Source code for tardis.opacities.opacities

import numpy as np
import radioactivedecay as rd
from numba import njit

from tardis import constants as const
from tardis.transport.montecarlo import (
from tardis.transport.montecarlo.configuration.constants import (

H = const.h.cgs.value
M_E = const.m_e.cgs.value
K_B = const.k_B.cgs.value
E = const.e.esu.value
C = const.c.cgs.value
M_P = const.m_p.cgs.value
MASS_SI = rd.Nuclide("Si-28").atomic_mass * M_P
MASS_FE = rd.Nuclide("Fe-56").atomic_mass * M_P
SIGMA_T = const.sigma_T.cgs.value
FINE_STRUCTURE = const.alpha.value
ELECTRON_MASS_ENERGY_KEV = (const.m_e * const.c**2.0).to("keV").value

    (2 * np.pi / (3 * M_E * K_B)) ** 0.5 * 4 * E**6 / (3 * M_E * H * C)
)  # See Eq. 6.1.8 in

[docs] @njit(**njit_dict_no_parallel) def kappa_calculation(energy): """ Calculates kappa for various other calculations i.e. energy normalized to electron rest energy 511.0 KeV Parameters ---------- energy : float Returns ------- kappa : float """ return energy / ELECTRON_MASS_ENERGY_KEV
[docs] @njit(**njit_dict_no_parallel) def chi_electron_calculator(opacity_state, nu, shell): """ Calculate chi for Thomson scattering Parameters ---------- opacity_state : OpacityState nu : float Comoving frequency of the r-packet. shell : int Shell of current r_packet Returns ------- numpy.ndarray, dtype int Continuum ids for which absorption is possible for frequency `nu`. """ return opacity_state.electron_density[shell] * SIGMA_THOMSON
[docs] @njit(**njit_dict_no_parallel) def calculate_tau_electron(electron_density, distance): """ Calculate tau for Thomson scattering Parameters ---------- electron_density : float distance : float Returns ------- tau_electron : float tau for thomson scattering """ return electron_density * SIGMA_THOMSON * distance
[docs] @njit(**njit_dict_no_parallel) def get_current_bound_free_continua(opacity_state, nu): """ Determine bound-free continua for which absorption is possible. Parameters ---------- opacity_state : OpacityState nu : float Comoving frequency of the r-packet. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray, dtype int Continuum ids for which absorption is possible for frequency `nu`. """ nu_mins = opacity_state.photo_ion_nu_threshold_mins nu_maxs = opacity_state.photo_ion_nu_threshold_maxs current_continua = np.where(np.logical_and(nu >= nu_mins, nu <= nu_maxs))[0] return current_continua
[docs] @njit(**njit_dict_no_parallel) def chi_bf_interpolator(opacity_state, nu, shell): """ Interpolate the bound-free opacity. This function interpolates the tabulated bound-free opacities and cross-sections to new frequency values `nu`. Parameters ---------- opacity_state : OpacityState nu : float, dtype float Comoving frequency of the r-packet. shell : int, dtype float Current computational shell. Returns ------- chi_bf_tot : float Total bound-free opacity at frequency `nu`. chi_bf_contributions : numpy.ndarray, dtype float Cumulative distribution function of the contributions of the individual bound free continua to the total bound-free opacity. current_continua : numpy.ndarray, dtype int Continuum ids for which absorption is possible for frequency `nu`. x_sect_bfs : numpy.ndarray, dtype float Photoionization cross-sections of all bound-free continua for which absorption is possible for frequency `nu`. """ current_continua = get_current_bound_free_continua(opacity_state, nu) chi_bfs = np.zeros(len(current_continua)) x_sect_bfs = np.zeros(len(current_continua)) for i, continuum_id in enumerate(current_continua): start = opacity_state.photo_ion_block_references[continuum_id] end = opacity_state.photo_ion_block_references[continuum_id + 1] phot_nus_continuum = opacity_state.phot_nus[start:end] nu_idx = np.searchsorted(phot_nus_continuum, nu) interval = phot_nus_continuum[nu_idx] - phot_nus_continuum[nu_idx - 1] high_weight = nu - phot_nus_continuum[nu_idx - 1] low_weight = phot_nus_continuum[nu_idx] - nu chi_bfs_continuum = opacity_state.chi_bf[start:end, shell] chi_bfs[i] = ( chi_bfs_continuum[nu_idx] * high_weight + chi_bfs_continuum[nu_idx - 1] * low_weight ) / interval x_sect_bfs_continuum = opacity_state.x_sect[start:end] x_sect_bfs[i] = ( x_sect_bfs_continuum[nu_idx] * high_weight + x_sect_bfs_continuum[nu_idx - 1] * low_weight ) / interval chi_bf_contributions = chi_bfs.cumsum() # If we are outside the range of frequencies # for which we have photo-ionization cross sections # we will have no local continuua and therefore # no bound-free interactions can occur # so we set the bound free opacity to zero if len(current_continua) == 0: chi_bf_tot = 0.0 else: chi_bf_tot = chi_bf_contributions[-1] chi_bf_contributions /= chi_bf_tot return ( chi_bf_tot, chi_bf_contributions, current_continua, x_sect_bfs, )
[docs] @njit(**njit_dict_no_parallel) def chi_ff_calculator(opacity_state, nu, shell): """ Attributes ---------- opacity_state : OpacityState nu : float64 Comoving frequency of the r_packet shell : int64 Current shell id of the r_packet Returns ------- chi_ff : float64 Free Free opacity """ chi_ff = ( FF_OPAC_CONST * opacity_state.ff_opacity_factor[shell] / nu**3 * (1 - np.exp(-H * nu / (K_B * opacity_state.t_electrons[shell]))) ) return chi_ff
[docs] @njit(**njit_dict_no_parallel) def chi_continuum_calculator(opacity_state, nu, shell): """ Attributes ---------- opacity_state : OpacityState nu : float64 Comoving frequency of the r_packet shell : int64 Current shell id of the r_packet Returns ------- chi_bf_tot : float Total bound-free opacity at frequency `nu`. chi_bf_contributions : numpy.ndarray, dtype float Cumulative distribution function of the contributions of the individual bound free continua to the total bound-free opacity. current_continua : numpy.ndarray, dtype int Continuum ids for which absorption is possible for frequency `nu`. x_sect_bfs : numpy.ndarray, dtype float Photoionization cross-sections of all bound-free continua for which absorption is possible for frequency `nu`. chi_ff : float64 Free Free opacity at frequency `nu` """ ( chi_bf_tot, chi_bf_contributions, current_continua, x_sect_bfs, ) = chi_bf_interpolator(opacity_state, nu, shell) chi_ff = chi_ff_calculator(opacity_state, nu, shell) return ( chi_bf_tot, chi_bf_contributions, current_continua, x_sect_bfs, chi_ff, )
[docs] @njit(**njit_dict_no_parallel) def compton_opacity_partial(energy, fraction): """Partial Compton scattering opacity, from artis file Parameters ---------- energy : float packet energy in terms of electron rest energy fraction : float 1 + 2 * packet energy Returns ------- np.float64 Compton scattering opacity """ term_1 = ( ((energy**2.0) - (2.0 * energy) - 2.0) * np.log(fraction) / energy / energy ) term_2 = (((fraction**2.0) - 1.0) / (fraction**2.0)) / 2.0 term_3 = ((fraction - 1.0) / energy) * ( (1 / energy) + (2.0 / fraction) + (1.0 / (energy * fraction)) ) return 3.0 * SIGMA_T * (term_1 + term_2 + term_3) / (8 * energy)
[docs] @njit(**njit_dict_no_parallel) def compton_opacity_calculation(energy, electron_density): """Calculate the Compton scattering opacity for a given energy (Rybicki & Lightman, 1979) $ \\rho / 2 p_m \\times 3/4 \\sigma_T ((1 + \\kappa) / \\kappa^3 ((2\\kappa(1 + \\kappa)) / (1 + 2\\kappa) - \\ln(1 + 2\\kappa) + 1/(2\\kappa) \\ln(1 + 2\\kappa) - (1 + 3\\kappa) / (1 + 2\\kappa)^2) $ Parameters ---------- energy : float The energy of the photon ejecta_density : float The density of the ejecta Returns ------- float The Compton scattering opacity """ kappa = kappa_calculation(energy) a = 1.0 + 2.0 * kappa sigma_KN = ( 3.0 / 4.0 * SIGMA_T * ( (1.0 + kappa) / kappa**3.0 * ((2.0 * kappa * (1.0 + kappa)) / a - np.log(a)) + 1.0 / (2.0 * kappa) * np.log(a) - (1.0 + 3 * kappa) / a**2.0 ) ) return electron_density * sigma_KN
[docs] @njit(**njit_dict_no_parallel) def photoabsorption_opacity_calculation( energy, ejecta_density, iron_group_fraction ): """Calculates photoabsorption opacity for a given energy Approximate treatment from Ambwani & Sutherland (1988) Magic numbers are from the approximate treatment Parameters ---------- energy : float Photon energy ejecta_density : float The density of the ejecta iron_group_fraction : float Fraction of iron group elements in the shell Returns ------- float Photoabsorption opacity """ si_opacity = ( 1.16e-24 * (energy / 100.0) ** -3.13 * ejecta_density / MASS_SI * (1.0 - iron_group_fraction) ) fe_opacity = ( 25.7e-24 * (energy / 100.0) ** -3.0 * ejecta_density / MASS_FE * iron_group_fraction ) return si_opacity + fe_opacity
[docs] @njit(**njit_dict_no_parallel) def photoabsorption_opacity_calculation_kasen( energy, number_density, proton_count ): """Calculates photoabsorption opacity for a given energy Approximate treatment from Kasen et al. (2006) Parameters ---------- energy : float Photon energy number_density : float The number density of the ejecta for each atom proton_count : float Number of protons for each atom in the ejecta Returns ------- float Photoabsorption opacity """ kappa = kappa_calculation(energy) opacity = (FINE_STRUCTURE**4.0) * 8.0 * np.sqrt(2) * (kappa**-3.5) # Note- this should actually be atom_number_density * (atom_proton_number ** 5) return ( SIGMA_T * opacity * np.sum((number_density / proton_count) * proton_count**5) )
[docs] @njit(**njit_dict_no_parallel) def pair_creation_opacity_calculation( energy, ejecta_density, iron_group_fraction ): """Calculates pair creation opacity for a given energy Approximate treatment from Ambwani & Sutherland (1988) Parameters ---------- energy : float Photon energy ejecta_density : float The density of the ejecta iron_group_fraction : float Fraction of iron group elements in the shell Returns ------- float Pair creation opacity """ z_si = 14 z_fe = 26 si_proton_ratio = z_si**2.0 / MASS_SI fe_proton_ratio = z_fe**2.0 / MASS_FE multiplier = ejecta_density * ( si_proton_ratio * (1.0 - iron_group_fraction) + fe_proton_ratio * iron_group_fraction ) # Conditions prevent divide by zero # Ambwani & Sutherland (1988) if energy > 1022 and energy < 1500: opacity = multiplier * 1.0063 * (energy / 1000 - 1.022) * 1.0e-27 elif energy >= 1500: opacity = ( multiplier * (0.0481 + 0.301 * (energy / 1000 - 1.5)) * 1.0e-27 ) else: opacity = 0 return opacity
[docs] @njit(**njit_dict_no_parallel) def pair_creation_opacity_artis(energy, ejecta_density, iron_group_fraction): """Calculates pair creation opacity for a given energy Approximate treatment from Ambwani & Sutherland (1988) as implemented in ARTIS Parameters ---------- energy : float Photon energy ejecta_density : float The density of the ejecta iron_group_fraction : float Fraction of iron group elements in the shell Returns ------- float Pair creation opacity """ # Conditions prevent divide by zero # Ambwani & Sutherland (1988) if energy > 1022: if energy > 1500: opacity_si = (0.0481 + (0.301 * (energy - 1500))) * 196.0e-27 opacity_fe = (0.0481 + (0.301 * (energy - 1500))) * 784.0e-27 else: opacity_si = 1.0063 * (energy - 1022) * 196.0e-27 opacity_fe = 1.0063 * (energy - 1022) * 784.0e-27 opacity_si *= ejecta_density / M_P / 28 opacity_fe *= ejecta_density / M_P / 56 opacity = (opacity_fe * iron_group_fraction) + ( opacity_si * (1.0 - iron_group_fraction) ) else: opacity = 0 return opacity