Source code for

from import (
from import (

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from import read_artis_density

[docs] def read_mass_fractions_file( mass_fractions_filename, mass_fractions_filetype, inner_boundary_index=None, outer_boundary_index=None, ): """ read different density file formats Parameters ---------- mass_fractions_filename : str filename or path of the density file mass_fractions_filetype : str type of the density file inner_boundary_index : int index of the inner shell, default None outer_boundary_index : int index of the outer shell, default None """ file_parsers = { "simple_ascii": read_simple_ascii_mass_fractions, "artis": read_simple_ascii_mass_fractions, "cmfgen_model": read_cmfgen_composition, "custom_composition": read_csv_composition, } isotope_mass_fractions = pd.DataFrame() if mass_fractions_filetype in ["cmfgen_model", "custom_composition"]: index, mass_fractions, isotope_mass_fractions = file_parsers[ mass_fractions_filetype ](mass_fractions_filename) else: index, mass_fractions = file_parsers[mass_fractions_filetype]( mass_fractions_filename ) if outer_boundary_index is not None: outer_boundary_index_m1 = outer_boundary_index - 1 else: outer_boundary_index_m1 = None index = index[inner_boundary_index:outer_boundary_index] mass_fractions = mass_fractions.loc[ :, slice(inner_boundary_index, outer_boundary_index_m1) ] mass_fractions.columns = np.arange(len(mass_fractions.columns)) return index, mass_fractions, isotope_mass_fractions
[docs] def read_density_file(filename, filetype): """ read different density file formats Parameters ---------- filename : str filename or path of the density file filetype : str type of the density file Returns ------- time_of_model : astropy.units.Quantity time at which the model is valid velocity : np.ndarray the array containing the velocities unscaled_mean_densities : np.ndarray the array containing the densities electron_densities : np.ndarray The array containing electron densities temperature : np.ndarray The array containing temperatures """ file_parsers = { "artis": read_artis_density, "simple_ascii": read_simple_ascii_density, "cmfgen_model": read_cmfgen_density, } electron_densities = None temperature = None if filetype == "cmfgen_model": ( time_of_model, velocity, unscaled_mean_densities, electron_densities, temperature, ) = read_cmfgen_density(filename) else: (time_of_model, velocity, unscaled_mean_densities) = file_parsers[ filetype ](filename) v_inner = velocity[:-1] v_outer = velocity[1:] invalid_volume_mask = (v_outer - v_inner) <= 0 if invalid_volume_mask.sum() > 0: message = "\n".join( [ f"cell {i:d}: v_inner {v_inner_i:s}, v_outer " f"{v_outer_i:s}" for i, v_inner_i, v_outer_i in zip( np.arange(len(v_outer))[invalid_volume_mask], v_inner[invalid_volume_mask], v_outer[invalid_volume_mask], ) ] ) raise ConfigurationError( "Invalid volume of following cell(s):\n" f"{message:s}" ) return ( time_of_model, velocity, unscaled_mean_densities, electron_densities, temperature, )