Source code for tardis.visualization.plot_util

"""Utility functions to be used in plotting."""

import re
import numpy as np

[docs] def axis_label_in_latex(label_text, unit, only_text=True): """ Get axis label for plotly plots that can show units in latex. Parameters ---------- label_text : str Text to show on label, may be expressed in latex unit : astropy.units Unit of the label which needs to be expressed in latex only_text : bool If label_text is expressed purely in text (i.e. without using latex) or not. Default value is True Returns ------- str Latex string for label renderable by plotly """ unit_in_latex = unit.to_string("latex_inline").strip("$") # If present, place s^{-1} just after erg if "erg" in unit_in_latex and "s^{-1}" in unit_in_latex: constituent_units = ( re.compile(r"\\mathrm\{(.*)\}") .findall(unit_in_latex)[0] .split("\\,") ) constituent_units.remove("s^{-1}") constituent_units.insert(constituent_units.index("erg") + 1, "s^{-1}") constituent_units_string = "\\,".join(constituent_units) unit_in_latex = f"\\mathrm{{{constituent_units_string}}}" if only_text: return f"$\\text{{{label_text}}}\\,[{unit_in_latex}]$" else: return f"${label_text}\\,[{unit_in_latex}]$"
[docs] def get_mid_point_idx(arr): """ Get index of the middle point of a sorted array (ascending or descending). The values in array may not be evenly distributed so it picks the middle point not by index but by their values. Parameters ---------- arr : np.array Returns ------- int """ mid_value = (arr[0] + arr[-1]) / 2 return np.abs(arr - mid_value).argmin()
[docs] def to_rgb255_string(color_tuple): """ Convert a matplotlib RGBA tuple to a generic RGB 255 string. Parameters ---------- color_tuple : tuple Matplotlib RGBA tuple of float values in closed interval [0, 1] Returns ------- str RGB string of format rgb(r,g,b) where r,g,b are integers between 0 and 255 (both inclusive) """ color_tuple_255 = tuple([int(x * 255) for x in color_tuple[:3]]) return f"rgb{color_tuple_255}"