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Convergence Plots¶
The Convergence Plots consist of two Plotly FigureWidget Subplots, the plasma_plot
and the t_inner_luminosities_plot
. The plots can be displayed by setting the show_convergence_plots
option in the run_tardis
function to True
. The plots are stored in the convergence_plots
attribute of the simulation object sim
and can be accessed using sim.convergence_plots.plasma_plot
and sim.convergence_plots.t_inner_luminosities_plot
You only need to include export_convergence_plots=True
in the run_tardis
function when you want to share the notebook. The function shows the plot using the Plotly notebook_connected
renderer, which helps display the plot online. You don’t need to do it when running the notebook locally.
from tardis import run_tardis
from import download_atom_data
# We download the atomic data needed to run the simulation
# We run a simulation
sim = run_tardis('tardis_example.yml', show_convergence_plots=True, export_convergence_plots=True)
Atomic Data kurucz_cd23_chianti_H_He already exists in /home/runner/Downloads/tardis-data/kurucz_cd23_chianti_H_He.h5. Will not download - override with force_download=True.
[][INFO ]
Reading Atomic Data from kurucz_cd23_chianti_H_He.h5 (
[][INFO ]
Atom Data kurucz_cd23_chianti_H_He.h5 not found in local path.
Exists in TARDIS Data repo /home/runner/Downloads/tardis-data/kurucz_cd23_chianti_H_He.h5 (
[][INFO ]
Reading Atom Data with: UUID = 6f7b09e887a311e7a06b246e96350010 MD5 = 864f1753714343c41f99cb065710cace (
[][INFO ]
Non provided Atomic Data: synpp_refs, photoionization_data, yg_data, two_photon_data, linelist_atoms, linelist_molecules (
Number of density points larger than number of shells. Assuming inner point irrelevant (
[tardis.model.matter.decay][INFO ]
Decaying abundances for 1123200.0 seconds (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Starting iteration 1 of 20 (
[py.warnings ][WARNING]
/home/runner/work/tardis/tardis/tardis/transport/montecarlo/ NumbaTypeSafetyWarning:
unsafe cast from uint64 to int64. Precision may be lost.
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Luminosity emitted = 7.942e+42 erg / s
Luminosity absorbed = 2.659e+42 erg / s
Luminosity requested = 1.059e+43 erg / s
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Plasma stratification: (
Shell No. | t_rad | next_t_rad | w | next_w |
0 | 9.93e+03 K | 1.01e+04 K | 0.4 | 0.507 |
5 | 9.85e+03 K | 1.02e+04 K | 0.211 | 0.197 |
10 | 9.78e+03 K | 1.02e+04 K | 0.143 | 0.117 |
15 | 9.71e+03 K | 9.88e+03 K | 0.105 | 0.0868 |
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Current t_inner = 9933.952 K
Expected t_inner for next iteration = 10703.327 K
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Starting iteration 2 of 20 (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Luminosity emitted = 1.071e+43 erg / s
Luminosity absorbed = 3.577e+42 erg / s
Luminosity requested = 1.059e+43 erg / s
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Plasma stratification: (
Shell No. | t_rad | next_t_rad | w | next_w |
0 | 1.01e+04 K | 1.08e+04 K | 0.507 | 0.524 |
5 | 1.02e+04 K | 1.1e+04 K | 0.197 | 0.202 |
10 | 1.02e+04 K | 1.08e+04 K | 0.117 | 0.124 |
15 | 9.88e+03 K | 1.05e+04 K | 0.0868 | 0.0926 |
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Current t_inner = 10703.327 K
Expected t_inner for next iteration = 10673.709 K
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Starting iteration 3 of 20 (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Luminosity emitted = 1.074e+43 erg / s
Luminosity absorbed = 3.397e+42 erg / s
Luminosity requested = 1.059e+43 erg / s
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Iteration converged 1/4 consecutive times. (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Plasma stratification: (
Shell No. | t_rad | next_t_rad | w | next_w |
0 | 1.08e+04 K | 1.1e+04 K | 0.524 | 0.484 |
5 | 1.1e+04 K | 1.12e+04 K | 0.202 | 0.19 |
10 | 1.08e+04 K | 1.1e+04 K | 0.124 | 0.118 |
15 | 1.05e+04 K | 1.06e+04 K | 0.0926 | 0.0894 |
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Current t_inner = 10673.709 K
Expected t_inner for next iteration = 10637.548 K
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Starting iteration 4 of 20 (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Luminosity emitted = 1.058e+43 erg / s
Luminosity absorbed = 3.365e+42 erg / s
Luminosity requested = 1.059e+43 erg / s
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Iteration converged 2/4 consecutive times. (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Plasma stratification: (
Shell No. | t_rad | next_t_rad | w | next_w |
0 | 1.1e+04 K | 1.1e+04 K | 0.484 | 0.471 |
5 | 1.12e+04 K | 1.13e+04 K | 0.19 | 0.181 |
10 | 1.1e+04 K | 1.1e+04 K | 0.118 | 0.113 |
15 | 1.06e+04 K | 1.07e+04 K | 0.0894 | 0.0851 |
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Current t_inner = 10637.548 K
Expected t_inner for next iteration = 10641.159 K
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Starting iteration 5 of 20 (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Luminosity emitted = 1.057e+43 erg / s
Luminosity absorbed = 3.391e+42 erg / s
Luminosity requested = 1.059e+43 erg / s
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Iteration converged 3/4 consecutive times. (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Plasma stratification: (
Shell No. | t_rad | next_t_rad | w | next_w |
0 | 1.1e+04 K | 1.1e+04 K | 0.471 | 0.48 |
5 | 1.13e+04 K | 1.13e+04 K | 0.181 | 0.179 |
10 | 1.1e+04 K | 1.1e+04 K | 0.113 | 0.115 |
15 | 1.07e+04 K | 1.07e+04 K | 0.0851 | 0.0838 |
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Current t_inner = 10641.159 K
Expected t_inner for next iteration = 10647.218 K
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Starting iteration 6 of 20 (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Luminosity emitted = 1.060e+43 erg / s
Luminosity absorbed = 3.394e+42 erg / s
Luminosity requested = 1.059e+43 erg / s
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Iteration converged 4/4 consecutive times. (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Plasma stratification: (
Shell No. | t_rad | next_t_rad | w | next_w |
0 | 1.1e+04 K | 1.11e+04 K | 0.48 | 0.466 |
5 | 1.13e+04 K | 1.13e+04 K | 0.179 | 0.182 |
10 | 1.1e+04 K | 1.1e+04 K | 0.115 | 0.115 |
15 | 1.07e+04 K | 1.07e+04 K | 0.0838 | 0.0853 |
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Current t_inner = 10647.218 K
Expected t_inner for next iteration = 10645.645 K
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Starting iteration 7 of 20 (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Luminosity emitted = 1.060e+43 erg / s
Luminosity absorbed = 3.389e+42 erg / s
Luminosity requested = 1.059e+43 erg / s
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Iteration converged 5/4 consecutive times. (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Plasma stratification: (
Shell No. | t_rad | next_t_rad | w | next_w |
0 | 1.11e+04 K | 1.1e+04 K | 0.466 | 0.469 |
5 | 1.13e+04 K | 1.14e+04 K | 0.182 | 0.173 |
10 | 1.1e+04 K | 1.1e+04 K | 0.115 | 0.113 |
15 | 1.07e+04 K | 1.06e+04 K | 0.0853 | 0.0865 |
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Current t_inner = 10645.645 K
Expected t_inner for next iteration = 10644.007 K
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Starting iteration 8 of 20 (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Luminosity emitted = 1.062e+43 erg / s
Luminosity absorbed = 3.356e+42 erg / s
Luminosity requested = 1.059e+43 erg / s
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Iteration converged 6/4 consecutive times. (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Plasma stratification: (
Shell No. | t_rad | next_t_rad | w | next_w |
0 | 1.1e+04 K | 1.11e+04 K | 0.469 | 0.47 |
5 | 1.14e+04 K | 1.13e+04 K | 0.173 | 0.178 |
10 | 1.1e+04 K | 1.11e+04 K | 0.113 | 0.112 |
15 | 1.06e+04 K | 1.07e+04 K | 0.0865 | 0.0836 |
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Current t_inner = 10644.007 K
Expected t_inner for next iteration = 10636.775 K
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Starting iteration 9 of 20 (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Luminosity emitted = 1.053e+43 erg / s
Luminosity absorbed = 3.409e+42 erg / s
Luminosity requested = 1.059e+43 erg / s
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Iteration converged 7/4 consecutive times. (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Plasma stratification: (
Shell No. | t_rad | next_t_rad | w | next_w |
0 | 1.11e+04 K | 1.1e+04 K | 0.47 | 0.471 |
5 | 1.13e+04 K | 1.14e+04 K | 0.178 | 0.172 |
10 | 1.11e+04 K | 1.12e+04 K | 0.112 | 0.109 |
15 | 1.07e+04 K | 1.07e+04 K | 0.0836 | 0.0836 |
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Current t_inner = 10636.775 K
Expected t_inner for next iteration = 10653.396 K
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Starting iteration 10 of 20 (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Luminosity emitted = 1.071e+43 erg / s
Luminosity absorbed = 3.320e+42 erg / s
Luminosity requested = 1.059e+43 erg / s
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Iteration converged 8/4 consecutive times. (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Plasma stratification: (
Shell No. | t_rad | next_t_rad | w | next_w |
0 | 1.1e+04 K | 1.1e+04 K | 0.471 | 0.477 |
5 | 1.14e+04 K | 1.14e+04 K | 0.172 | 0.178 |
10 | 1.12e+04 K | 1.11e+04 K | 0.109 | 0.114 |
15 | 1.07e+04 K | 1.06e+04 K | 0.0836 | 0.0872 |
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Current t_inner = 10653.396 K
Expected t_inner for next iteration = 10624.877 K
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Starting iteration 11 of 20 (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Luminosity emitted = 1.050e+43 erg / s
Luminosity absorbed = 3.378e+42 erg / s
Luminosity requested = 1.059e+43 erg / s
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Iteration converged 9/4 consecutive times. (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Plasma stratification: (
Shell No. | t_rad | next_t_rad | w | next_w |
0 | 1.1e+04 K | 1.1e+04 K | 0.477 | 0.473 |
5 | 1.14e+04 K | 1.12e+04 K | 0.178 | 0.182 |
10 | 1.11e+04 K | 1.1e+04 K | 0.114 | 0.115 |
15 | 1.06e+04 K | 1.06e+04 K | 0.0872 | 0.0858 |
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Current t_inner = 10624.877 K
Expected t_inner for next iteration = 10649.271 K
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Starting iteration 12 of 20 (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Luminosity emitted = 1.057e+43 erg / s
Luminosity absorbed = 3.427e+42 erg / s
Luminosity requested = 1.059e+43 erg / s
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Iteration converged 10/4 consecutive times. (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Plasma stratification: (
Shell No. | t_rad | next_t_rad | w | next_w |
0 | 1.1e+04 K | 1.11e+04 K | 0.473 | 0.465 |
5 | 1.12e+04 K | 1.13e+04 K | 0.182 | 0.18 |
10 | 1.1e+04 K | 1.11e+04 K | 0.115 | 0.111 |
15 | 1.06e+04 K | 1.07e+04 K | 0.0858 | 0.083 |
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Current t_inner = 10649.271 K
Expected t_inner for next iteration = 10653.802 K
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Starting iteration 13 of 20 (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Luminosity emitted = 1.062e+43 erg / s
Luminosity absorbed = 3.405e+42 erg / s
Luminosity requested = 1.059e+43 erg / s
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Iteration converged 11/4 consecutive times. (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Plasma stratification: (
Shell No. | t_rad | next_t_rad | w | next_w |
0 | 1.11e+04 K | 1.11e+04 K | 0.465 | 0.466 |
5 | 1.13e+04 K | 1.13e+04 K | 0.18 | 0.178 |
10 | 1.11e+04 K | 1.11e+04 K | 0.111 | 0.113 |
15 | 1.07e+04 K | 1.07e+04 K | 0.083 | 0.086 |
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Current t_inner = 10653.802 K
Expected t_inner for next iteration = 10646.746 K
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Starting iteration 14 of 20 (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Luminosity emitted = 1.061e+43 erg / s
Luminosity absorbed = 3.377e+42 erg / s
Luminosity requested = 1.059e+43 erg / s
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Iteration converged 12/4 consecutive times. (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Plasma stratification: (
Shell No. | t_rad | next_t_rad | w | next_w |
0 | 1.11e+04 K | 1.11e+04 K | 0.466 | 0.468 |
5 | 1.13e+04 K | 1.13e+04 K | 0.178 | 0.181 |
10 | 1.11e+04 K | 1.1e+04 K | 0.113 | 0.114 |
15 | 1.07e+04 K | 1.06e+04 K | 0.086 | 0.0867 |
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Current t_inner = 10646.746 K
Expected t_inner for next iteration = 10641.333 K
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Starting iteration 15 of 20 (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Luminosity emitted = 1.055e+43 erg / s
Luminosity absorbed = 3.411e+42 erg / s
Luminosity requested = 1.059e+43 erg / s
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Iteration converged 13/4 consecutive times. (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Plasma stratification: (
Shell No. | t_rad | next_t_rad | w | next_w |
0 | 1.11e+04 K | 1.1e+04 K | 0.468 | 0.484 |
5 | 1.13e+04 K | 1.13e+04 K | 0.181 | 0.18 |
10 | 1.1e+04 K | 1.1e+04 K | 0.114 | 0.113 |
15 | 1.06e+04 K | 1.07e+04 K | 0.0867 | 0.0852 |
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Current t_inner = 10641.333 K
Expected t_inner for next iteration = 10652.281 K
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Starting iteration 16 of 20 (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Luminosity emitted = 1.058e+43 erg / s
Luminosity absorbed = 3.437e+42 erg / s
Luminosity requested = 1.059e+43 erg / s
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Iteration converged 14/4 consecutive times. (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Plasma stratification: (
Shell No. | t_rad | next_t_rad | w | next_w |
0 | 1.1e+04 K | 1.1e+04 K | 0.484 | 0.472 |
5 | 1.13e+04 K | 1.14e+04 K | 0.18 | 0.173 |
10 | 1.1e+04 K | 1.11e+04 K | 0.113 | 0.112 |
15 | 1.07e+04 K | 1.07e+04 K | 0.0852 | 0.0832 |
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Current t_inner = 10652.281 K
Expected t_inner for next iteration = 10654.516 K
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Starting iteration 17 of 20 (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Luminosity emitted = 1.066e+43 erg / s
Luminosity absorbed = 3.375e+42 erg / s
Luminosity requested = 1.059e+43 erg / s
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Iteration converged 15/4 consecutive times. (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Plasma stratification: (
Shell No. | t_rad | next_t_rad | w | next_w |
0 | 1.1e+04 K | 1.11e+04 K | 0.472 | 0.465 |
5 | 1.14e+04 K | 1.14e+04 K | 0.173 | 0.171 |
10 | 1.11e+04 K | 1.12e+04 K | 0.112 | 0.108 |
15 | 1.07e+04 K | 1.08e+04 K | 0.0832 | 0.0813 |
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Current t_inner = 10654.516 K
Expected t_inner for next iteration = 10637.793 K
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Starting iteration 18 of 20 (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Luminosity emitted = 1.059e+43 erg / s
Luminosity absorbed = 3.354e+42 erg / s
Luminosity requested = 1.059e+43 erg / s
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Iteration converged 16/4 consecutive times. (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Plasma stratification: (
Shell No. | t_rad | next_t_rad | w | next_w |
0 | 1.11e+04 K | 1.11e+04 K | 0.465 | 0.463 |
5 | 1.14e+04 K | 1.14e+04 K | 0.171 | 0.174 |
10 | 1.12e+04 K | 1.11e+04 K | 0.108 | 0.11 |
15 | 1.08e+04 K | 1.07e+04 K | 0.0813 | 0.0844 |
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Current t_inner = 10637.793 K
Expected t_inner for next iteration = 10638.424 K
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Starting iteration 19 of 20 (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Luminosity emitted = 1.054e+43 erg / s
Luminosity absorbed = 3.403e+42 erg / s
Luminosity requested = 1.059e+43 erg / s
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Iteration converged 17/4 consecutive times. (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Plasma stratification: (
Shell No. | t_rad | next_t_rad | w | next_w |
0 | 1.11e+04 K | 1.11e+04 K | 0.463 | 0.465 |
5 | 1.14e+04 K | 1.14e+04 K | 0.174 | 0.173 |
10 | 1.11e+04 K | 1.11e+04 K | 0.11 | 0.109 |
15 | 1.07e+04 K | 1.07e+04 K | 0.0844 | 0.0839 |
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Current t_inner = 10638.424 K
Expected t_inner for next iteration = 10651.315 K
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Simulation finished in 19 iterations
Simulation took 56.54 s
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Starting iteration 20 of 20 (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Luminosity emitted = 1.061e+43 erg / s
Luminosity absorbed = 3.400e+42 erg / s
Luminosity requested = 1.059e+43 erg / s
Displaying Convergence Plots¶
You can also call the plots outside of run_tardis
Changing Line Colors¶
The default line-colors of the plasma plots can be changed by passing the name of the cmap in the plasma_cmap
sim = run_tardis("tardis_example.yml", show_convergence_plots=True, plasma_cmap="viridis")
Alongwith the cmap name, one can also provide a list of colors in rgb, hex or css-names format in the t_inner_luminosities_colors
option to change the default colors of the luminosity and inner boundary temperature plots.
# hex colors example list
colors = [
'#8c564b', # chestnut brown
'#e377c2', # raspberry yogurt pink
'#7f7f7f', # middle gray
'#bcbd22', # curry yellow-green
'#17becf' # blue-teal
# rgb colors example list
colors = ['rgb(31, 119, 180)',
'rgb(255, 127, 14)',
'rgb(44, 160, 44)',
'rgb(214, 39, 40)',
'rgb(148, 103, 189)',]
# css colors
colors = ["indigo","lightseagreen", "midnightblue", "pink", "teal"]
For more css-names please see this.
sim = run_tardis(
plasma_cmap= "viridis",
t_inner_luminosities_colors = ['rgb(102, 197, 204)',
'rgb(246, 207, 113)',
'rgb(248, 156, 116)',
'rgb(220, 176, 242)',
'rgb(135, 197, 95)'],
export_convergence_plots = True
[][INFO ]
Reading Atomic Data from kurucz_cd23_chianti_H_He.h5 (
[][INFO ]
Atom Data kurucz_cd23_chianti_H_He.h5 not found in local path.
Exists in TARDIS Data repo /home/runner/Downloads/tardis-data/kurucz_cd23_chianti_H_He.h5 (
[][INFO ]
Reading Atom Data with: UUID = 6f7b09e887a311e7a06b246e96350010 MD5 = 864f1753714343c41f99cb065710cace (
[][INFO ]
Non provided Atomic Data: synpp_refs, photoionization_data, yg_data, two_photon_data, linelist_atoms, linelist_molecules (
Number of density points larger than number of shells. Assuming inner point irrelevant (
[tardis.model.matter.decay][INFO ]
Decaying abundances for 1123200.0 seconds (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Starting iteration 1 of 20 (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Luminosity emitted = 7.942e+42 erg / s
Luminosity absorbed = 2.659e+42 erg / s
Luminosity requested = 1.059e+43 erg / s
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Plasma stratification: (
Shell No. | t_rad | next_t_rad | w | next_w |
0 | 9.93e+03 K | 1.01e+04 K | 0.4 | 0.507 |
5 | 9.85e+03 K | 1.02e+04 K | 0.211 | 0.197 |
10 | 9.78e+03 K | 1.02e+04 K | 0.143 | 0.117 |
15 | 9.71e+03 K | 9.88e+03 K | 0.105 | 0.0868 |
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Current t_inner = 9933.952 K
Expected t_inner for next iteration = 10703.327 K
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Starting iteration 2 of 20 (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Luminosity emitted = 1.071e+43 erg / s
Luminosity absorbed = 3.577e+42 erg / s
Luminosity requested = 1.059e+43 erg / s
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Plasma stratification: (
Shell No. | t_rad | next_t_rad | w | next_w |
0 | 1.01e+04 K | 1.08e+04 K | 0.507 | 0.524 |
5 | 1.02e+04 K | 1.1e+04 K | 0.197 | 0.202 |
10 | 1.02e+04 K | 1.08e+04 K | 0.117 | 0.124 |
15 | 9.88e+03 K | 1.05e+04 K | 0.0868 | 0.0926 |
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Current t_inner = 10703.327 K
Expected t_inner for next iteration = 10673.709 K
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Starting iteration 3 of 20 (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Luminosity emitted = 1.074e+43 erg / s
Luminosity absorbed = 3.397e+42 erg / s
Luminosity requested = 1.059e+43 erg / s
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Iteration converged 1/4 consecutive times. (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Plasma stratification: (
Shell No. | t_rad | next_t_rad | w | next_w |
0 | 1.08e+04 K | 1.1e+04 K | 0.524 | 0.484 |
5 | 1.1e+04 K | 1.12e+04 K | 0.202 | 0.19 |
10 | 1.08e+04 K | 1.1e+04 K | 0.124 | 0.118 |
15 | 1.05e+04 K | 1.06e+04 K | 0.0926 | 0.0894 |
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Current t_inner = 10673.709 K
Expected t_inner for next iteration = 10637.548 K
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Starting iteration 4 of 20 (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Luminosity emitted = 1.058e+43 erg / s
Luminosity absorbed = 3.365e+42 erg / s
Luminosity requested = 1.059e+43 erg / s
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Iteration converged 2/4 consecutive times. (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Plasma stratification: (
Shell No. | t_rad | next_t_rad | w | next_w |
0 | 1.1e+04 K | 1.1e+04 K | 0.484 | 0.471 |
5 | 1.12e+04 K | 1.13e+04 K | 0.19 | 0.181 |
10 | 1.1e+04 K | 1.1e+04 K | 0.118 | 0.113 |
15 | 1.06e+04 K | 1.07e+04 K | 0.0894 | 0.0851 |
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Current t_inner = 10637.548 K
Expected t_inner for next iteration = 10641.159 K
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Starting iteration 5 of 20 (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Luminosity emitted = 1.057e+43 erg / s
Luminosity absorbed = 3.391e+42 erg / s
Luminosity requested = 1.059e+43 erg / s
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Iteration converged 3/4 consecutive times. (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Plasma stratification: (
Shell No. | t_rad | next_t_rad | w | next_w |
0 | 1.1e+04 K | 1.1e+04 K | 0.471 | 0.48 |
5 | 1.13e+04 K | 1.13e+04 K | 0.181 | 0.179 |
10 | 1.1e+04 K | 1.1e+04 K | 0.113 | 0.115 |
15 | 1.07e+04 K | 1.07e+04 K | 0.0851 | 0.0838 |
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Current t_inner = 10641.159 K
Expected t_inner for next iteration = 10647.218 K
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Starting iteration 6 of 20 (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Luminosity emitted = 1.060e+43 erg / s
Luminosity absorbed = 3.394e+42 erg / s
Luminosity requested = 1.059e+43 erg / s
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Iteration converged 4/4 consecutive times. (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Plasma stratification: (
Shell No. | t_rad | next_t_rad | w | next_w |
0 | 1.1e+04 K | 1.11e+04 K | 0.48 | 0.466 |
5 | 1.13e+04 K | 1.13e+04 K | 0.179 | 0.182 |
10 | 1.1e+04 K | 1.1e+04 K | 0.115 | 0.115 |
15 | 1.07e+04 K | 1.07e+04 K | 0.0838 | 0.0853 |
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Current t_inner = 10647.218 K
Expected t_inner for next iteration = 10645.645 K
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Starting iteration 7 of 20 (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Luminosity emitted = 1.060e+43 erg / s
Luminosity absorbed = 3.389e+42 erg / s
Luminosity requested = 1.059e+43 erg / s
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Iteration converged 5/4 consecutive times. (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Plasma stratification: (
Shell No. | t_rad | next_t_rad | w | next_w |
0 | 1.11e+04 K | 1.1e+04 K | 0.466 | 0.469 |
5 | 1.13e+04 K | 1.14e+04 K | 0.182 | 0.173 |
10 | 1.1e+04 K | 1.1e+04 K | 0.115 | 0.113 |
15 | 1.07e+04 K | 1.06e+04 K | 0.0853 | 0.0865 |
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Current t_inner = 10645.645 K
Expected t_inner for next iteration = 10644.007 K
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Starting iteration 8 of 20 (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Luminosity emitted = 1.062e+43 erg / s
Luminosity absorbed = 3.356e+42 erg / s
Luminosity requested = 1.059e+43 erg / s
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Iteration converged 6/4 consecutive times. (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Plasma stratification: (
Shell No. | t_rad | next_t_rad | w | next_w |
0 | 1.1e+04 K | 1.11e+04 K | 0.469 | 0.47 |
5 | 1.14e+04 K | 1.13e+04 K | 0.173 | 0.178 |
10 | 1.1e+04 K | 1.11e+04 K | 0.113 | 0.112 |
15 | 1.06e+04 K | 1.07e+04 K | 0.0865 | 0.0836 |
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Current t_inner = 10644.007 K
Expected t_inner for next iteration = 10636.775 K
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Starting iteration 9 of 20 (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Luminosity emitted = 1.053e+43 erg / s
Luminosity absorbed = 3.409e+42 erg / s
Luminosity requested = 1.059e+43 erg / s
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Iteration converged 7/4 consecutive times. (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Plasma stratification: (
Shell No. | t_rad | next_t_rad | w | next_w |
0 | 1.11e+04 K | 1.1e+04 K | 0.47 | 0.471 |
5 | 1.13e+04 K | 1.14e+04 K | 0.178 | 0.172 |
10 | 1.11e+04 K | 1.12e+04 K | 0.112 | 0.109 |
15 | 1.07e+04 K | 1.07e+04 K | 0.0836 | 0.0836 |
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Current t_inner = 10636.775 K
Expected t_inner for next iteration = 10653.396 K
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Starting iteration 10 of 20 (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Luminosity emitted = 1.071e+43 erg / s
Luminosity absorbed = 3.320e+42 erg / s
Luminosity requested = 1.059e+43 erg / s
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Iteration converged 8/4 consecutive times. (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Plasma stratification: (
Shell No. | t_rad | next_t_rad | w | next_w |
0 | 1.1e+04 K | 1.1e+04 K | 0.471 | 0.477 |
5 | 1.14e+04 K | 1.14e+04 K | 0.172 | 0.178 |
10 | 1.12e+04 K | 1.11e+04 K | 0.109 | 0.114 |
15 | 1.07e+04 K | 1.06e+04 K | 0.0836 | 0.0872 |
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Current t_inner = 10653.396 K
Expected t_inner for next iteration = 10624.877 K
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Starting iteration 11 of 20 (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Luminosity emitted = 1.050e+43 erg / s
Luminosity absorbed = 3.378e+42 erg / s
Luminosity requested = 1.059e+43 erg / s
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Iteration converged 9/4 consecutive times. (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Plasma stratification: (
Shell No. | t_rad | next_t_rad | w | next_w |
0 | 1.1e+04 K | 1.1e+04 K | 0.477 | 0.473 |
5 | 1.14e+04 K | 1.12e+04 K | 0.178 | 0.182 |
10 | 1.11e+04 K | 1.1e+04 K | 0.114 | 0.115 |
15 | 1.06e+04 K | 1.06e+04 K | 0.0872 | 0.0858 |
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Current t_inner = 10624.877 K
Expected t_inner for next iteration = 10649.271 K
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Starting iteration 12 of 20 (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Luminosity emitted = 1.057e+43 erg / s
Luminosity absorbed = 3.427e+42 erg / s
Luminosity requested = 1.059e+43 erg / s
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Iteration converged 10/4 consecutive times. (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Plasma stratification: (
Shell No. | t_rad | next_t_rad | w | next_w |
0 | 1.1e+04 K | 1.11e+04 K | 0.473 | 0.465 |
5 | 1.12e+04 K | 1.13e+04 K | 0.182 | 0.18 |
10 | 1.1e+04 K | 1.11e+04 K | 0.115 | 0.111 |
15 | 1.06e+04 K | 1.07e+04 K | 0.0858 | 0.083 |
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Current t_inner = 10649.271 K
Expected t_inner for next iteration = 10653.802 K
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Starting iteration 13 of 20 (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Luminosity emitted = 1.062e+43 erg / s
Luminosity absorbed = 3.405e+42 erg / s
Luminosity requested = 1.059e+43 erg / s
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Iteration converged 11/4 consecutive times. (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Plasma stratification: (
Shell No. | t_rad | next_t_rad | w | next_w |
0 | 1.11e+04 K | 1.11e+04 K | 0.465 | 0.466 |
5 | 1.13e+04 K | 1.13e+04 K | 0.18 | 0.178 |
10 | 1.11e+04 K | 1.11e+04 K | 0.111 | 0.113 |
15 | 1.07e+04 K | 1.07e+04 K | 0.083 | 0.086 |
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Current t_inner = 10653.802 K
Expected t_inner for next iteration = 10646.746 K
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Starting iteration 14 of 20 (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Luminosity emitted = 1.061e+43 erg / s
Luminosity absorbed = 3.377e+42 erg / s
Luminosity requested = 1.059e+43 erg / s
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Iteration converged 12/4 consecutive times. (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Plasma stratification: (
Shell No. | t_rad | next_t_rad | w | next_w |
0 | 1.11e+04 K | 1.11e+04 K | 0.466 | 0.468 |
5 | 1.13e+04 K | 1.13e+04 K | 0.178 | 0.181 |
10 | 1.11e+04 K | 1.1e+04 K | 0.113 | 0.114 |
15 | 1.07e+04 K | 1.06e+04 K | 0.086 | 0.0867 |
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Current t_inner = 10646.746 K
Expected t_inner for next iteration = 10641.333 K
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Starting iteration 15 of 20 (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Luminosity emitted = 1.055e+43 erg / s
Luminosity absorbed = 3.411e+42 erg / s
Luminosity requested = 1.059e+43 erg / s
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Iteration converged 13/4 consecutive times. (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Plasma stratification: (
Shell No. | t_rad | next_t_rad | w | next_w |
0 | 1.11e+04 K | 1.1e+04 K | 0.468 | 0.484 |
5 | 1.13e+04 K | 1.13e+04 K | 0.181 | 0.18 |
10 | 1.1e+04 K | 1.1e+04 K | 0.114 | 0.113 |
15 | 1.06e+04 K | 1.07e+04 K | 0.0867 | 0.0852 |
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Current t_inner = 10641.333 K
Expected t_inner for next iteration = 10652.281 K
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Starting iteration 16 of 20 (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Luminosity emitted = 1.058e+43 erg / s
Luminosity absorbed = 3.437e+42 erg / s
Luminosity requested = 1.059e+43 erg / s
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Iteration converged 14/4 consecutive times. (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Plasma stratification: (
Shell No. | t_rad | next_t_rad | w | next_w |
0 | 1.1e+04 K | 1.1e+04 K | 0.484 | 0.472 |
5 | 1.13e+04 K | 1.14e+04 K | 0.18 | 0.173 |
10 | 1.1e+04 K | 1.11e+04 K | 0.113 | 0.112 |
15 | 1.07e+04 K | 1.07e+04 K | 0.0852 | 0.0832 |
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Current t_inner = 10652.281 K
Expected t_inner for next iteration = 10654.516 K
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Starting iteration 17 of 20 (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Luminosity emitted = 1.066e+43 erg / s
Luminosity absorbed = 3.375e+42 erg / s
Luminosity requested = 1.059e+43 erg / s
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Iteration converged 15/4 consecutive times. (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Plasma stratification: (
Shell No. | t_rad | next_t_rad | w | next_w |
0 | 1.1e+04 K | 1.11e+04 K | 0.472 | 0.465 |
5 | 1.14e+04 K | 1.14e+04 K | 0.173 | 0.171 |
10 | 1.11e+04 K | 1.12e+04 K | 0.112 | 0.108 |
15 | 1.07e+04 K | 1.08e+04 K | 0.0832 | 0.0813 |
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Current t_inner = 10654.516 K
Expected t_inner for next iteration = 10637.793 K
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Starting iteration 18 of 20 (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Luminosity emitted = 1.059e+43 erg / s
Luminosity absorbed = 3.354e+42 erg / s
Luminosity requested = 1.059e+43 erg / s
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Iteration converged 16/4 consecutive times. (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Plasma stratification: (
Shell No. | t_rad | next_t_rad | w | next_w |
0 | 1.11e+04 K | 1.11e+04 K | 0.465 | 0.463 |
5 | 1.14e+04 K | 1.14e+04 K | 0.171 | 0.174 |
10 | 1.12e+04 K | 1.11e+04 K | 0.108 | 0.11 |
15 | 1.08e+04 K | 1.07e+04 K | 0.0813 | 0.0844 |
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Current t_inner = 10637.793 K
Expected t_inner for next iteration = 10638.424 K
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Starting iteration 19 of 20 (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Luminosity emitted = 1.054e+43 erg / s
Luminosity absorbed = 3.403e+42 erg / s
Luminosity requested = 1.059e+43 erg / s
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Iteration converged 17/4 consecutive times. (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Plasma stratification: (
Shell No. | t_rad | next_t_rad | w | next_w |
0 | 1.11e+04 K | 1.11e+04 K | 0.463 | 0.465 |
5 | 1.14e+04 K | 1.14e+04 K | 0.174 | 0.173 |
10 | 1.11e+04 K | 1.11e+04 K | 0.11 | 0.109 |
15 | 1.07e+04 K | 1.07e+04 K | 0.0844 | 0.0839 |
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Current t_inner = 10638.424 K
Expected t_inner for next iteration = 10651.315 K
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Simulation finished in 19 iterations
Simulation took 13.29 s
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Starting iteration 20 of 20 (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Luminosity emitted = 1.061e+43 erg / s
Luminosity absorbed = 3.400e+42 erg / s
Luminosity requested = 1.059e+43 erg / s
Changing the default layout¶
You can override the default layout by passing dictionaries as arguments in t_inner_luminosities_config
and plasma_plot_config
in the run_tardis
function. The dictionaries should have the format of plotly.graph_objects.FigureWidget().to_dict()
. For more information on the structure of the dictionary, please see the plotly documentation.
For sake of simplicity, all properties in the data dictionary are applied equally across all traces, meaning traces-specific properties can’t be changed from the function. They however be changed after the simulation has finished, for example:[0].line.dash = "dashdot"
You can investigate more about the layout/data of any plots by calling sim.convergence_plots.t_inner_luminosities_plot.layout
Here is an example:
sim = run_tardis(
"layout": {
"template": "ggplot2",
"xaxis1": {
"nticks": 20
"xaxis2": {
"title": {"text": "new changed title of x axis2"},
"nticks": 20
"data": {
"mode": "lines+markers",
"layout": {
"template": "plotly_dark",
export_convergence_plots = True)
[][INFO ]
Reading Atomic Data from kurucz_cd23_chianti_H_He.h5 (
[][INFO ]
Atom Data kurucz_cd23_chianti_H_He.h5 not found in local path.
Exists in TARDIS Data repo /home/runner/Downloads/tardis-data/kurucz_cd23_chianti_H_He.h5 (
[][INFO ]
Reading Atom Data with: UUID = 6f7b09e887a311e7a06b246e96350010 MD5 = 864f1753714343c41f99cb065710cace (
[][INFO ]
Non provided Atomic Data: synpp_refs, photoionization_data, yg_data, two_photon_data, linelist_atoms, linelist_molecules (
Number of density points larger than number of shells. Assuming inner point irrelevant (
[tardis.model.matter.decay][INFO ]
Decaying abundances for 1123200.0 seconds (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Starting iteration 1 of 20 (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Luminosity emitted = 7.942e+42 erg / s
Luminosity absorbed = 2.659e+42 erg / s
Luminosity requested = 1.059e+43 erg / s
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Plasma stratification: (
Shell No. | t_rad | next_t_rad | w | next_w |
0 | 9.93e+03 K | 1.01e+04 K | 0.4 | 0.507 |
5 | 9.85e+03 K | 1.02e+04 K | 0.211 | 0.197 |
10 | 9.78e+03 K | 1.02e+04 K | 0.143 | 0.117 |
15 | 9.71e+03 K | 9.88e+03 K | 0.105 | 0.0868 |
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Current t_inner = 9933.952 K
Expected t_inner for next iteration = 10703.327 K
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Starting iteration 2 of 20 (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Luminosity emitted = 1.071e+43 erg / s
Luminosity absorbed = 3.577e+42 erg / s
Luminosity requested = 1.059e+43 erg / s
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Plasma stratification: (
Shell No. | t_rad | next_t_rad | w | next_w |
0 | 1.01e+04 K | 1.08e+04 K | 0.507 | 0.524 |
5 | 1.02e+04 K | 1.1e+04 K | 0.197 | 0.202 |
10 | 1.02e+04 K | 1.08e+04 K | 0.117 | 0.124 |
15 | 9.88e+03 K | 1.05e+04 K | 0.0868 | 0.0926 |
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Current t_inner = 10703.327 K
Expected t_inner for next iteration = 10673.709 K
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Starting iteration 3 of 20 (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Luminosity emitted = 1.074e+43 erg / s
Luminosity absorbed = 3.397e+42 erg / s
Luminosity requested = 1.059e+43 erg / s
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Iteration converged 1/4 consecutive times. (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Plasma stratification: (
Shell No. | t_rad | next_t_rad | w | next_w |
0 | 1.08e+04 K | 1.1e+04 K | 0.524 | 0.484 |
5 | 1.1e+04 K | 1.12e+04 K | 0.202 | 0.19 |
10 | 1.08e+04 K | 1.1e+04 K | 0.124 | 0.118 |
15 | 1.05e+04 K | 1.06e+04 K | 0.0926 | 0.0894 |
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Current t_inner = 10673.709 K
Expected t_inner for next iteration = 10637.548 K
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Starting iteration 4 of 20 (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Luminosity emitted = 1.058e+43 erg / s
Luminosity absorbed = 3.365e+42 erg / s
Luminosity requested = 1.059e+43 erg / s
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Iteration converged 2/4 consecutive times. (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Plasma stratification: (
Shell No. | t_rad | next_t_rad | w | next_w |
0 | 1.1e+04 K | 1.1e+04 K | 0.484 | 0.471 |
5 | 1.12e+04 K | 1.13e+04 K | 0.19 | 0.181 |
10 | 1.1e+04 K | 1.1e+04 K | 0.118 | 0.113 |
15 | 1.06e+04 K | 1.07e+04 K | 0.0894 | 0.0851 |
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Current t_inner = 10637.548 K
Expected t_inner for next iteration = 10641.159 K
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Starting iteration 5 of 20 (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Luminosity emitted = 1.057e+43 erg / s
Luminosity absorbed = 3.391e+42 erg / s
Luminosity requested = 1.059e+43 erg / s
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Iteration converged 3/4 consecutive times. (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Plasma stratification: (
Shell No. | t_rad | next_t_rad | w | next_w |
0 | 1.1e+04 K | 1.1e+04 K | 0.471 | 0.48 |
5 | 1.13e+04 K | 1.13e+04 K | 0.181 | 0.179 |
10 | 1.1e+04 K | 1.1e+04 K | 0.113 | 0.115 |
15 | 1.07e+04 K | 1.07e+04 K | 0.0851 | 0.0838 |
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Current t_inner = 10641.159 K
Expected t_inner for next iteration = 10647.218 K
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Starting iteration 6 of 20 (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Luminosity emitted = 1.060e+43 erg / s
Luminosity absorbed = 3.394e+42 erg / s
Luminosity requested = 1.059e+43 erg / s
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Iteration converged 4/4 consecutive times. (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Plasma stratification: (
Shell No. | t_rad | next_t_rad | w | next_w |
0 | 1.1e+04 K | 1.11e+04 K | 0.48 | 0.466 |
5 | 1.13e+04 K | 1.13e+04 K | 0.179 | 0.182 |
10 | 1.1e+04 K | 1.1e+04 K | 0.115 | 0.115 |
15 | 1.07e+04 K | 1.07e+04 K | 0.0838 | 0.0853 |
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Current t_inner = 10647.218 K
Expected t_inner for next iteration = 10645.645 K
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Starting iteration 7 of 20 (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Luminosity emitted = 1.060e+43 erg / s
Luminosity absorbed = 3.389e+42 erg / s
Luminosity requested = 1.059e+43 erg / s
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Iteration converged 5/4 consecutive times. (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Plasma stratification: (
Shell No. | t_rad | next_t_rad | w | next_w |
0 | 1.11e+04 K | 1.1e+04 K | 0.466 | 0.469 |
5 | 1.13e+04 K | 1.14e+04 K | 0.182 | 0.173 |
10 | 1.1e+04 K | 1.1e+04 K | 0.115 | 0.113 |
15 | 1.07e+04 K | 1.06e+04 K | 0.0853 | 0.0865 |
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Current t_inner = 10645.645 K
Expected t_inner for next iteration = 10644.007 K
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Starting iteration 8 of 20 (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Luminosity emitted = 1.062e+43 erg / s
Luminosity absorbed = 3.356e+42 erg / s
Luminosity requested = 1.059e+43 erg / s
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Iteration converged 6/4 consecutive times. (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Plasma stratification: (
Shell No. | t_rad | next_t_rad | w | next_w |
0 | 1.1e+04 K | 1.11e+04 K | 0.469 | 0.47 |
5 | 1.14e+04 K | 1.13e+04 K | 0.173 | 0.178 |
10 | 1.1e+04 K | 1.11e+04 K | 0.113 | 0.112 |
15 | 1.06e+04 K | 1.07e+04 K | 0.0865 | 0.0836 |
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Current t_inner = 10644.007 K
Expected t_inner for next iteration = 10636.775 K
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Starting iteration 9 of 20 (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Luminosity emitted = 1.053e+43 erg / s
Luminosity absorbed = 3.409e+42 erg / s
Luminosity requested = 1.059e+43 erg / s
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Iteration converged 7/4 consecutive times. (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Plasma stratification: (
Shell No. | t_rad | next_t_rad | w | next_w |
0 | 1.11e+04 K | 1.1e+04 K | 0.47 | 0.471 |
5 | 1.13e+04 K | 1.14e+04 K | 0.178 | 0.172 |
10 | 1.11e+04 K | 1.12e+04 K | 0.112 | 0.109 |
15 | 1.07e+04 K | 1.07e+04 K | 0.0836 | 0.0836 |
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Current t_inner = 10636.775 K
Expected t_inner for next iteration = 10653.396 K
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Starting iteration 10 of 20 (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Luminosity emitted = 1.071e+43 erg / s
Luminosity absorbed = 3.320e+42 erg / s
Luminosity requested = 1.059e+43 erg / s
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Iteration converged 8/4 consecutive times. (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Plasma stratification: (
Shell No. | t_rad | next_t_rad | w | next_w |
0 | 1.1e+04 K | 1.1e+04 K | 0.471 | 0.477 |
5 | 1.14e+04 K | 1.14e+04 K | 0.172 | 0.178 |
10 | 1.12e+04 K | 1.11e+04 K | 0.109 | 0.114 |
15 | 1.07e+04 K | 1.06e+04 K | 0.0836 | 0.0872 |
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Current t_inner = 10653.396 K
Expected t_inner for next iteration = 10624.877 K
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Starting iteration 11 of 20 (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Luminosity emitted = 1.050e+43 erg / s
Luminosity absorbed = 3.378e+42 erg / s
Luminosity requested = 1.059e+43 erg / s
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Iteration converged 9/4 consecutive times. (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Plasma stratification: (
Shell No. | t_rad | next_t_rad | w | next_w |
0 | 1.1e+04 K | 1.1e+04 K | 0.477 | 0.473 |
5 | 1.14e+04 K | 1.12e+04 K | 0.178 | 0.182 |
10 | 1.11e+04 K | 1.1e+04 K | 0.114 | 0.115 |
15 | 1.06e+04 K | 1.06e+04 K | 0.0872 | 0.0858 |
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Current t_inner = 10624.877 K
Expected t_inner for next iteration = 10649.271 K
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Starting iteration 12 of 20 (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Luminosity emitted = 1.057e+43 erg / s
Luminosity absorbed = 3.427e+42 erg / s
Luminosity requested = 1.059e+43 erg / s
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Iteration converged 10/4 consecutive times. (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Plasma stratification: (
Shell No. | t_rad | next_t_rad | w | next_w |
0 | 1.1e+04 K | 1.11e+04 K | 0.473 | 0.465 |
5 | 1.12e+04 K | 1.13e+04 K | 0.182 | 0.18 |
10 | 1.1e+04 K | 1.11e+04 K | 0.115 | 0.111 |
15 | 1.06e+04 K | 1.07e+04 K | 0.0858 | 0.083 |
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Current t_inner = 10649.271 K
Expected t_inner for next iteration = 10653.802 K
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Starting iteration 13 of 20 (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Luminosity emitted = 1.062e+43 erg / s
Luminosity absorbed = 3.405e+42 erg / s
Luminosity requested = 1.059e+43 erg / s
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Iteration converged 11/4 consecutive times. (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Plasma stratification: (
Shell No. | t_rad | next_t_rad | w | next_w |
0 | 1.11e+04 K | 1.11e+04 K | 0.465 | 0.466 |
5 | 1.13e+04 K | 1.13e+04 K | 0.18 | 0.178 |
10 | 1.11e+04 K | 1.11e+04 K | 0.111 | 0.113 |
15 | 1.07e+04 K | 1.07e+04 K | 0.083 | 0.086 |
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Current t_inner = 10653.802 K
Expected t_inner for next iteration = 10646.746 K
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Starting iteration 14 of 20 (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Luminosity emitted = 1.061e+43 erg / s
Luminosity absorbed = 3.377e+42 erg / s
Luminosity requested = 1.059e+43 erg / s
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Iteration converged 12/4 consecutive times. (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Plasma stratification: (
Shell No. | t_rad | next_t_rad | w | next_w |
0 | 1.11e+04 K | 1.11e+04 K | 0.466 | 0.468 |
5 | 1.13e+04 K | 1.13e+04 K | 0.178 | 0.181 |
10 | 1.11e+04 K | 1.1e+04 K | 0.113 | 0.114 |
15 | 1.07e+04 K | 1.06e+04 K | 0.086 | 0.0867 |
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Current t_inner = 10646.746 K
Expected t_inner for next iteration = 10641.333 K
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Starting iteration 15 of 20 (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Luminosity emitted = 1.055e+43 erg / s
Luminosity absorbed = 3.411e+42 erg / s
Luminosity requested = 1.059e+43 erg / s
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Iteration converged 13/4 consecutive times. (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Plasma stratification: (
Shell No. | t_rad | next_t_rad | w | next_w |
0 | 1.11e+04 K | 1.1e+04 K | 0.468 | 0.484 |
5 | 1.13e+04 K | 1.13e+04 K | 0.181 | 0.18 |
10 | 1.1e+04 K | 1.1e+04 K | 0.114 | 0.113 |
15 | 1.06e+04 K | 1.07e+04 K | 0.0867 | 0.0852 |
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Current t_inner = 10641.333 K
Expected t_inner for next iteration = 10652.281 K
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Starting iteration 16 of 20 (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Luminosity emitted = 1.058e+43 erg / s
Luminosity absorbed = 3.437e+42 erg / s
Luminosity requested = 1.059e+43 erg / s
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Iteration converged 14/4 consecutive times. (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Plasma stratification: (
Shell No. | t_rad | next_t_rad | w | next_w |
0 | 1.1e+04 K | 1.1e+04 K | 0.484 | 0.472 |
5 | 1.13e+04 K | 1.14e+04 K | 0.18 | 0.173 |
10 | 1.1e+04 K | 1.11e+04 K | 0.113 | 0.112 |
15 | 1.07e+04 K | 1.07e+04 K | 0.0852 | 0.0832 |
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Current t_inner = 10652.281 K
Expected t_inner for next iteration = 10654.516 K
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Starting iteration 17 of 20 (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Luminosity emitted = 1.066e+43 erg / s
Luminosity absorbed = 3.375e+42 erg / s
Luminosity requested = 1.059e+43 erg / s
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Iteration converged 15/4 consecutive times. (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Plasma stratification: (
Shell No. | t_rad | next_t_rad | w | next_w |
0 | 1.1e+04 K | 1.11e+04 K | 0.472 | 0.465 |
5 | 1.14e+04 K | 1.14e+04 K | 0.173 | 0.171 |
10 | 1.11e+04 K | 1.12e+04 K | 0.112 | 0.108 |
15 | 1.07e+04 K | 1.08e+04 K | 0.0832 | 0.0813 |
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Current t_inner = 10654.516 K
Expected t_inner for next iteration = 10637.793 K
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Starting iteration 18 of 20 (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Luminosity emitted = 1.059e+43 erg / s
Luminosity absorbed = 3.354e+42 erg / s
Luminosity requested = 1.059e+43 erg / s
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Iteration converged 16/4 consecutive times. (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Plasma stratification: (
Shell No. | t_rad | next_t_rad | w | next_w |
0 | 1.11e+04 K | 1.11e+04 K | 0.465 | 0.463 |
5 | 1.14e+04 K | 1.14e+04 K | 0.171 | 0.174 |
10 | 1.12e+04 K | 1.11e+04 K | 0.108 | 0.11 |
15 | 1.08e+04 K | 1.07e+04 K | 0.0813 | 0.0844 |
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Current t_inner = 10637.793 K
Expected t_inner for next iteration = 10638.424 K
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Starting iteration 19 of 20 (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Luminosity emitted = 1.054e+43 erg / s
Luminosity absorbed = 3.403e+42 erg / s
Luminosity requested = 1.059e+43 erg / s
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Iteration converged 17/4 consecutive times. (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Plasma stratification: (
Shell No. | t_rad | next_t_rad | w | next_w |
0 | 1.11e+04 K | 1.11e+04 K | 0.463 | 0.465 |
5 | 1.14e+04 K | 1.14e+04 K | 0.174 | 0.173 |
10 | 1.11e+04 K | 1.11e+04 K | 0.11 | 0.109 |
15 | 1.07e+04 K | 1.07e+04 K | 0.0844 | 0.0839 |
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Current t_inner = 10638.424 K
Expected t_inner for next iteration = 10651.315 K
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Simulation finished in 19 iterations
Simulation took 13.20 s
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Starting iteration 20 of 20 (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Luminosity emitted = 1.061e+43 erg / s
Luminosity absorbed = 3.400e+42 erg / s
Luminosity requested = 1.059e+43 erg / s
from tardis.visualization import ConvergencePlots
Help on class ConvergencePlots in module
class ConvergencePlots(builtins.object)
| ConvergencePlots(iterations, **kwargs)
| Create and update convergence plots for visualizing convergence of the simulation.
| Parameters
| ----------
| iterations : int
| iteration number
| **kwargs : dict, optional
| Additional keyword arguments. These arguments are defined in the Other Parameters section.
| Other Parameters
| ----------------
| plasma_plot_config : dict, optional
| Dictionary used to override default plot properties of plasma plots.
| t_inner_luminosities_config : dict, optional
| Dictionary used to override default plot properties of the inner boundary temperature and luminosity plots.
| plasma_cmap : str, default: 'jet', optional
| String defining the cmap used in plasma plots.
| t_inner_luminosities_colors : str or list, optional
| String defining cmap for luminosity and inner boundary temperature plot.
| The list can be a list of colors in rgb, hex or css-names format as well.
| export_convergence_plots : bool, default: False, optional
| If True, plots are displayed again using the `notebook_connected` renderer. This helps
| to display the plots in the documentation or in platforms like nbviewer.
| Notes
| -----
| When overriding plot's configuration using the `plasma_plot_config` and the
| `t_inner_luminosities_config` dictionaries, data related properties are
| applied equally accross all traces.
| The dictionary should have a structure like that of `plotly.graph_objs.FigureWidget.to_dict()`,
| for more information please see
| Methods defined here:
| __init__(self, iterations, **kwargs)
| Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
| build(self, display_plot=True)
| Create empty convergence plots and display them.
| Parameters
| ----------
| display_plot : bool, default: True, optional
| Displays empty plots.
| create_plasma_plot(self)
| Create an empty plasma plot.
| create_t_inner_luminosities_plot(self)
| Create an empty t_inner and luminosity plot.
| fetch_data(self, name=None, value=None, item_type=None)
| Fetch data from the Simulation class.
| Parameters
| ----------
| name : string
| name of the data
| value : string or array
| string or an array of quantities
| item_type : string
| either iterable or value
| override_plot_parameters(self, fig, parameters)
| Override default plot properties.
| Any property inside the data dictionary is however, applied equally across all traces.
| This means trace-specific data properties can't be changed using this function.
| Parameters
| ----------
| fig : go.FigureWidget
| FigureWidget object to be updated
| parameters : dict
| Dictionary used to update the default plot style.
| update(self, export_convergence_plots=False, last=False)
| Update the convergence plots every iteration.
| Parameters
| ----------
| export_convergence_plots : bool, default: False, optional
| Displays the convergence plots again using plotly's `notebook_connected` renderer.
| This helps to display the plots in notebooks when shared on platforms like nbviewer.
| Please see for more information.
| last : bool, default: False, optional
| True if it's last iteration.
| update_plasma_plots(self)
| Update plasma convergence plots every iteration.
| update_t_inner_luminosities_plot(self)
| Update the t_inner and luminosity convergence plots every iteration.
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------
| Data descriptors defined here:
| __dict__
| dictionary for instance variables
| __weakref__
| list of weak references to the object