Source code for tardis.plasma.base

import os
import re
import logging
import tempfile
import fileinput

import networkx as nx

from tardis.plasma.exceptions import PlasmaMissingModule, NotInitializedModule
from import *
from import PlasmaWriterMixin

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class BasePlasma(PlasmaWriterMixin): outputs_dict = {} hdf_name = "plasma" def __init__(self, plasma_properties, property_kwargs=None, **kwargs): self.outputs_dict = {} self.input_properties = [] self.plasma_properties = self._init_properties( plasma_properties, property_kwargs, **kwargs ) self._build_graph() self.update(**kwargs) def __getattr__(self, item): if item in self.outputs_dict: return self.get_value(item) else: super(BasePlasma, self).__getattribute__(item) def __setattr__(self, key, value): if key != "module_dict" and key in self.outputs_dict: raise AttributeError( "Plasma inputs can only be updated using " "the 'update' method" ) else: super(BasePlasma, self).__setattr__(key, value) def __dir__(self): attrs = [item for item in self.__dict__ if not item.startswith("_")] attrs += [ item for item in self.__class__.__dict__ if not item.startswith("_") ] attrs += self.outputs_dict.keys() return attrs @property def plasma_properties_dict(self): return { item for item in self.plasma_properties}
[docs] def get_value(self, item): return getattr(self.outputs_dict[item], item)
def _build_graph(self): """ Builds the directed Graph using network X :param plasma_modules: :return: """ self.graph = nx.DiGraph() # Adding all nodes self.graph.add_nodes_from( [ (, {}) for plasma_property in self.plasma_properties ] ) # Flagging all input modules self.input_properties = [ item for item in self.plasma_properties if not hasattr(item, "inputs") ] for plasma_property in self.plasma_properties: # Skipping any module that is an input module if plasma_property in self.input_properties: continue for input in plasma_property.inputs: if input not in self.outputs_dict: raise PlasmaMissingModule( f"Module {} requires input " f"{input} which has not been added" f" to this plasma" ) try: position = self.outputs_dict[input].outputs.index(input) label = self.outputs_dict[input].latex_name[position] label = "$" + label + "$" label = label.replace("\\", "\\\\") except: label = input.replace("_", "-") self.graph.add_edge( self.outputs_dict[input].name,, label=label, ) def _init_properties( self, plasma_properties, property_kwargs=None, **kwargs ): """ Builds a dictionary with the plasma module names as keys Parameters ---------- plasma_modules : list list of Plasma properties property_kwargs : dict dict of plasma module : kwargs pairs. kwargs should be a dict of arguments that will be passed to the __init__ method of the respective plasma module. kwargs : dictionary input values for input properties. For example, t_rad=[5000, 6000,], j_blues=[..] """ if property_kwargs is None: property_kwargs = {} plasma_property_objects = [] self.previous_iteration_properties = [] self.outputs_dict = {} for plasma_property in plasma_properties: if issubclass(plasma_property, PreviousIterationProperty): current_property_object = plasma_property( **property_kwargs.get(plasma_property, {}) ) current_property_object.set_initial_value(kwargs) self.previous_iteration_properties.append( current_property_object ) elif issubclass(plasma_property, Input): if not set(kwargs.keys()).issuperset(plasma_property.outputs): missing_input_values = set(plasma_property.outputs) - set( kwargs.keys() ) raise NotInitializedModule( f"Input {missing_input_values} required for " f"plasma but not given when " f"instantiating the " f"plasma" ) current_property_object = plasma_property( **property_kwargs.get(plasma_property, {}) ) else: current_property_object = plasma_property( self, **property_kwargs.get(plasma_property, {}) ) for output in plasma_property.outputs: self.outputs_dict[output] = current_property_object plasma_property_objects.append(current_property_object) return plasma_property_objects
[docs] def store_previous_properties(self): for property in self.previous_iteration_properties: p = property.outputs[0] self.outputs_dict[p].set_value( self.get_value(re.sub(r"^previous_", "", p)) )
[docs] def update(self, **kwargs): for key in kwargs: if key not in self.outputs_dict: raise PlasmaMissingModule( f"Trying to update property {key}" f" that is unavailable" ) self.outputs_dict[key].set_value(kwargs[key]) for module_name in self._resolve_update_list(kwargs.keys()): self.plasma_properties_dict[module_name].update()
[docs] def freeze(self, *args): """ Freeze plama properties. This method freezes plasma properties to prevent them from being updated: the values of a frozen property are fixed in the plasma calculation. This is useful for example for setting up test cases. Parameters ---------- args : iterable of str Names of plasma properties to freeze. Examples -------- >>> plasma.freeze('t_electrons') """ for key in args: if key not in self.outputs_dict: raise PlasmaMissingModule( "Trying to freeze property {0}" " that is unavailable".format(key) ) self.outputs_dict[key].frozen = True
[docs] def thaw(self, *args): """ Thaw plama properties. This method thaws (unfreezes) plasma properties allowing them to be updated again. Parameters ---------- args : iterable of str Names of plasma properties to unfreeze. Examples -------- >>> plasma.thaw('t_electrons') """ for key in args: if key not in self.outputs_dict: raise PlasmaMissingModule( "Trying to thaw property {0}" " that is unavailable".format(key) ) self.outputs_dict[key].frozen = False
def _update_module_type_str(self): for node in self.graph: self.outputs_dict[node]._update_type_str() def _resolve_update_list(self, changed_properties): """ Returns a list of all plasma models which are affected by the changed_modules due to there dependency in the the plasma_graph. Parameters ---------- changed_modules : list all modules changed in the plasma Returns ------- : list all affected modules. """ descendants_ob = [] for plasma_property in changed_properties: node_name = self.outputs_dict[plasma_property].name descendants_ob += nx.descendants(self.graph, node_name) descendants_ob = list(set(descendants_ob)) sort_order = list(nx.topological_sort(self.graph)) descendants_ob.sort(key=lambda val: sort_order.index(val)) logger.debug( f"Updating modules in the following order:" f'{"->".join(descendants_ob)}' ) return descendants_ob
[docs] def write_to_dot(self, fname, args=None, latex_label=True): """ This method takes the NetworkX Graph generated from the _build_graph method, converts it into a DOT code, and saves it to a file Parameters ---------- fname: str the name of the file the graph will be saved to args: list a list of optional settings for displaying the graph written in DOT format latex_label: boolean enables/disables writing LaTeX equations and edge labels into the file. """ try: import pygraphviz except: logger.warn( "pygraphviz missing. Plasma graph will not be " "generated." ) return print_graph = self.graph.copy() print_graph = self.remove_hidden_properties(print_graph) for node in print_graph: if latex_label == True: if hasattr(self.plasma_properties_dict[node], "latex_formula"): print_graph.nodes[str(node)][ "label" ] = f"\\\\textrm{{{node}: }}" node_list = self.plasma_properties_dict[node] formulae = node_list.latex_formula for output in range(0, len(formulae)): formula = formulae[output] label = formula.replace("\\", "\\\\") print_graph.nodes[str(node)]["label"] += label else: print_graph.nodes[str(node)][ "label" ] = f"\\\\textrm{{{node}}}" else: print_graph.nodes[str(node)]["label"] = node for edge in print_graph.edges: label = print_graph.edges[edge]["label"] print_graph.edges[edge]["label"] = " " if latex_label == True: print_graph.edges[edge]["texlbl"] = label nx.drawing.nx_agraph.write_dot(print_graph, fname) for line in fileinput.FileInput(fname, inplace=1): if latex_label == True: print( line.replace( r'node [label="\N"]', r'node [texmode="math"]', ), end="", ) else: print( line.replace( r'node [label="\N"];', "", ), end="", ) if args is not None: with open(fname, "r") as file: lines = file.readlines() for newline in args: lines.insert(1, f"\t{newline};\n") with open(fname, "w") as f: lines = "".join(lines) f.write(lines)
[docs] def write_to_tex(self, fname_graph, scale=0.5, args=None, latex_label=True): """ This method takes the NetworkX Graph generated from the _build_graph method, converts it into a LaTeX friendly format, and saves it to a file Parameters ---------- fname_graph: str the name of the file the graph will be saved to args: list a list of optional settings for displaying the graph written in DOT format scale: float a scaling factor to expand/contract the generated graph latex_label: boolean enables/disables writing LaTeX equations and edge labels into the file. """ try: import dot2tex except: logger.warn( "dot2tex missing. Plasma graph will not be " "generated." ) return temp_fname = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile().name self.write_to_dot(temp_fname, args=args, latex_label=latex_label) with open(temp_fname, "r") as file: dot_string ="\\\\", "\\") texcode = dot2tex.dot2tex( dot_string, format="tikz", crop=True, valignmode="dot" ) with open(fname_graph, "w") as file: file.write(texcode) for line in fileinput.input(fname_graph, inplace=1): print( line.replace( r"\documentclass{article}", r"\documentclass[class=minimal,border=20pt]{standalone}", ), end="", ) for line in fileinput.input(fname_graph, inplace=1): print(line.replace(r"\enlargethispage{100cm}", ""), end="") for line in fileinput.input(fname_graph, inplace=1): print( line.replace( r"\begin{tikzpicture}[>=latex',line join=bevel,]", r"\begin{tikzpicture}" r"[>=latex',line join=bevel," rf"scale={scale}]", ), end="", )
[docs] def remove_hidden_properties(self, print_graph): for item in self.plasma_properties_dict.values(): module = self.plasma_properties_dict[].__class__ if issubclass(module, HiddenPlasmaProperty): output = module.outputs[0] for value in self.plasma_properties_dict.keys(): if output in getattr( self.plasma_properties_dict[value], "inputs", [] ): for input in self.plasma_properties_dict[ ].inputs: try: position = self.outputs_dict[ input ].outputs.index(input) label = self.outputs_dict[input].latex_name[ position ] label = "$" + label + "$" label = label.replace("\\", "\\\\") except: label = input.replace("_", "-") self.graph.add_edge( self.outputs_dict[input].name, value, label=label, ) print_graph.remove_node(str( return print_graph