tardis.energy_input.gamma_ray_channel module¶
- tardis.energy_input.gamma_ray_channel.calculate_total_decays(inventories, time_delta)[source]¶
Function to create inventories of isotope for the entire simulation time.
- Parameters:
- inventoriesDict
dictionary of inventories for each shell
- time_endfloat
End time of simulation in days.
- Returns:
- cumulative_decay_dfpd.DataFrame
total decays for x g of isotope for time ‘t’
- tardis.energy_input.gamma_ray_channel.create_inventories_dict(isotope_dict)[source]¶
Function to create dictionary of inventories for each shell
- Parameters:
- isotope_dictDict
dictionary of isotopes for each shell with their
- Returns:
- invDict
dictionary of inventories for each shell {0: <radioactivedecay.inventory.Inventory object at 0x7f8b1c1b3d90>, 1: <radioactivedecay.inventory.Inventory object at 0x7f8b1c1b3d90>}
- tardis.energy_input.gamma_ray_channel.create_isotope_decay_df(cumulative_decay_df, gamma_ray_lines)[source]¶
Function to create a dataframe of isotopes for each shell with their decay mode, number of decays, radiation type, radiation energy and radiation intensity.
- Parameters:
- cumulative_decay_dfpd.DataFrame
total decays for x g of isotope for time ‘t’
- gamma_ray_linespd.DataFrame
gamma ray lines from nndc stored as a pandas dataframe.
- Returns:
- isotope_decay_dfpd.DataFrame
dataframe of isotopes for each shell with their decay mode, number of decays, radiation type, radiation energy and radiation intensity.
- tardis.energy_input.gamma_ray_channel.create_isotope_dicts(raw_isotope_abundance, cell_masses)[source]¶
Function to create a dictionary of isotopes for each shell with their masses.
- Parameters:
- raw_isotope_abundancepd.DataFrame
isotope abundance in mass fractions.
- cell_massesnumpy.ndarray
shell masses in units of g
- Returns:
- isotope_dictsDict
dictionary of isotopes for each shell with their
. Each value is abundance * cell masses. For eg: {0: {‘Ni56’: 0.1, ‘Fe52’: 0.2, ‘Cr48’: 0.3},{1: {‘Ni56’: 0.1, ‘Fe52’: 0.2, ‘Cr48’: 0.3}} etc
- tardis.energy_input.gamma_ray_channel.time_evolve_cumulative_decay(raw_isotope_mass_fraction, shell_masses, gamma_ray_lines, time_array)[source]¶
Function to calculate the total decays for each isotope for each shell at each time step.
- Parameters:
- raw_isotope_mass_fractionpd.DataFrame
isotope abundance in mass fractions.
- shell_massesnumpy.ndarray
shell masses in units of g
- gamma_ray_linespd.DataFrame
gamma ray lines from nndc stored as a pandas dataframe.
- time_arraynumpy.ndarray
array of time steps in days.
- Returns:
- time_evolve_decay_dfpd.DataFrame
dataframe of isotopes for each shell with their decay mode, number of decays, radiation type, radiation energy and radiation intensity at each time step.
- tardis.energy_input.gamma_ray_channel.time_evolve_mass_fraction(raw_isotope_mass_fraction, time_array)[source]¶
Function to evolve the mass fraction of isotopes with time.
- Parameters:
- raw_isotope_mass_fractionpd.DataFrame
isotope mass fraction in mass fractions.
- time_arraynp.array
array of time in days.
- Returns:
- time_evolved_isotope_mass_fractionpd.DataFrame
time evolved mass fraction of isotopes.