.r_packet import (
from tardis.transport.montecarlo.utils import get_random_mu
from tardis.transport.frame_transformations import (

K_B = const.k_B.cgs.value
H = const.h.cgs.value

[docs] @njit(**njit_dict_no_parallel) def determine_bf_macro_activation_idx( opacity_state, nu, chi_bf_contributions, active_continua ): """ Determine the macro atom activation level after bound-free absorption. Parameters ---------- nu : float Comoving frequency of the r-packet. chi_bf_contributions : numpy.ndarray, dtype float Cumulative distribution of bound-free opacities at frequency `nu`. active_continua : numpy.ndarray, dtype int Continuum ids for which absorption is possible for frequency `nu`. Returns ------- float Macro atom activation idx. """ # Perform a MC experiment to determine the continuum for absorption index = np.searchsorted(chi_bf_contributions, np.random.random()) continuum_id = active_continua[index] # Perform a MC experiment to determine whether thermal or # ionization energy is created nu_threshold = opacity_state.photo_ion_nu_threshold_mins[continuum_id] fraction_ionization = nu_threshold / nu if ( np.random.random() < fraction_ionization ): # Create ionization energy (i-packet) destination_level_idx = opacity_state.photo_ion_activation_idx[ continuum_id ] else: # Create thermal energy (k-packet) destination_level_idx = opacity_state.k_packet_idx return destination_level_idx
[docs] @njit(**njit_dict_no_parallel) def determine_continuum_macro_activation_idx( opacity_state, nu, chi_bf, chi_ff, chi_bf_contributions, active_continua ): """ Determine the macro atom activation level after a continuum absorption. Parameters ---------- nu : float Comoving frequency of the r-packet. chi_bf : numpy.ndarray, dtype float Bound-free opacity. chi_bf : numpy.ndarray, dtype float Free-free opacity. chi_bf_contributions : numpy.ndarray, dtype float Cumulative distribution of bound-free opacities at frequency `nu`. active_continua : numpy.ndarray, dtype int Continuum ids for which absorption is possible for frequency `nu`. Returns ------- float Macro atom activation idx. """ fraction_bf = chi_bf / (chi_bf + chi_ff) # TODO: In principle, we can also decide here whether a Thomson # scattering event happens and need one less RNG call. if np.random.random() < fraction_bf: # Bound-free absorption destination_level_idx = determine_bf_macro_activation_idx( opacity_state, nu, chi_bf_contributions, active_continua ) else: # Free-free absorption (i.e. k-packet creation) destination_level_idx = opacity_state.k_packet_idx return destination_level_idx
[docs] @njit(**njit_dict_no_parallel) def sample_nu_free_free(opacity_state, shell): """ Attributes ---------- nu_ff_sampler : float Frequency of the free-free emission process """ temperature = opacity_state.t_electrons[shell] zrand = np.random.random() return -K_B * temperature / H * np.log(zrand)
[docs] @njit(**njit_dict_no_parallel) def sample_nu_free_bound(opacity_state, shell, continuum_id): """ Attributes ---------- nu_fb_sampler : float Frequency of the free-bounds emission process """ start = opacity_state.photo_ion_block_references[continuum_id] end = opacity_state.photo_ion_block_references[continuum_id + 1] phot_nus_block = opacity_state.phot_nus[start:end] em = opacity_state.emissivities[start:end, shell] zrand = np.random.random() idx = np.searchsorted(em, zrand, side="right") return phot_nus_block[idx] - (em[idx] - zrand) / (em[idx] - em[idx - 1]) * ( phot_nus_block[idx] - phot_nus_block[idx - 1] )
[docs] @njit(**njit_dict_no_parallel) def continuum_event( r_packet, time_explosion, opacity_state, chi_bf_tot, chi_ff, chi_bf_contributions, current_continua, continuum_processes_enabled, enable_full_relativity, ): """ continuum event handler - activate the macroatom and run the handler Parameters ---------- r_packet : tardis.transport.montecarlo.r_packet.RPacket time_explosion : float opacity_state : tardis.transport.montecarlo.numba_interface.OpacityState continuum : tardis.transport.montecarlo.numba_interface.Continuum """ old_doppler_factor = get_doppler_factor( r_packet.r,, time_explosion, enable_full_relativity ) = get_random_mu() inverse_doppler_factor = get_inverse_doppler_factor( r_packet.r,, time_explosion, enable_full_relativity ) comov_energy = * old_doppler_factor comov_nu = ( * old_doppler_factor ) # make sure frequency should be updated = comov_energy * inverse_doppler_factor = comov_nu * inverse_doppler_factor destination_level_idx = determine_continuum_macro_activation_idx( opacity_state, comov_nu, chi_bf_tot, chi_ff, chi_bf_contributions, current_continua, ) macro_atom_event( destination_level_idx, r_packet, time_explosion, opacity_state, continuum_processes_enabled, enable_full_relativity, )
[docs] @njit(**njit_dict_no_parallel) def macro_atom_event( destination_level_idx, r_packet, time_explosion, opacity_state, continuum_processes_enabled, enable_full_relativity, ): """ Macroatom event handler - run the macroatom and handle the result Parameters ---------- destination_level_idx : int r_packet : tardis.transport.montecarlo.r_packet.RPacket time_explosion : float opacity_state : tardis.transport.montecarlo.numba_interface.OpacityState """ transition_id, transition_type = macro_atom( destination_level_idx, r_packet.current_shell_id, opacity_state ) if ( continuum_processes_enabled and transition_type == MacroAtomTransitionType.FF_EMISSION ): free_free_emission( r_packet, time_explosion, opacity_state, enable_full_relativity ) elif ( continuum_processes_enabled and transition_type == MacroAtomTransitionType.BF_EMISSION ): bound_free_emission( r_packet, time_explosion, opacity_state, transition_id, enable_full_relativity, ) elif ( continuum_processes_enabled and transition_type == MacroAtomTransitionType.BF_COOLING ): bf_cooling( r_packet, time_explosion, opacity_state, enable_full_relativity ) elif ( continuum_processes_enabled and transition_type == MacroAtomTransitionType.ADIABATIC_COOLING ): adiabatic_cooling(r_packet) elif transition_type == MacroAtomTransitionType.BB_EMISSION: line_emission( r_packet, transition_id, time_explosion, opacity_state, enable_full_relativity, ) else: raise Exception("No Interaction Found!")
[docs] @njit(**njit_dict_no_parallel) def bf_cooling(r_packet, time_explosion, opacity_state, enable_full_relativity): """ Bound-Free Cooling - Determine and run bf emission from cooling Parameters ---------- r_packet : tardis.transport.montecarlo.r_packet.RPacket time_explosion : float opacity_state : tardis.transport.montecarlo.numba_interface.OpacityState """ fb_cooling_prob = opacity_state.p_fb_deactivation[ :, r_packet.current_shell_id ] p = fb_cooling_prob[0] i = 0 zrand = np.random.random() while p <= zrand: # Can't search-sorted this because it's not cumulative i += 1 p += fb_cooling_prob[i] continuum_idx = i bound_free_emission( r_packet, time_explosion, opacity_state, continuum_idx, enable_full_relativity, )
[docs] @njit(**njit_dict_no_parallel) def adiabatic_cooling(r_packet): """ Adiabatic cooling - equivalent to destruction of the packet Parameters ---------- r_packet: tardis.transport.montecarlo.r_packet.RPacket """ r_packet.status = PacketStatus.ADIABATIC_COOLING
[docs] @njit(**njit_dict_no_parallel) def get_current_line_id(nu, line_list): """ Get the line id corresponding to a frequency nu in a line list Parameters ---------- nu : float line_list : np.ndarray """ # Note: Since this reverses the array, # it may be faster to just write our own reverse-binary-search reverse_line_list = line_list[::-1] number_of_lines = len(line_list) line_id = number_of_lines - np.searchsorted(reverse_line_list, nu) return line_id
[docs] @njit(**njit_dict_no_parallel) def free_free_emission( r_packet, time_explosion, opacity_state, enable_full_relativity ): """ Free-Free emission - set the frequency from electron-ion interaction Parameters ---------- r_packet : tardis.transport.montecarlo.r_packet.RPacket time_explosion : float opacity_state : tardis.transport.montecarlo.numba_interface.OpacityState """ inverse_doppler_factor = get_inverse_doppler_factor( r_packet.r,, time_explosion, enable_full_relativity ) comov_nu = sample_nu_free_free(opacity_state, r_packet.current_shell_id) = comov_nu * inverse_doppler_factor current_line_id = get_current_line_id(comov_nu, opacity_state.line_list_nu) r_packet.next_line_id = current_line_id if enable_full_relativity: = angle_aberration_CMF_to_LF( r_packet, time_explosion, )
[docs] @njit(**njit_dict_no_parallel) def bound_free_emission( r_packet, time_explosion, opacity_state, continuum_id, enable_full_relativity, ): """ Bound-Free emission - set the frequency from photo-ionization Parameters ---------- r_packet : tardis.transport.montecarlo.r_packet.RPacket time_explosion : float opacity_state : tardis.transport.montecarlo.numba_interface.OpacityState continuum_id : int """ inverse_doppler_factor = get_inverse_doppler_factor( r_packet.r,, time_explosion, enable_full_relativity ) comov_nu = sample_nu_free_bound( opacity_state, r_packet.current_shell_id, continuum_id ) = comov_nu * inverse_doppler_factor current_line_id = get_current_line_id(comov_nu, opacity_state.line_list_nu) r_packet.next_line_id = current_line_id if enable_full_relativity: = angle_aberration_CMF_to_LF( r_packet, time_explosion, )
[docs] @njit(**njit_dict_no_parallel) def thomson_scatter(r_packet, time_explosion, enable_full_relativity): """ Thomson scattering — no longer line scattering \n1) get the doppler factor at that position with the old angle \n2) convert the current energy and nu into the comoving frame with the old mu \n3) Scatter and draw new mu - update mu \n4) Transform the comoving energy and nu back using the new mu Parameters ---------- r_packet : tardis.transport.montecarlo.r_packet.RPacket time_explosion : float time since explosion in seconds """ old_doppler_factor = get_doppler_factor( r_packet.r,, time_explosion, enable_full_relativity ) comov_nu = * old_doppler_factor comov_energy = * old_doppler_factor = get_random_mu() inverse_new_doppler_factor = get_inverse_doppler_factor( r_packet.r,, time_explosion, enable_full_relativity ) = comov_nu * inverse_new_doppler_factor = comov_energy * inverse_new_doppler_factor if enable_full_relativity: = angle_aberration_CMF_to_LF( r_packet, time_explosion, ) temp_doppler_factor = get_doppler_factor( r_packet.r,, time_explosion, enable_full_relativity )
[docs] @njit(**njit_dict_no_parallel) def line_scatter( r_packet, time_explosion, line_interaction_type, opacity_state, continuum_processes_enabled, enable_full_relativity, ): """ Line scatter function that handles the scattering itself, including new angle drawn, and calculating nu out using macro atom Parameters ---------- r_packet : tardis.transport.montecarlo.r_packet.RPacket time_explosion : float line_interaction_type : enum opacity_state : tardis.transport.montecarlo.numba_interface.OpacityState """ old_doppler_factor = get_doppler_factor( r_packet.r,, time_explosion, enable_full_relativity ) = get_random_mu() inverse_new_doppler_factor = get_inverse_doppler_factor( r_packet.r,, time_explosion, enable_full_relativity ) comov_energy = * old_doppler_factor = comov_energy * inverse_new_doppler_factor if line_interaction_type == LineInteractionType.SCATTER: line_emission( r_packet, r_packet.next_line_id, time_explosion, opacity_state, enable_full_relativity, ) else: # includes both macro atom and downbranch - encoded in the transition probabilities comov_nu = * old_doppler_factor # Is this necessary? = comov_nu * inverse_new_doppler_factor activation_level_id = opacity_state.line2macro_level_upper[ r_packet.next_line_id ] macro_atom_event( activation_level_id, r_packet, time_explosion, opacity_state, continuum_processes_enabled, enable_full_relativity, )
[docs] @njit(**njit_dict_no_parallel) def line_emission( r_packet, emission_line_id, time_explosion, opacity_state, enable_full_relativity, ): """ Sets the frequency of the RPacket properly given the emission channel Parameters ---------- r_packet : tardis.transport.montecarlo.r_packet.RPacket emission_line_id : int time_explosion : float opacity_state : tardis.transport.montecarlo.numba_interface.OpacityState """ r_packet.last_line_interaction_out_id = emission_line_id r_packet.last_line_interaction_shell_id = r_packet.current_shell_id if emission_line_id != r_packet.next_line_id: pass inverse_doppler_factor = get_inverse_doppler_factor( r_packet.r,, time_explosion, enable_full_relativity ) = ( opacity_state.line_list_nu[emission_line_id] * inverse_doppler_factor ) r_packet.next_line_id = emission_line_id + 1 nu_line = opacity_state.line_list_nu[emission_line_id] if enable_full_relativity: = angle_aberration_CMF_to_LF( r_packet, time_explosion, )