Source code for tardis.transport.montecarlo.packet_source

import abc

import numpy as np
import numexpr as ne
from tardis import constants as const
from tardis.transport.montecarlo.packet_collections import (
from import HDFWriterMixin
from astropy import units as u

[docs] class BasePacketSource(abc.ABC): """ Abstract base packet source Parameters ---------- base_seed : int Base Seed for random number generator legacy_secondary_seed : int Secondary seed for global numpy rng (Deprecated: Legacy reasons only) """ # MAX_SEED_VAL must be multiple orders of magnitude larger than no_of_packets; # otherwise, each packet would not have its own seed. Here, we set the max # seed val to the maximum allowed by numpy. MAX_SEED_VAL = 2**32 - 1 def __init__( self, base_seed=None, legacy_mode_enabled=False, legacy_second_seed=None ): self.base_seed = base_seed self.legacy_mode_enabled = legacy_mode_enabled if self.legacy_mode_enabled and legacy_second_seed is not None: np.random.seed(legacy_second_seed) else: np.random.seed(self.base_seed) def _reseed(self, seed): self.rng = np.random.default_rng(seed=seed)
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def create_packet_radii(self, no_of_packets, *args, **kwargs): pass
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def create_packet_nus(self, no_of_packets, *args, **kwargs): pass
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def create_packet_mus(self, no_of_packets, *args, **kwargs): pass
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def create_packet_energies(self, no_of_packets, *args, **kwargs): pass
[docs] def create_packets(self, no_of_packets, seed_offset=0, *args, **kwargs): """Generate packet properties as arrays Parameters ---------- no_of_packets : int Number of packets Returns ------- array Packet radii array Packet frequencies array Packet directions array Packet energies """ # the iteration (passed as seed_offset) is added each time to preserve randomness # across different simulations with the same temperature, # for example. We seed the random module instead of the numpy module # because we call random.sample, which references a different internal # state than in the numpy.random module. self._reseed(self.base_seed + seed_offset) packet_seeds = self.rng.choice( self.MAX_SEED_VAL, no_of_packets, replace=True ) radii = self.create_packet_radii(no_of_packets, *args, **kwargs).value nus = self.create_packet_nus(no_of_packets, *args, **kwargs).value mus = self.create_packet_mus(no_of_packets, *args, **kwargs) energies = self.create_packet_energies( no_of_packets, *args, **kwargs ).value # Check if all arrays have the same length assert ( len(radii) == len(nus) == len(mus) == len(energies) == no_of_packets ) radiation_field_luminosity = self.calculate_radfield_luminosity().value return PacketCollection( radii, nus, mus, energies, packet_seeds, radiation_field_luminosity, )
[docs] def calculate_radfield_luminosity(self): """ Calculate inner luminosity. Parameters ---------- model : model.SimulationState Returns ------- astropy.units.Quantity """ return ( 4 * np.pi * const.sigma_sb * self.radius**2 * self.temperature**4 ).to("erg/s")
[docs] class BlackBodySimpleSource(BasePacketSource, HDFWriterMixin): """ Simple packet source that generates Blackbody packets for the Montecarlo part. Parameters ---------- radius : astropy.units.Quantity Initial packet radius temperature : astropy.units.Quantity Absolute Temperature. base_seed : int Base Seed for random number generator legacy_secondary_seed : int Secondary seed for global numpy rng (Deprecated: Legacy reasons only) """ hdf_properties = ["radius", "temperature", "base_seed"] hdf_name = "black_body_simple_source"
[docs] @classmethod def from_simulation_state(cls, simulation_state, *args, **kwargs): return cls( simulation_state.r_inner[0], simulation_state.t_inner, *args, **kwargs, )
def __init__(self, radius=None, temperature=None, **kwargs): self.radius = radius self.temperature = temperature super().__init__(**kwargs)
[docs] def create_packets(self, no_of_packets, *args, **kwargs): if self.radius is None or self.temperature is None: raise ValueError("Black body Radius or Temperature isn't set") return super().create_packets(no_of_packets, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def create_packet_radii(self, no_of_packets): """ Create packet radii Parameters ---------- no_of_packets : int number of packets to be created Returns ------- Radii for packets numpy.ndarray """ return np.ones(no_of_packets) * self.radius.cgs
[docs] def create_packet_nus(self, no_of_packets, l_samples=1000): """ Create packet :math:`\\nu` distributed using the algorithm described in Bjorkman & Wood 2001 (page 4) which references Carter & Cashwell 1975: First, generate a uniform random number, :math:`\\xi_0 \\in [0, 1]` and determine the minimum value of :math:`l, l_{\\rm min}`, that satisfies the condition .. math:: \\sum_{i=1}^{l} i^{-4} \\ge {{\\pi^4}\\over{90}} m_0 \\;. Next obtain four additional uniform random numbers (in the range 0 to 1) :math:`\\xi_1, \\xi_2, \\xi_3, {\\rm and } \\xi_4`. Finally, the packet frequency is given by .. math:: x = -\\ln{(\\xi_1\\xi_2\\xi_3\\xi_4)}/l_{\\rm min}\\;. where :math:`x=h\\nu/kT` Parameters ---------- no_of_packets : int l_samples : int number of l_samples needed in the algorithm Returns ------- array of frequencies numpy.ndarray """ l_array = np.cumsum(np.arange(1, l_samples, dtype=np.float64) ** -4) l_coef = np.pi**4 / 90.0 # For testing purposes if self.legacy_mode_enabled: xis = np.random.random((5, no_of_packets)) else: xis = self.rng.random((5, no_of_packets)) l = l_array.searchsorted(xis[0] * l_coef) + 1.0 xis_prod =[1:], 0) x = ne.evaluate("-log(xis_prod)/l") return (x * (const.k_B * self.temperature) / const.h).cgs
[docs] def create_packet_mus(self, no_of_packets): """ Create zero-limb-darkening packet :math:`\mu` distributed according to :math:`\\mu=\\sqrt{z}, z \isin [0, 1]` Parameters ---------- no_of_packets : int number of packets to be created Returns ------- Directions for packets numpy.ndarray """ # For testing purposes if self.legacy_mode_enabled: return np.sqrt(np.random.random(no_of_packets)) else: return np.sqrt(self.rng.random(no_of_packets))
[docs] def create_packet_energies(self, no_of_packets): """ Uniformly distribute energy in arbitrary units where the ensemble of packets has energy of 1. Parameters ---------- no_of_packets : int number of packets Returns ------- energies for packets numpy.ndarray """ return np.ones(no_of_packets) / no_of_packets * u.erg
[docs] def set_temperature_from_luminosity(self, luminosity: u.Quantity): """ Set blackbody packet source temperature from luminosity Parameters ---------- luminosity : u.Quantity """ self.temperature = ( (luminosity / (4 * np.pi * self.radius**2 * const.sigma_sb)) ** 0.25 ).to("K")
[docs] class BlackBodySimpleSourceRelativistic(BlackBodySimpleSource, HDFWriterMixin): """ Simple packet source that generates Blackbody packets for the Montecarlo part. Parameters ---------- time_explosion : astropy.units.Quantity Time elapsed since explosion radius : astropy.units.Quantity Initial packet radius temperature : astropy.units.Quantity Absolute Temperature. base_seed : int Base Seed for random number generator legacy_secondary_seed : int Secondary seed for global numpy rng (Deprecated: Legacy reasons only) """ hdf_properties = ["time_explosion", "radius", "temperature", "base_seed"]
[docs] @classmethod def from_simulation_state(cls, simulation_state, *args, **kwargs): return cls( simulation_state.time_explosion, simulation_state.r_inner[0], simulation_state.t_inner, *args, **kwargs, )
def __init__(self, time_explosion=None, **kwargs): self.time_explosion = time_explosion super().__init__(**kwargs)
[docs] def create_packets(self, no_of_packets): """Generate relativistic black-body packet properties as arrays Parameters ---------- no_of_packets : int Number of packets Returns ------- array Packet radii array Packet frequencies array Packet directions array Packet energies """ if self.radius is None or self.time_explosion is None: raise ValueError("Black body Radius or Time of Explosion isn't set") self.beta = (self.radius / self.time_explosion) / const.c return super().create_packets(no_of_packets)
[docs] def create_packet_mus(self, no_of_packets): """ Create zero-limb-darkening packet :math:`\mu^\prime` distributed according to :math:`\\mu^\\prime=2 \\frac{\\mu^\\prime + \\beta}{2 \\beta + 1}`. The complicated distribution is due to the fact that the inner boundary on which the packets are initialized is not comoving with the material. Parameters ---------- no_of_packets : int number of packets to be created Returns ------- Directions for packets numpy.ndarray """ z = self.rng.random(no_of_packets) beta = self.beta return -beta + np.sqrt(beta**2 + 2 * beta * z + z)
[docs] def create_packet_energies(self, no_of_packets): """ Uniformly distribute energy in arbitrary units where the ensemble of packets has energy of 1 multiplied by relativistic correction factors. Parameters ---------- no_of_packets : int number of packets Returns ------- energies for packets numpy.ndarray """ beta = self.beta gamma = 1.0 / np.sqrt(1 - beta**2) static_inner_boundary2cmf_factor = (2 * beta + 1) / (1 - beta**2) energies = np.ones(no_of_packets) / no_of_packets # In principle, the factor gamma should be applied to the time of # simulation to account for time dilation between the lab and comoving # frame. However, all relevant quantities (luminosities, estimators, ...) # are calculated as ratios of packet energies and the time of simulation. # Thus, we can absorb the factor gamma in the packet energies, which is # more convenient. return energies * static_inner_boundary2cmf_factor / gamma * u.erg