Source code for

import logging

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from astropy import units as u

from tardis import constants as const
from tardis.opacities.macro_atom.base import TransitionProbabilities
from import (

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

__all__ = [

    4.0 * (np.pi * const.e.esu) ** 2 / (const.c.cgs * const.m_e.cgs)
).value  # See tardis/docs/physics/plasma/macroatom.rst

[docs] class StimulatedEmissionFactor(ProcessingPlasmaProperty): """ Attributes ---------- stimulated_emission_factor : Numpy Array, dtype float Indexed by lines, columns as zones. """ outputs = ("stimulated_emission_factor",) latex_formula = (r"1-\dfrac{g_{lower}n_{upper}}{g_{upper}n_{lower}}",) def __init__(self, plasma_parent=None, nlte_species=None): super().__init__(plasma_parent) self._g_upper = None self._g_lower = None self.nlte_species = nlte_species
[docs] def get_g_lower(self, g, lines_lower_level_index): if self._g_lower is None: g_lower = np.array( g.iloc[lines_lower_level_index], dtype=np.float64 ) self._g_lower = g_lower[np.newaxis].T return self._g_lower
[docs] def get_g_upper(self, g, lines_upper_level_index): if self._g_upper is None: g_upper = np.array( g.iloc[lines_upper_level_index], dtype=np.float64 ) self._g_upper = g_upper[np.newaxis].T return self._g_upper
[docs] def get_metastable_upper(self, metastability, lines_upper_level_index): if getattr(self, "_meta_stable_upper", None) is None: self._meta_stable_upper = metastability.values[ lines_upper_level_index ][np.newaxis].T return self._meta_stable_upper
[docs] def calculate( self, g, level_number_density, lines_lower_level_index, lines_upper_level_index, metastability, lines, ): n_lower = level_number_density.values.take( lines_lower_level_index, axis=0, mode="raise" ) n_upper = level_number_density.values.take( lines_upper_level_index, axis=0, mode="raise" ) g_lower = self.get_g_lower(g, lines_lower_level_index) g_upper = self.get_g_upper(g, lines_upper_level_index) meta_stable_upper = self.get_metastable_upper( metastability, lines_upper_level_index ) # In theory the factor should be 1 for n_lower = 0, but in practice the opacity is reduced to 0 anyway stimulated_emission_factor = np.zeros(n_lower.shape, dtype=np.float64) n_lower_zero_mask = n_lower == 0.0 stimulated_emission_factor[~n_lower_zero_mask] = 1 - ( (g_lower * n_upper)[~n_lower_zero_mask] / (g_upper * n_lower)[~n_lower_zero_mask] ) # the following line probably can be removed as well stimulated_emission_factor[np.isneginf(stimulated_emission_factor)] = ( 0.0 ) stimulated_emission_factor[ meta_stable_upper & (stimulated_emission_factor < 0) ] = 0.0 if self.nlte_species: nlte_lines_mask = ( lines.reset_index() .apply( lambda row: (row.atomic_number, row.ion_number) in self.nlte_species, axis=1, ) .values ) stimulated_emission_factor[ (stimulated_emission_factor < 0) & nlte_lines_mask[np.newaxis].T ] = 0.0 return stimulated_emission_factor
[docs] class RawRadBoundBoundTransProbs( TransitionProbabilities, TransitionProbabilitiesProperty ): """ Attributes ---------- p_rad_bb : pandas.DataFrame, dtype float Unnormalized transition probabilities for radiative bound-bound transitions """ outputs = ("p_rad_bb",) transition_probabilities_outputs = ("p_rad_bb",) def __init__(self, plasma_parent): super().__init__(plasma_parent) self.normalize = False
[docs] def calculate( self, atomic_data, beta_sobolev, j_blues, stimulated_emission_factor, tau_sobolevs, continuum_interaction_species, ): p_rad_bb = super().calculate( atomic_data, beta_sobolev, j_blues, stimulated_emission_factor, tau_sobolevs, ) transition_type = atomic_data.macro_atom_data.transition_type.replace( 1, 0 ) index = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays( [ atomic_data.macro_atom_data.source_level_idx, atomic_data.macro_atom_data.destination_level_idx, transition_type, ] ) mask_continuum_species = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays( [ atomic_data.macro_atom_data.atomic_number, atomic_data.macro_atom_data.ion_number, ] ).isin(continuum_interaction_species) p_rad_bb = p_rad_bb.set_index(index, drop=True)[mask_continuum_species] # To obtain energy-flow rates in cgs from the precomputed transition # probabilities in the atomic data, we have to multiply by the # constant C_EINSTEIN and convert from eV to erg. # See tardis/docs/physics/plasma/macroatom.rst p_rad_bb = p_rad_bb * C_EINSTEIN * return p_rad_bb