Continuous Integration

We use a so-called continuous integration workflow with TARDIS. This means that each time a change is proposed (via pull request) or a change is merged into the master branch, a service will clone the repository, checkout to the current commit and execute all the TARDIS tests. This helps us to detect bugs immediately.

GitHub Actions

A pipeline (or a workflow) is essentially a YAML configuration file with different sections such as variables, jobs and steps. These files run commands or tasks when they are triggered by some event, like a commit being pushed to a certain branch.

Currently, we use GitHub Actions to run all of our pipelines. Making changes to an existing pipeline is as easy as making a pull request. To create a new GitHub Action workflow, just create a new YAML file in .github/workflows.

TARDIS Pipelines

Brief description of pipelines already implemented on TARDIS

Cache Keys in TARDIS CI

TARDIS uses specific cache key formats to efficiently store and retrieve data during CI runs:

  1. Regression Data Cache Keys - Format: tardis-regression-<data-type>-<hash>-v1 - Examples:

    • tardis-regression-atom-data-sparse-<hash>-v1 - For atomic data cache

    • tardis-regression-full-data-<hash>-v1 - For full TARDIS regression data cache

    • Used in: setup_lfs action

  2. Environment Cache Keys - Format: tardis-conda-env-<os-label>-<hash>-v1 - Examples:

    • tardis-conda-env-linux-<hash>-v1 - For Linux conda environment

    • tardis-conda-env-macos-<hash>-v1 - For macOS conda environment

    • Used in: setup_env action


  • The version suffix (-v1) allows for future cache invalidation if needed.

  • The lfs-cache workflow will fail if the cache is not available and will not pull LFS data by default.

  • However, if the allow_lfs_pull label is added to the PR, the workflow will pull LFS data. Please note that this is to be used sparingly and only with caution.

Streamlined Steps for TARDIS Pipelines

We have a common set of steps which are utilized in TARDIS pipelines to streamline the process:

Common Steps

  1. Use `setup_lfs` Action and `lfs-cache` workflow - If you need access to regression or atomic data, incorporate the setup_lfs action to ensure proper handling of large file storage. - The lfs-cache workflow is used to cache the regression data and atomic data and to check if the cache is available.

  2. Use `setup_env` Action - To configure your environment effectively, utilize the setup_env action. This will help establish the necessary variables and settings for your pipeline.

  3. Run Configuration - Ensure that your pipeline runs with the appropriate shell settings. You can define this in your YAML configuration as follows:

        shell: bash -l {0}

Documentation build pipeline

A GitHub Actions workflow that builds and deploys the TARDIS documentation website.

Documentation preview pipeline

This workflow does not run on the main repository, just on forks. See the Documentation Preview section for more information.

Testing pipeline

The testing pipeline (CI) comprises multiple concurrent jobs. Each of these jobs runs tests across two distinct categories—continuum and rpacket tracking—and supports two different operating systems. Additionally, there are extra steps involved in executing the tests and uploading the coverage results

Authors pipeline

This pipeline runs a notebook located in tardis-zenodo repository and pushes a new version of .zenodo.json to the root of tardis repository if new committers are found (or author order changes). The rendered notebook is uploaded to the pipeline results as an artifact.


Fails if some author name is incomplete (due to an incomplete GitHub profile) or duplicated (committed with more than one email address). In both cases update .mailmap to fix it.

In the near future we want to auto-update the citation guidelines in the README.rst and the documentation.

Release pipeline

Publishes a new release of TARDIS every Sunday at 00:00 UTC.

TARDIS Carsus Compatibility Check

The TARDIS Carsus Compatibility Check or the “Bridge” compares reference data generated with different versions of Carsus. It consists of two jobs- a “carsus-build” job to generate an atomic file with the latest version of Carsus and a “tardis-build” job to generate a new reference data with it. These two reference data files are compared using the this notebook. The workflow has a workflow_dispatch event so that it can be triggered manually, but is also triggered every week due to the “save-atomic-files” workflow.

The Save Atomic Files Workflow

The Save Atomic Files workflow runs every week but can also be triggered manually. It runs the “Bridge” and sends an artifact containing the generated atomic data file and the comparison notebook to Moria. This workflow has a separate job to indicate if the bridge has failed.

The Regression Data Comparison Workflow

The Regression Data Comparison workflow compares the regression data between the current branch and the base branch on pull requests. It only runs on pull requests and not on the master branch. The workflow generates regression data for the latest commit on the pull request and compares it with the master branch using the comparison notebook. The notebook is then uploaded as an artifact and pushed to reg-data-comp repository for previews in the bot comment.


The workflow exports images from the comparison notebook and embeds them in the bot comment. Unless there are any key changes to any of the HDF files in the regression data the bot will only show two images, one containing the spectrum change and another containing relative changes in the keys. If there are any key changes, the bot will show three images, the additional one visualizing the key changes.

The LFS-cache workflow

The LFS-cache workflow caches the regression data and atomic data and can be triggered either manually or when there is a push to the main branch of the regression data repository. This is mainly responsible for doing LFS pulls when necessary and caching objects while the setup-lfs action is used to restore the cached objects. Both fail if the cache is not available.