tardis.io.atom_data.base module¶
- class tardis.io.atom_data.base.AtomData(atom_data, ionization_data, levels=None, lines=None, macro_atom_data=None, macro_atom_references=None, zeta_data=None, collision_data=None, collision_data_temperatures=None, synpp_refs=None, photoionization_data=None, yg_data=None, two_photon_data=None, linelist=None, decay_radiation_data=None)[source]¶
Class for storing atomic data
- Parameters:
- atom_datapandas.DataFrame
- A DataFrame containing the *basic atomic data* with:
index : atomic_number columns : symbol, name, mass[u].
- ionization_datapandas.DataFrame
- A DataFrame containing the *ionization data* with:
index : atomic_number, ion_number columns : ionization_energy[eV].
- It is important to note here is that `ion_number` describes the *final ion state*
- e.g. H I - H II is described with ion=1
- levelspandas.DataFrame
- A DataFrame containing the *levels data* with:
index : numerical index columns : atomic_number, ion_number, level_number, energy[eV], g[1], metastable.
- linespandas.DataFrame
- A DataFrame containing the *lines data* with:
index : numerical index columns : line_id, atomic_number, ion_number, level_number_lower, level_number_upper, wavelength[angstrom], nu[Hz], f_lu[1], f_ul[1], B_ul[?], B_ul[?], A_ul[1/s].
- macro_atom_data
- A DataFrame containing the *macro atom data* with:
index : numerical index columns : atomic_number, ion_number, source_level_number, destination_level_number, transition_line_id, transition_type, transition_probability;
- macro_atom_references
- A DataFrame containing the *macro atom references* with:
index : numerical index columns : atomic_number, ion_number, source_level_number, count_down, count_up, count_total.
- Refer to the docs: http://tardis.readthedocs.io/en/latest/physics/plasma/macroatom.html
- collision_data(pandas.DataFrame, np.array)
- A DataFrame containing the *electron collisions data* with:
index : atomic_number, ion_number, level_number_lower, level_number_upper columns : e_col_id, delta_e, g_ratio, c_ul;
- collision_data_temperaturesnp.array
An array with the collision temperatures.
- zeta_data
- A DataFrame containing the *zeta data* for the
- nebular ionization calculation
- (i.e., the fraction of recombinations that go directly to the
- ground state) with:
index : atomic_number, ion_charge columns : temperatures[K]
- synpp_refs?
- photoionization_datapandas.DataFrame
- A DataFrame containing the *photoionization data* with:
index : numerical index columns : atomic_number, ion_number, level_number, nu[Hz], x_sect[cm^2]
- two_photon_datapandas.DataFrame
- A DataFrame containing the *two photon decay data* with:
index: atomic_number, ion_number, level_number_lower, level_number_upper columns: A_ul[1/s], nu0[Hz], alpha, beta, gamma
- decay_radiation_datapandas.DataFrame
- A dataframe containing the *decay radiation data* with:
index: Isotope names columns: atomic_number, element, Rad energy, Rad intensity decay mode. Curated from nndc
The units of some columns are given in the square brackets. They are NOT the parts of columns’ names!
- Attributes:
- preparedbool
- atom_datapandas.DataFrame
- ionization_datapandas.DataFrame
- macro_atom_data_allpandas.DataFrame
- macro_atom_references_allpandas.DataFrame
- collision_datapandas.DataFrame
- collision_data_temperaturesnumpy.array
- zeta_datapandas.DataFrame
- synpp_refspandas.DataFrame
- symbol2atomic_numberOrderedDict
- atomic_number2symbolOrderedDict
- photoionization_datapandas.DataFrame
- two_photon_datapandas.DataFrame
- decay_radiation_datapandas.DataFrame
Function to read the atom data from a TARDIS atom HDF Store
Prepares the atom data to set the lines, levels and if requested macro atom data. This function mainly cuts the
by discarding any data that is not needed (any data for atoms that are not needed- classmethod from_hdf(fname=None)[source]¶
Function to read the atom data from a TARDIS atom HDF Store
- Parameters:
- fnamePath, optional
Path to the HDFStore file or name of known atom data file (default: None)
- hdf_names = ['atom_data', 'ionization_data', 'levels', 'lines', 'macro_atom_data', 'macro_atom_references', 'zeta_data', 'collision_data', 'collision_data_temperatures', 'synpp_refs', 'photoionization_data', 'yg_data', 'two_photon_data', 'linelist', 'decay_radiation_data']¶
- prepare_atom_data(selected_atomic_numbers, line_interaction_type, nlte_species, continuum_interaction_species)[source]¶
Prepares the atom data to set the lines, levels and if requested macro atom data. This function mainly cuts the
by discarding any data that is not needed (any data for atoms that are not needed- Parameters:
- selected_atomsset
set of selected atom numbers, e.g. set([14, 26])
- line_interaction_typestr
can be ‘scatter’, ‘downbranch’ or ‘macroatom’
- prepare_continuum_interaction_data(continuum_interaction_species)[source]¶
Prepares the atom data for the continuum interaction
- Parameters:
- continuum_interactionContinuumInteraction
The continuum interaction object
- prepare_macro_atom_data(line_interaction_type, tmp_lines_lower2level_idx, tmp_lines_upper2level_idx)[source]¶