tardis.plasma.properties.continuum_processes.fast_array_util module

tardis.plasma.properties.continuum_processes.fast_array_util.cumulative_integrate_array_by_blocks(f, x, block_references)[source]

Cumulatively integrate a function over blocks.

This function cumulatively integrates a function f defined at locations x over blocks given in block_references.

fnumpy.ndarray, dtype float

Input array to integrate. Shape is (N_freq, N_shells), where N_freq is the number of frequency values and N_shells is the number of computational shells.

xnumpy.ndarray, dtype float

The sample points corresponding to the f values. Shape is (N_freq,).

block_referencesnumpy.ndarray, dtype int

The start indices of the blocks to be integrated. Shape is (N_blocks,).

numpy.ndarray, dtype float

Array with cumulatively integrated values. Shape is (N_freq, N_shells) same as f.

tardis.plasma.properties.continuum_processes.fast_array_util.numba_cumulative_trapezoid(f, x)[source]

Cumulatively integrate f(x) using the composite trapezoidal rule.

fnumpy.ndarray, dtype float

Input array to integrate.

xnumpy.ndarray, dtype float

The coordinate to integrate along.

numpy.ndarray, dtype float

The result of cumulative integration of f along x