Source code for tardis.energy_input.energy_source

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import radioactivedecay as rd

from tardis.util.base import (
from tardis.energy_input.util import (

[docs] def setup_input_energy(nuclear_data, source): """Sets up energy distribution and CDF for a source of decay radiation. Parameters ---------- nuclear_data : Pandas dataframe Dataframe of nuclear decay properties source : str Type of decay radiation Returns ------- One-dimensional Numpy Array, dtype float Sorted energy array One-dimensional Numpy Array, dtype float CDF where each index corresponds to the energy in the sorted array """ intensity = nuclear_data[nuclear_data.Radiation == source]["Rad Intensity"] energy = nuclear_data[nuclear_data.Radiation == source]["Rad Energy"] intensity /= 100 # = [i / 100 if i > 1 else i for i in intensity] return energy, intensity
[docs] def intensity_ratio(nuclear_data, source_1, source_2): """Determined the ratio of intensities between two sources of decay radiation Parameters ---------- nuclear_data : pandas.Dataframe Dataframe of nuclear decay properties source_1 : str Type of decay radiation to compare source_2 : str Type of decay radiation to compare Returns ------- float Fractional intensity of source_1 float Fractional intensity of source_2 float Number of decay products per decay """ intensity_1 = nuclear_data.query("type==" + source_1)["intensity"].values intensity_2 = nuclear_data.query("type==" + source_2)["intensity"].values total_intensity = np.sum(intensity_1) + np.sum(intensity_2) # Factor of 100 is because intensities are in percent scale_factor = total_intensity / 100 return ( np.sum(intensity_1) / total_intensity, np.sum(intensity_2) / total_intensity, scale_factor, )
[docs] def get_all_isotopes(abundances): """Get the possible isotopes present over time for a given starting abundance Parameters ---------- abundances : DataFrame Current isotope abundances Returns ------- list List of isotope names """ progenitors = [ f"{rd.utils.Z_DICT[i[0]]}-{i[1]}" for i in abundances.T.columns ] isotopes = set(progenitors) check = True while check == True: progeny = set(isotopes) for i in isotopes: for p in rd.Nuclide(i).progeny(): if ( p != "SF" and rd.Nuclide(p).half_life("readable") != "stable" ): progeny.add(p) if progeny == isotopes: check = False else: isotopes |= progeny isotopes = [i for i in isotopes] return isotopes
[docs] def get_tau(meta, isotope_string): """Calculate the mean lifetime of an isotope Parameters ---------- meta : DataFrame Isotope metadata isotope_string : str Isotope of interest Returns ------- float Mean lifetime of isotope """ isotope_meta = meta.loc[isotope_string] half_life = isotope_meta.loc[isotope_meta["key"] == "Parent T1/2 value"][ "value" ].values[0] half_life = convert_half_life_to_astropy_units(half_life) return half_life / np.log(2)
[docs] def get_isotope_string(atom_number, atom_mass): """Get the isotope string in the format e.g. Ni56 Parameters ---------- atom_number : int Atomic number atom_mass : int Atomic mass Returns ------- str Isotope string in the format e.g. Ni56 """ return atomic_number2element_symbol(atom_number) + str(atom_mass)
[docs] def read_artis_lines(isotope, path_to_data): """Reads lines of ARTIS format Parameters ---------- isotope : string Isotope to read e.g. Ni56 Returns ------- pd.DataFrame Energies and intensities of the isotope lines """ return pd.read_csv( path_to_data + isotope + ".txt", names=["energy", "intensity"], sep=" ", index_col=False, )
[docs] def get_nuclear_lines_database( path, ): """Load the nuclear decay line data set Parameters ---------- path : str Path to the data set HDF file Returns ------- pandas DataFrame The decay radiation lines """ decay_radiation_db = pd.read_hdf(path, "decay_radiation_data") return decay_radiation_db
[docs] def positronium_continuum(): """Produces a continuum of positronium decay energy using the function defined by Ore and Powell 1949 and adapted by Leung 2022 to be in terms of electron rest mass energy Returns ------- energy An array of photon energies in keV intensity An array of intensities between 0 and 1 """ energy = np.linspace(1, ELECTRON_MASS_ENERGY_KEV, num=100, endpoint=False) x = energy / ELECTRON_MASS_ENERGY_KEV one_minus_x = 1 - x term_1 = (x * one_minus_x) / (2 - x) ** 2 term_2 = (2 * one_minus_x**2) / (2 - x) ** 3 * np.log(one_minus_x) term_3 = (2 - x) / x term_4 = (2 * one_minus_x) / x**2 * np.log(one_minus_x) intensity = 2 * (term_1 - term_2 + term_3 + term_4) return energy, intensity / np.max(intensity)