Source code for tardis.visualization.widgets.grotrian

Grotrian Diagram Widget for TARDIS simulation models.

This widget displays a Grotrian Diagram of the last line interactions of the simulation packets
from tardis.analysis import LastLineInteraction
from tardis.util.base import species_tuple_to_string, species_string_to_tuple
from tardis.util.base import int_to_roman
import plotly.graph_objects as go
from plotly.subplots import make_subplots
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from astropy import units as u
import ipywidgets as ipw


[docs] def is_zero_defined(transform): """ Utility function to decide if a certain transform is defined at zero Parameters ---------- transform : function Returns ------- bool True if transform is defined at 0 else False """ if transform in [np.log, np.log10]: return True return False
[docs] def standardize( values, transform=lambda x: x, min_value=None, max_value=None, zero_undefined_offset=0, ): """ Utility function to standardize displayed values like wavelengths, num_packets, levels populations to the range [0, 1] This helps in computing visual elements like widths, colors, etc. Parameters ---------- values : pandas.Series The data to standardize transform : function, optional Transformations like np.log, np.exp, etc. to apply on the data. Defaults to identity min_value : float, optional The lower bound of the range max_value : float, optional The upper bound of the range zero_undefined_offset : int, optional This is useful for log transformation because log(0) is -inf. Hence, value=0 gives y=0 while the output for other values start at `zero_undefined_offset` (y = log(value) + zero_undefined_offset) Default value is 0 Returns ------- pandas.Series Values after standardization """ zero_undefined = is_zero_defined(transform) # Is function defined at 0? if zero_undefined and zero_undefined_offset == 0: raise ValueError( "If zero of the transformation is undefined, then provide an offset greater than 0" ) # Compute lower and upper bounds of values if min_value is None: if zero_undefined: min_value = ( values[values > 0].min() if len(values[values > 0]) > 0 else 0 ) else: min_value = values.min() if len(values) > 0 else 0 if max_value is None: if zero_undefined: max_value = ( values[values > 0].max() if len(values[values > 0]) > 0 else 0 ) else: max_value = values.max() if len(values) > 0 else 0 # Apply transformation if given transformed_min_value = ( transform(min_value) if (min_value > 0 or not zero_undefined) else 0 ) transformed_max_value = ( transform(max_value) if (max_value > 0 or not zero_undefined) else 0 ) transformed_values = transform(values) # Compute range value_range = transformed_max_value - transformed_min_value # Apply standardization if value_range > 0: transformed_values = ( transformed_values - transformed_min_value ) / value_range if zero_undefined: transformed_values = transformed_values + zero_undefined_offset transformed_values = np.where(values == 0, 0, transformed_values) else: # If only single value present in table, then place it at 0 transformed_values = 0 * values return transformed_values
[docs] class GrotrianPlot: """ Class for the Grotrian Diagram Parameters ---------- atom_data : pandas.DataFrame Mapping from atomic number to symbol and name level_energy_data : pandas.Series Level energies (in eV) indexed by (atomic_number, ion_number, level_number) level_population_data : pandas.DataFrame Level populations indexed by (atomic_number, ion_number, level_number) and each column representing the supernova shell line_interaction_analysis : tardis.analysis.LastLineInteraction LastLineInteraction object with the appropriate filters Configurable Attributes ----------------------- atomic_number : int Atomic number of the ion for which the diagram is plotted Note: User should set the atomic_number and ion_number together using set_ion function. ion_number : int Ion number of the ion for which the diagram is plotted Note: User should set the atomic_number and ion_number together using set_ion function. shell : int or None The supernova shell to filter on. If None, the level populations are averaged across all shells, and all last line interaction are considered Default value is None max_levels : int The maximum number of levels to plot. Default value is 10 level_diff_threshold : float The percentage threshold under which levels are merged Default value is 1% (0.01) min_wavelength : float The minimum wavelength allowed for the transitions max_wavelength : float The maximum wavelength allowed for the transitions filter_mode : {"packet_out_nu", "packet_in_nu"} The type of wavelength to apply wavelength range filter on Default value is packet_out_nu y_scale : {"Log", "Linear"} The scale to plot the energy levels on the y-axis Default value is Log cmapname : str The name of the colormap used to denote wavelengths. Default value is "rainbow" level_width_scale : float The multiplier to convert standardized level populations to level widths Default value is 3 level_width_offset : float The offset for level widths (to add to the scaled standardized level populations) Default value is 1 transition_width_scale : float The multiplier to convert standardized packet count to transition widths Default value is 2 transition_width_offset : float The offset for transition widths (to add to the scaled standardized packet counts) Default value is 1 """ FILTER_MODES = ("packet_out_nu", "packet_in_nu") FILTER_MODES_DESC = ("Emitted Wavelength", "Absorbed Wavelength") Y_SCALE_OPTION = {"Linear": (lambda x: x), "Log": np.log}
[docs] @classmethod def from_simulation(cls, sim, **kwargs): """ Creates a GrotrianPlot object from a Simulation object Parameters ---------- sim : tardis.simulation.Simulation TARDIS simulation object Returns ------- tardis.visualization.widgets.grotrian.GrotrianPlot GrotrianPlot object """ atom_data = sim.plasma.atomic_data.atom_data level_energy_data = pd.Series( *, name="energy", ) level_population_data = sim.plasma.level_number_density line_interaction_analysis = { filter_mode: LastLineInteraction.from_simulation(sim, filter_mode) for filter_mode in cls.FILTER_MODES } return cls( atom_data=atom_data, level_energy_data=level_energy_data, level_population_data=level_population_data, line_interaction_analysis=line_interaction_analysis, **kwargs, )
def __init__( self, atom_data, level_energy_data, level_population_data, line_interaction_analysis, ): # Set data members self._atom_data = atom_data self._level_energy_data = level_energy_data self._level_population_data = level_population_data self._line_interaction_analysis = line_interaction_analysis # Max number of levels to display self._max_levels = 10 # Energy difference threshold below which levels are merged self._level_diff_threshold = 0.01 # Filter mode for the wavelength range self._min_wavelength = None self._max_wavelength = None self._filter_mode = self.FILTER_MODES[0] # Selected Species self._atomic_number = None self._ion_number = None self._shell = None ### Define default parameters for visual elements related to energy levels self.level_width_scale, self.level_width_offset = 3, 1 self._level_width_transform = np.log # Scale of the level widths self._population_spacer = np.geomspace # To space width bar counts ### Scale of the y-axis self._y_scale = "Log" self._y_coord_transform = self.Y_SCALE_OPTION[self._y_scale] ### Define default parameters for visual elements related to transitions self.transition_width_scale, self.transition_width_offset = 2, 1 self._transition_width_transform = np.log # Scale of the arrow widths self._transition_count_spacer = ( np.geomspace ) # To space width bar counts self.arrowhead_size = 9 ### Define default parameters for visual elements related to wavelengths self.cmapname = "rainbow" self._wavelength_color_transform = np.log # Scale of wavelength color self._wavelength_spacer = np.geomspace # To space colorbar wavelengths # Coordinate end points of levels self.x_min, self.x_max = 0, 1 @property def min_wavelength(self): return self._min_wavelength @min_wavelength.setter def min_wavelength(self, value): self._min_wavelength = value self._compute_transitions() @property def max_wavelength(self): return self._max_wavelength @max_wavelength.setter def max_wavelength(self, value): self._max_wavelength = value self._compute_transitions()
[docs] def reset_selected_plot_wavelength_range(self): """ Resets the wavelength range of the selected plot """ self.min_wavelength = None self.max_wavelength = None
@property def max_levels(self): return self._max_levels @max_levels.setter def max_levels(self, value): assert type(value) is int self._max_levels = value self._compute_level_data() self.reset_selected_plot_wavelength_range() # calls _compute_transitions() as well @property def level_diff_threshold(self): return self._level_diff_threshold @level_diff_threshold.setter def level_diff_threshold(self, value): assert 0 >= value and value < 1 self._level_diff_threshold = value self._compute_level_data() self._compute_transitions() @property def filter_mode(self): return self._filter_mode @filter_mode.setter def filter_mode(self, value): assert value in self.FILTER_MODES # Set the atomic_number and ion_number in the appropriate analysis object self._line_interaction_analysis[value].set_ion( self.atomic_number, self.ion_number ) self._line_interaction_analysis[value].shell = self._filter_mode = value self._compute_transitions() @property def atomic_number(self): if self._atomic_number is None: raise ValueError("Atomic number is not set") return self._atomic_number
[docs] def set_ion(self, atomic_number, ion_number): """ Sets the atomic number and ion number """ assert type(atomic_number) is int and type(ion_number) is int if (atomic_number, ion_number) not in self._level_energy_data.index or ( atomic_number, ion_number, ) not in self._level_population_data.index: raise ValueError( "The (atomic_number, ion_number) pair doesn't exist in model" ) self._line_interaction_analysis[self.filter_mode].set_ion( atomic_number, ion_number ) self._atomic_number = atomic_number self._ion_number = ion_number self._compute_level_data() # Reset any custom wavelengths if user changes ion self.reset_selected_plot_wavelength_range() # Also computes transition lines so we don't need to call it "_compute_transitions()" explicitly
@property def ion_number(self): if self._ion_number is None: raise ValueError("Ion number is not set") return self._ion_number @property def atomic_name(self): return self._atom_data.loc[self.atomic_number]["name"] @property def atomic_symbol(self): return self._atom_data.loc[self.atomic_number]["symbol"] @property def shell(self): return self._shell @shell.setter def shell(self, value): assert value is None or type(value) is int self._line_interaction_analysis[self.filter_mode].shell = value self._shell = value self._compute_level_data() self._compute_transitions() @property def y_scale(self): return self._y_scale @y_scale.setter def y_scale(self, value): assert value in self.Y_SCALE_OPTION self._y_scale = value self._y_coord_transform = self.Y_SCALE_OPTION[self._y_scale] def _compute_transitions(self): """ Computes the excitation/de-excitation line transition data for the arrows in the widget """ ### Get the excitation/de-excitation transitions from LastLineInteraction object excite_lines = ( self._line_interaction_analysis[self.filter_mode] .last_line_in.reset_index() .groupby(["level_number_lower", "level_number_upper"]) .agg( num_electrons=("line_id", "count"), # Take count of lines wavelength=("wavelength", "first"), # Take first of wavelengths ) .reset_index() ) deexcite_lines = ( self._line_interaction_analysis[self.filter_mode] .last_line_out.reset_index() .groupby(["level_number_lower", "level_number_upper"]) .agg( num_electrons=("line_id", "count"), # Take count of lines wavelength=("wavelength", "first"), # Take first of wavelengths ) .reset_index() ) ### Filter transitions to only include transitions up to the self.max_levels excite_lines = excite_lines.loc[ excite_lines.level_number_upper <= self.max_levels ] deexcite_lines = deexcite_lines.loc[ deexcite_lines.level_number_upper <= self.max_levels ] ### Map the levels to merged levels excite_lines[ "merged_level_number_lower" ] = excite_lines[ "merged_level_number_upper" ] = deexcite_lines[ "merged_level_number_lower" ] = deexcite_lines[ "merged_level_number_upper" ] = ### Group by level pairs excite_lines = ( excite_lines.groupby( ["merged_level_number_lower", "merged_level_number_upper"] ) .agg( wavelength=("wavelength", "mean"), # Take mean of wavelength num_electrons=("num_electrons", "sum"), # Take sum of counts ) .reset_index() ) deexcite_lines = ( deexcite_lines.groupby( ["merged_level_number_lower", "merged_level_number_upper"] ) .agg( wavelength=("wavelength", "mean"), # Take mean of wavelength num_electrons=("num_electrons", "sum"), # Take sum of counts ) .reset_index() ) ### Remove the rows where start and end (merged) level is the same excite_lines = excite_lines.loc[ excite_lines.merged_level_number_lower != excite_lines.merged_level_number_upper ] deexcite_lines = deexcite_lines.loc[ deexcite_lines.merged_level_number_lower != deexcite_lines.merged_level_number_upper ] ### Compute default wavelengths if not set by user if len(excite_lines) + len(deexcite_lines) > 0: if self.min_wavelength is None: # Compute default wavelength self._min_wavelength = np.min( np.concatenate( (excite_lines.wavelength, deexcite_lines.wavelength) ) ) if self.max_wavelength is None: # Compute default wavelength self._max_wavelength = np.max( np.concatenate( (excite_lines.wavelength, deexcite_lines.wavelength) ) ) ### Remove the rows outside the wavelength range for the plot excite_lines = excite_lines.loc[ (excite_lines.wavelength >= self.min_wavelength) & (excite_lines.wavelength <= self.max_wavelength) ] deexcite_lines = deexcite_lines.loc[ (deexcite_lines.wavelength >= self.min_wavelength) & (deexcite_lines.wavelength <= self.max_wavelength) ] ### Compute the standardized log number of electrons for arrow line width transition_width_coefficient = standardize( np.concatenate( (excite_lines.num_electrons, deexcite_lines.num_electrons) ), transform=self._transition_width_transform, zero_undefined_offset=1e-3, ) excite_lines[ "transition_width_coefficient" ] = transition_width_coefficient[: len(excite_lines)] deexcite_lines[ "transition_width_coefficient" ] = transition_width_coefficient[len(excite_lines) :] self.excite_lines = excite_lines self.deexcite_lines = deexcite_lines def _compute_level_data(self): """ Computes the level population data for the horizontal platforms in the widget """ ### Get energy levels and convert to eV raw_energy_levels = self._level_energy_data.loc[ self.atomic_number, self.ion_number ].loc[0 : self.max_levels] ### Get level populations raw_level_populations = self._level_population_data.loc[ self.atomic_number, self.ion_number ].loc[0 : self.max_levels] ### Average out the level populations across all zones, if zone not selected if is None: raw_level_populations = raw_level_populations.mean(axis=1) else: raw_level_populations = raw_level_populations[] raw_level_populations = pd.Series( raw_level_populations, name="population" ) ### Join level populations and energy values raw_level_data = pd.merge( raw_energy_levels, raw_level_populations, left_index=True, right_index=True, ) ### Merge the levels if energy difference is less than threshold # Get new level numbers # TODO: Find a better way to find close levels (less than 0.03 diff in y-coord) raw_level_data["merged_level_number"] = ( (raw_level_data["energy"] + 1).pct_change().abs() > self.level_diff_threshold ).cumsum() # Group data with new level numbers self.level_data = ( raw_level_data.reset_index() .groupby("merged_level_number") .agg( energy=( "energy", "mean", ), # Set energy as mean of merged levels population=("population", "sum"), ) ) # Add the populations of merged levels ### Standardize the level populations to get width coefficient of levels self.level_data["level_width_coefficient"] = standardize( self.level_data.population, transform=self._level_width_transform, zero_undefined_offset=1e-3, ) ### Create a mapping from original levels to merged levels self.level_mapping = raw_level_data.merged_level_number def _draw_energy_levels(self): """ Draws the horizontal energy levels on the widget """ # Transform energies and standardize result to get y-coordinate in range [0, 1] self.level_data["y_coord"] = standardize(, transform=self._y_coord_transform, zero_undefined_offset=0.1, ) ### Create the energy levels from level data for level_number, level_info in self.level_data.iterrows(): # Add the horizontal line self.fig.add_trace( go.Scatter( x=np.linspace(self.x_min - 0.05, self.x_max + 0.05, 10), y=level_info.y_coord * np.ones(10), mode="lines", hovertemplate=f"Energy: {} eV<br>" + f"Population: {level_info.population:.2e}" + "<extra></extra>", line=dict( color="black", width=level_info.level_width_coefficient * self.level_width_scale + self.level_width_offset, ) if level_info.population > 0 else dict(color="grey", dash="dash"), showlegend=False, ), row=1, col=2, ) # Add label for energy self.fig.add_annotation( x=self.x_max + 0.1, y=level_info.y_coord, text=f"{level_number}", showarrow=False, xref="x2", yref="y2", ) def _draw_population_width_scale(self): """ Displays the level population width reference bar """ ### Create width scale ### Find lower and upper bounds of populations and corresponding widths min_population_idx = self.level_data.population[ self.level_data.population > 0 ].idxmin() max_population_idx = self.level_data.population.idxmax() min_population = self.level_data.population[min_population_idx] max_population = self.level_data.population[max_population_idx] min_width = ( self.level_data.level_width_coefficient[min_population_idx] * self.level_width_scale + self.level_width_offset ) max_width = ( self.level_data.level_width_coefficient[max_population_idx] * self.level_width_scale + self.level_width_offset ) ### Space the populations (log) and corresponding widths (linear) equally scale_granularity = 10 # Number of scale ticks to display population_ticks = self._population_spacer( min_population, max_population, scale_granularity ) width_ticks = np.linspace(min_width, max_width, scale_granularity) y_positions = np.linspace(0, 1, scale_granularity) ### Draw the scale lines for population, width, y_pos in zip( population_ticks, width_ticks, y_positions ): self.fig.add_shape( type="line", line_width=width, x0=0.1, x1=0.2, y0=y_pos, y1=y_pos, xref="x1", yref="y1", ) self.fig.add_annotation( x=0.35, y=y_pos, text=f"{population:.1e}", showarrow=False, xref="x1", yref="y1", ) # Add title of the width bar self.fig.add_annotation( x=0.28, y=-0.08, text="Populations", showarrow=False, xref="x1", yref="y1", ) def _draw_transitions(self, is_excitation): """ Draws the transition arrows on the widget """ lines = self.excite_lines if is_excitation else self.deexcite_lines lines["color_coefficient"] = standardize( lines.wavelength, transform=self._wavelength_color_transform, zero_undefined_offset=1e-5, min_value=self.min_wavelength, max_value=self.max_wavelength, ) self._cmap = plt.get_cmap(self.cmapname) # Float to color map ### Plot excitation transitions for _, line_info in lines.iterrows(): lower, upper = ( line_info.merged_level_number_lower, line_info.merged_level_number_upper, ) wavelength, transition_width_coefficient = ( line_info.wavelength, line_info.transition_width_coefficient, ) energy_lower, energy_upper = ( self.level_data.loc[lower].energy, self.level_data.loc[upper].energy, ) # Get the end x-coordinate (proportional to energy difference between levels) merged_max_energy_level = x_end = ( (energy_upper - energy_lower) * (self.x_max - self.x_min) / (merged_max_energy_level - energy_lower) ) # Get the appropriate y-coordinate (computed in _draw_energy_levels) y_lower = self.level_data.loc[lower].y_coord y_upper = self.level_data.loc[upper].y_coord # Get the end arrow color (proportional to log wavelength) color_coef = line_info.color_coefficient color = matplotlib.colors.rgb2hex(self._cmap(color_coef)[:3]) # Draw arrow self.fig.add_trace( go.Scatter( x=[self.x_min, x_end], y=[y_lower, y_upper] if is_excitation else [y_upper, y_lower], hovertemplate=f"Count: {int(line_info.num_electrons)}<br>" + f"Wavelength: {wavelength:.2e} {ANGSTROM_SYMBOL}" + "<extra></extra>", marker=dict( size=self.arrowhead_size, color=color, symbol="arrow-up", angleref="previous", ), line=dict( color=color, width=transition_width_coefficient * self.transition_width_scale + self.transition_width_offset, ), ), row=1, col=2, ) def _draw_transition_width_scale(self): """ Displays the transition count width reference bar """ ### Find lower and upper bounds of num_electrons and corresponding widths max_num_electrons = np.max( np.concatenate( ( self.excite_lines.num_electrons, self.deexcite_lines.num_electrons, ) ) ) min_num_electrons = np.min( np.concatenate( ( self.excite_lines.num_electrons, self.deexcite_lines.num_electrons, ) ) ) max_width_coefficient = np.max( np.concatenate( ( self.excite_lines.transition_width_coefficient, self.deexcite_lines.transition_width_coefficient, ) ) ) min_width_coefficient = np.min( np.concatenate( ( self.excite_lines.transition_width_coefficient, self.deexcite_lines.transition_width_coefficient, ) ) ) min_width = ( min_width_coefficient * self.transition_width_scale + self.transition_width_offset ) max_width = ( max_width_coefficient * self.transition_width_scale + self.transition_width_offset ) ### Space the num_electrons (log) and corresponding widths (linear) equally scale_granularity = 10 num_electrons_ticks = self._transition_count_spacer( min_num_electrons, max_num_electrons, scale_granularity ) width_ticks = np.linspace(min_width, max_width, scale_granularity) y_positions = np.linspace(0, 1, scale_granularity) ### Draw the width bar for num_electrons, width, y_pos in zip( num_electrons_ticks, width_ticks, y_positions ): self.fig.add_shape( type="line", line_width=width, x0=0.65, x1=0.75, y0=y_pos, y1=y_pos, xref="x1", yref="y1", ) self.fig.add_annotation( x=0.9, y=y_pos, text=f"{num_electrons:.1e}", showarrow=False, xref="x1", yref="y1", ) # Add title of the width bar self.fig.add_annotation( x=0.83, y=-0.08, text="#Packets", showarrow=False, xref="x1", yref="y1", ) def _draw_transition_color_scale(self): """ Displays the transition wavelength colorbar """ # Add a dummy Scatter trace to display colorbar tickvals = self._wavelength_spacer( self.min_wavelength, self.max_wavelength, 10 ) ticktext = [f"{val:.1e}" for val in tickvals] self.fig.add_trace( go.Scatter( x=[None], y=[None], mode="markers", marker=dict( colorscale=self.cmapname, showscale=True, cmin=self._wavelength_color_transform(self.min_wavelength), cmax=self._wavelength_color_transform(self.max_wavelength), colorbar=dict( title=dict( text=f"Wavelength ({ANGSTROM_SYMBOL})<br>&nbsp;", font_size=12, ), thickness=5, tickvals=self._wavelength_color_transform(tickvals), ticktext=ticktext, outlinewidth=0, ), ), hoverinfo="none", ), row=1, col=2, )
[docs] def display(self): """ Function to draw the plot and the reference scales (calls other draw methods independently) """ ### Create figure and set metadata self.fig = go.FigureWidget( make_subplots( rows=1, cols=2, column_width=[0.3, 0.7], specs=[[{}, {}]], horizontal_spacing=0.14, ) ) # Update fig layout self.fig.update_layout( title=( f"Energy Level Diagram for {self.atomic_name} {int_to_roman(self.ion_number + 1)} " f"(Shell: { if is not None else 'All'})" ), title_x=0.5, plot_bgcolor="white", autosize=False, width=1000, height=700, margin=dict(), showlegend=False, ) # Remove ticklabels in the reference bars subplot self.fig.update_yaxes( showticklabels=False, fixedrange=True, row=1, col=1 ) self.fig.update_xaxes( showticklabels=False, fixedrange=True, row=1, col=1 ) ### Create energy level platforms and width reference scale self._draw_energy_levels() self._draw_population_width_scale() # Remove ticklabels from x-axis self.fig.update_xaxes( showticklabels=False, fixedrange=True, row=1, col=2 ) # Update y-ticks to reflect actual energy values self.fig.update_yaxes( title=dict(text="Energy (eV)", standoff=5), range=[0, None], tickmode="array", tickvals=self.level_data.y_coord, ticktext=[f"{energy:.2e}" for energy in], fixedrange=True, row=1, col=2, ) # Add separator between width scales self.fig.add_shape( type="line", line=dict(color="grey", dash="dash"), line_width=0.5, x0=0.55, x1=0.55, y0=0, y1=1, xref="x1", yref="y1", ) ### Create transition lines and corresponding width and color scales if len(self.excite_lines) > 0: self._draw_transitions(is_excitation=True) if len(self.deexcite_lines) > 0: self._draw_transitions(is_excitation=False) if len(self.excite_lines) + len(self.deexcite_lines) > 0: self._draw_transition_width_scale() self._draw_transition_color_scale() return self.fig
[docs] class GrotrianWidget: """ A wrapper class for the Grotrian Diagram, containing the Grotrian Plot and the IpyWidgets Parameters ---------- plot : tardis.visualization.widgets.grotrian.GrotrianPlot GrotrianPlot object num_shells : int Number of shells in the sim.simulation_state.v_inner """
[docs] @classmethod def from_simulation(cls, sim, **kwargs): """ Creates a GrotrianWidget object from a Simulation object Parameters ---------- sim : tardis.simulation.Simulation TARDIS simulation object Returns ------- tardis.visualization.widgets.grotrian.GrotrianWidget GrotrianWidget object """ plot = GrotrianPlot.from_simulation(sim, **kwargs) num_shells = len(sim.simulation_state.v_inner) return cls(plot, num_shells, **kwargs)
def __init__(self, plot, num_shells, **kwargs): self.plot = plot self.num_shells = num_shells species_list = self._get_species() self.ion_selector = ipw.Dropdown( options=species_list, index=0, description="Ion", ) self.plot.set_ion(*species_string_to_tuple(self.ion_selector.value)) self.ion_selector.observe( self._ion_change_handler, names="value", ) self.ion_selector.observe( self._wavelength_resetter, names="value", ) shell_list = ["All"] + [str(i) for i in range(1, num_shells + 1)] self.shell_selector = ipw.Dropdown( options=shell_list, index=0, description="Shell", ) self.shell_selector.observe( lambda change: self._change_handler( "shell", None if change["new"] == "All" else int(change["new"]) ), names="value", ) self.shell_selector.observe( self._wavelength_resetter, names="value", ) self.max_level_selector = ipw.BoundedIntText( value=plot.max_levels, min=1, max=40, step=1, description="Max Levels", ) self.max_level_selector.observe( lambda change: self._change_handler("max_levels", change["new"]), names="value", ) self.max_level_selector.observe( self._wavelength_resetter, names="value", ) self.y_scale_selector = ipw.ToggleButtons( options=GrotrianPlot.Y_SCALE_OPTION.keys(), index=1, description="Y-Scale", layout=ipw.Layout(width="auto"), style={"button_width": "100px"}, ) self.y_scale_selector.observe( lambda change: self._change_handler("y_scale", change["new"]), names="value", ) self.wavelength_range_selector = ipw.FloatRangeSlider( value=[self.plot.min_wavelength, self.plot.max_wavelength], min=self.plot.min_wavelength, max=self.plot.max_wavelength, step=0.1, description="Wavelength", layout=ipw.Layout(width="605px"), readout_format=".1e", ) self.wavelength_range_selector.observe( self._wavelength_change_handler, names="value", ) def _get_species(self): """ Computes the ions list for the ion dropdown of the plot """ line_interaction_analysis = self.plot._line_interaction_analysis selected_species_group = line_interaction_analysis[ self.plot.filter_mode ].last_line_in.groupby(["atomic_number", "ion_number"]) if selected_species_group.groups: selected_species_symbols = [ species_tuple_to_string(item) for item in selected_species_group.groups.keys() ] return selected_species_symbols def _change_handler(self, attribute, value): """ Generic function to update the configurable attributes of GrotrianPlot object Parameters ---------- attribute : str The name of the attribute of the GrotrianPlot object value : The new value of the attribute """ index = self.fig.children.index(self.plot.fig) setattr(self.plot, attribute, value) # Set the value of the attribute # Set the updated plot in the figure children_list = list(self.fig.children) children_list[index] = self.plot.display() self.fig.children = tuple(children_list) def _ion_change_handler(self, change): """ Function to update ion of GrotrianPlot object Parameters ---------- change : dict Change information of the event """ atomic_number, ion_number = species_string_to_tuple(change["new"]) index = self.fig.children.index(self.plot.fig) self.plot.set_ion(atomic_number, ion_number) # Set the updated plot in the figure children_list = list(self.fig.children) children_list[index] = self.plot.display() self.fig.children = tuple(children_list) # self._wavelength_resetter() def _wavelength_change_handler(self, change): """ Function to update the wavelength range of GrotrianPlot object Parameters ---------- change : dict Change information of the event """ min_wavelength, max_wavelength = change["new"] index = self.fig.children.index(self.plot.fig) setattr(self.plot, "min_wavelength", min_wavelength) setattr(self.plot, "max_wavelength", max_wavelength + 1) # Set the updated plot in the figure children_list = list(self.fig.children) children_list[index] = self.plot.display() self.fig.children = tuple(children_list) def _wavelength_resetter(self, change): """ Resets the range of the wavelength slider whenever the ion, level or shell changes """ min_wavelength = self.plot.min_wavelength max_wavelength = self.plot.max_wavelength if min_wavelength is None or max_wavelength is None: self.wavelength_range_selector.layout.visibility = "hidden" return elif min_wavelength == max_wavelength: self.wavelength_range_selector.layout.visibility = "visible" self.wavelength_range_selector.disabled = True else: self.wavelength_range_selector.layout.visibility = "visible" self.wavelength_range_selector.disabled = False self.wavelength_range_selector.min = 0.0 self.wavelength_range_selector.max = max_wavelength self.wavelength_range_selector.min = min_wavelength self.wavelength_range_selector.value = [ self.wavelength_range_selector.min, self.wavelength_range_selector.max, ]
[docs] def display(self): """ Function to render the Grotrian Widget containing the plot and IpyWidgets together """ fig = self.plot.display() self.fig = ipw.VBox( [ ipw.HBox( [ self.ion_selector, self.shell_selector, self.max_level_selector, ] ), ipw.HBox( [self.y_scale_selector, self.wavelength_range_selector] ), fig, ] ) return self.fig