Source code for

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from radioactivedecay import Nuclide
from radioactivedecay.utils import Z_DICT, elem_to_Z

[docs] def read_csv_isotope_mass_fractions( fname, delimiter=r"\s+", skip_columns=0, skip_rows=[1] ): """ A generic parser for a TARDIS composition stored as a CSV file The parser can read in both elemental and isotopic mass fractions. The first column is always expected to contain a running index, labelling the grid cells. The parser also allows for additional information to be stored in the first skip_columns columns. These will be ignored if skip_columns > 0. Note that the first column, containing the cell index is not taken into account here. Specific header lines can be skipped by the skip_rows keyword argument It is expected that the first row of the date block (after skipping the rows specified in skip_rows) specifies the different elements and isotopes. Each row after contains the composition in the corresponding grid shell. The first composition row describes the composition of the photosphere and is essentially ignored (for the default value of skip_rows). Example: Index C O Ni56 0 1 1 1 1 0.4 0.3 0.2 Parameters ---------- fname : str filename or path with filename Returns ------- index : np.ndarray mass_fractions : pandas.DataFrame isotope_mass_fraction : pandas.MultiIndex """ df = pd.read_csv( fname, comment="#", sep=delimiter, skiprows=skip_rows, index_col=0 ) df = df.transpose() mass_fractions = pd.DataFrame( columns=np.arange(df.shape[1]), index=pd.Index([], name="atomic_number"), dtype=np.float64, ) isotope_index = pd.MultiIndex( [[]] * 2, [[]] * 2, names=["atomic_number", "mass_number"] ) isotope_mass_fractions = pd.DataFrame( columns=np.arange(df.shape[1]), index=isotope_index, dtype=np.float64 ) for element_symbol_string in df.index[skip_columns:]: if element_symbol_string in Z_DICT.values(): z = elem_to_Z(element_symbol_string) mass_fractions.loc[z, :] = df.loc[element_symbol_string].tolist() else: nuc = Nuclide(element_symbol_string) z = nuc.Z mass_no = nuc.A isotope_mass_fractions.loc[(z, mass_no), :] = df.loc[ element_symbol_string ].tolist() return mass_fractions.index, mass_fractions, isotope_mass_fractions