Supernova ConfigurationΒΆ

The supernova component of the configuration file contains some key information about the supernova being modeled, namely the time since the supernova (which is used throughout TARDIS calculations) and the luminosity the user wishes TARDIS should output:

As luminosity (in units of energy/s) is computed by integrating over the spectral luminosity (in units of energy/s/wavelength), TARDIS sums over all discrete energy packets to compute luminosity when ran, attempting to converge the output spectrum to match luminosity_requested (see Updating Plasma and Convergence). luminosity_requested can be given in standard units, such as erg/s or J/s, or in logarithmic units such as log_lsun. The range over which TARDIS sums these energy packets is set by default from 0 to infinity via luminosity_wavelength_start and luminosity_wavelength_end, respectively, so as to generate a spectrum whose total luminosity across the entire spectrum is luminosity_requested. However, if in the event only the luminosity within a certain range of wavelengths is known, then luminosity_wavelength_start and luminosity_wavelength_end can be changed as necessary to reflect this, allowing TARDIS to attempt to create a spectrum whose luminosity within the set range will converge to the value defined in luminosity_requested.

As an example, here is a sample code which will generate a spectrum where only the luminosity of the visible light portion of the spectrum is given. Here, the output spectrum will have a luminosity of approximately \(10^{9.44}L_{sun}\) within the visible range.

  luminosity_requested: 9.44 log_lsun
  time_explosion: 13 day
  luminosity_wavelength_start: 400 nm
  luminosity_wavelength_end: 700 nm