Source code for tardis.simulation.convergence

import numpy as np

[docs] class ConvergenceSolver: def __init__(self, strategy): """Convergence solver. Sets convergence strategy and assigns a method to the converge property. Parameters ---------- strategy : string Convergence strategy for the physical property Raises ------ NotImplementedError Custom convergence type specified ValueError Unknown convergence type specified """ self.convergence_strategy = strategy self.damping_factor = self.convergence_strategy.damping_constant self.threshold = self.convergence_strategy.threshold if self.convergence_strategy.type in ("damped"): self.converge = self.damped_converge elif self.convergence_strategy.type in ("custom"): raise NotImplementedError( "Convergence strategy type is custom; " "you need to implement your specific treatment!" ) else: raise ValueError( f"Convergence strategy type is " f"not damped or custom " f"- input is {self.convergence_strategy.type}" )
[docs] def damped_converge(self, value, estimated_value): """Damped convergence solver Parameters ---------- value : np.float64 The current value of the physical property estimated_value : np.float64 The estimated value of the physical property Returns ------- np.float64 The converged value """ return value + self.damping_factor * (estimated_value - value)
[docs] def get_convergence_status(self, value, estimated_value, no_of_cells): """Get the status of convergence for the physical property Parameters ---------- value : np.float64, Quantity The current value of the physical property estimated_value : np.float64, Quantity The estimated value of the physical property no_of_cells : np.int64 The number of cells to measure convergence over Returns ------- bool True if convergence is reached """ convergence = abs(value - estimated_value) / estimated_value fraction_converged = ( np.count_nonzero(convergence < self.threshold) / no_of_cells ) return fraction_converged > self.threshold