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How to Run TARDIS with a Custom Packet SourceΒΆ
By default, TARDIS generates energy packets using its interface BasePacketSource
class, which has a derived class BlackBodySimpleSource
, which models the photosphere of the supernova as a perfect blackbody (see Energy Packet Initialization). However, users may create their own packet source, as will be shown in this notebook. In order to do this, a user must create a class (that inherits from BasePacketSource
) and implement the
following abstract functions:
create_packet_radii (returns array of packet radii)
create_packet_nus (returns array of packet frequencies)
create_packet_mus (returns array of packet directions)
create_packet_energies (returns array of packet energies. See Energy Packet Initialization for more information)
create_packets (wrapper which calls the above 4 functions, and is the function used by external code)
set_state_from_model (set the state of the source from a model object)
[Note: In this notebook, we have extended the BlackBodySimpleSource
class because it already implements some of the above functions]
To use your packet source in a run of TARDIS, you must pass an instance of your class into the run_tardis
function under the packet_source
keyword argument.
In both the BlackBodySimpleSource
class and in the example here, all packets are generated at the same radius. This need not be true in general (though one call of the create_packets
method will pick the same radius from the packet source state).
We show an example of how a custom packet source is used:
# Import necessary packages
import numpy as np
from tardis import constants as const
from astropy import units as u
from tardis.transport.montecarlo.packet_source import BlackBodySimpleSource
from tardis.transport.montecarlo.packet_collections import (
from tardis import run_tardis
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from import download_atom_data
# Download the atomic data used for a run of TARDIS
Atomic Data kurucz_cd23_chianti_H_He already exists in /home/runner/Downloads/tardis-data/kurucz_cd23_chianti_H_He.h5. Will not download - override with force_download=True.
# Create a packet source class that contains a create_packets method
class TruncBlackbodySource(BlackBodySimpleSource):
Custom inner boundary source class to replace the Blackbody source
with a truncated Blackbody source.
truncation_wavelength : float
truncation wavelength in Angstrom.
Only wavelengths higher than the truncation wavelength
will be sampled.
radius : float64
Initial packet radius
temperature : float
Absolute Temperature.
base_seed : int
Base Seed for random number generator
def __init__(self, truncation_wavelength=None, **kwargs):
self.truncation_wavelength = truncation_wavelength
def create_packets(self, no_of_packets, drawing_sample_size=None, seed_offset=0, *args, **kwargs):
Packet source that generates a truncated Blackbody source.
no_of_packets : int
number of packets to be created
Packet radii
Packet frequencies
Packet directions
Packet energies
self._reseed(self.base_seed + seed_offset)
packet_seeds = self.rng.choice(
self.MAX_SEED_VAL, no_of_packets, replace=True
# Makes uniform array of packet radii from blackbody source
radii = self.create_packet_radii(no_of_packets, *args, **kwargs)
# Use mus and energies from normal blackbody source.
mus = self.create_packet_mus(no_of_packets, *args, **kwargs)
energies = self.create_packet_energies(no_of_packets, *args, **kwargs)
# If not specified, draw 2 times as many packets and reject any beyond no_of_packets.
if drawing_sample_size is None:
drawing_sample_size = 2 * no_of_packets
# Blackbody will be truncated below truncation_wavelength / above truncation_frequency.
truncation_frequency = (
u.Quantity(self.truncation_wavelength, u.Angstrom)
.to(u.Hz, equivalencies=u.spectral())
# Draw nus from blackbody distribution and reject based on truncation_frequency.
# If more nus.shape[0] > no_of_packets use only the first no_of_packets.
nus = self.create_packet_nus(drawing_sample_size, *args, **kwargs)
nus = nus[nus < truncation_frequency][:no_of_packets]
# Only required if the truncation wavelength is too big compared to the maximum
# of the blackbody distribution. Keep sampling until nus.shape[0] > no_of_packets.
while nus.shape[0] < no_of_packets:
additional_nus = self.create_packet_nus(drawing_sample_size, *args, **kwargs)
mask = additional_nus < truncation_frequency
additional_nus = additional_nus[mask][:no_of_packets]
nus = np.hstack([nus, additional_nus])[:no_of_packets]
radiation_field_luminosity = (
self.calculate_radfield_luminosity().to(u.erg / u.s).value
return PacketCollection(radii, nus, mus, energies, packet_seeds, radiation_field_luminosity)
# Call an instance of the packet source class
packet_source = TruncBlackbodySource(
truncation_wavelength=2000, base_seed=53253
We now run TARDIS both with and without our custom packet source, and we compare the results:
mdl = run_tardis("tardis_example.yml", packet_source=packet_source)
mdl_norm = run_tardis("tardis_example.yml")
[][INFO ]
Reading Atomic Data from kurucz_cd23_chianti_H_He.h5 (
[][INFO ]
Atom Data kurucz_cd23_chianti_H_He.h5 not found in local path.
Exists in TARDIS Data repo /home/runner/Downloads/tardis-data/kurucz_cd23_chianti_H_He.h5 (
[][INFO ]
Reading Atom Data with: UUID = 6f7b09e887a311e7a06b246e96350010 MD5 = 864f1753714343c41f99cb065710cace (
[][INFO ]
Non provided Atomic Data: synpp_refs, photoionization_data, yg_data, two_photon_data, linelist_atoms, linelist_molecules (
Number of density points larger than number of shells. Assuming inner point irrelevant (
[tardis.model.matter.decay][INFO ]
Decaying abundances for 1123200.0 seconds (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Starting iteration 1 of 20 (
[py.warnings ][WARNING]
/home/runner/work/tardis/tardis/tardis/transport/montecarlo/ NumbaTypeSafetyWarning:
unsafe cast from uint64 to int64. Precision may be lost.
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Luminosity emitted = 8.029e+42 erg / s
Luminosity absorbed = 2.581e+42 erg / s
Luminosity requested = 1.059e+43 erg / s
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Plasma stratification: (
Shell No. | t_rad | next_t_rad | w | next_w |
0 | 9.93e+03 K | 9.4e+03 K | 0.4 | 0.683 |
5 | 9.85e+03 K | 9.72e+03 K | 0.211 | 0.243 |
10 | 9.78e+03 K | 9.63e+03 K | 0.143 | 0.145 |
15 | 9.71e+03 K | 9.31e+03 K | 0.105 | 0.11 |
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Current t_inner = 9933.952 K
Expected t_inner for next iteration = 10672.075 K
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Starting iteration 2 of 20 (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Luminosity emitted = 1.062e+43 erg / s
Luminosity absorbed = 3.507e+42 erg / s
Luminosity requested = 1.059e+43 erg / s
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Plasma stratification: (
Shell No. | t_rad | next_t_rad | w | next_w |
0 | 9.4e+03 K | 9.62e+03 K | 0.683 | 0.838 |
5 | 9.72e+03 K | 9.89e+03 K | 0.243 | 0.301 |
10 | 9.63e+03 K | 9.81e+03 K | 0.145 | 0.179 |
15 | 9.31e+03 K | 9.66e+03 K | 0.11 | 0.127 |
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Current t_inner = 10672.075 K
Expected t_inner for next iteration = 10665.874 K
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Starting iteration 3 of 20 (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Luminosity emitted = 1.065e+43 erg / s
Luminosity absorbed = 3.442e+42 erg / s
Luminosity requested = 1.059e+43 erg / s
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Iteration converged 1/4 consecutive times. (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Plasma stratification: (
Shell No. | t_rad | next_t_rad | w | next_w |
0 | 9.62e+03 K | 9.62e+03 K | 0.838 | 0.83 |
5 | 9.89e+03 K | 9.92e+03 K | 0.301 | 0.3 |
10 | 9.81e+03 K | 9.79e+03 K | 0.179 | 0.181 |
15 | 9.66e+03 K | 9.6e+03 K | 0.127 | 0.131 |
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Current t_inner = 10665.874 K
Expected t_inner for next iteration = 10651.149 K
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Starting iteration 4 of 20 (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Luminosity emitted = 1.060e+43 erg / s
Luminosity absorbed = 3.413e+42 erg / s
Luminosity requested = 1.059e+43 erg / s
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Iteration converged 2/4 consecutive times. (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Plasma stratification: (
Shell No. | t_rad | next_t_rad | w | next_w |
0 | 9.62e+03 K | 9.64e+03 K | 0.83 | 0.814 |
5 | 9.92e+03 K | 9.93e+03 K | 0.3 | 0.297 |
10 | 9.79e+03 K | 9.87e+03 K | 0.181 | 0.174 |
15 | 9.6e+03 K | 9.63e+03 K | 0.131 | 0.129 |
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Current t_inner = 10651.149 K
Expected t_inner for next iteration = 10648.093 K
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Starting iteration 5 of 20 (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Luminosity emitted = 1.060e+43 erg / s
Luminosity absorbed = 3.403e+42 erg / s
Luminosity requested = 1.059e+43 erg / s
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Iteration converged 3/4 consecutive times. (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Plasma stratification: (
Shell No. | t_rad | next_t_rad | w | next_w |
0 | 9.64e+03 K | 9.67e+03 K | 0.814 | 0.81 |
5 | 9.93e+03 K | 9.93e+03 K | 0.297 | 0.294 |
10 | 9.87e+03 K | 9.92e+03 K | 0.174 | 0.172 |
15 | 9.63e+03 K | 9.68e+03 K | 0.129 | 0.126 |
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Current t_inner = 10648.093 K
Expected t_inner for next iteration = 10646.310 K
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Starting iteration 6 of 20 (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Luminosity emitted = 1.055e+43 erg / s
Luminosity absorbed = 3.444e+42 erg / s
Luminosity requested = 1.059e+43 erg / s
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Iteration converged 4/4 consecutive times. (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Plasma stratification: (
Shell No. | t_rad | next_t_rad | w | next_w |
0 | 9.67e+03 K | 9.69e+03 K | 0.81 | 0.803 |
5 | 9.93e+03 K | 9.95e+03 K | 0.294 | 0.29 |
10 | 9.92e+03 K | 9.94e+03 K | 0.172 | 0.169 |
15 | 9.68e+03 K | 9.71e+03 K | 0.126 | 0.124 |
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Current t_inner = 10646.310 K
Expected t_inner for next iteration = 10658.041 K
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Starting iteration 7 of 20 (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Luminosity emitted = 1.067e+43 erg / s
Luminosity absorbed = 3.387e+42 erg / s
Luminosity requested = 1.059e+43 erg / s
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Iteration converged 5/4 consecutive times. (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Plasma stratification: (
Shell No. | t_rad | next_t_rad | w | next_w |
0 | 9.69e+03 K | 9.7e+03 K | 0.803 | 0.795 |
5 | 9.95e+03 K | 1e+04 K | 0.29 | 0.284 |
10 | 9.94e+03 K | 9.87e+03 K | 0.169 | 0.175 |
15 | 9.71e+03 K | 9.7e+03 K | 0.124 | 0.126 |
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Current t_inner = 10658.041 K
Expected t_inner for next iteration = 10638.432 K
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Starting iteration 8 of 20 (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Luminosity emitted = 1.056e+43 erg / s
Luminosity absorbed = 3.392e+42 erg / s
Luminosity requested = 1.059e+43 erg / s
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Iteration converged 6/4 consecutive times. (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Plasma stratification: (
Shell No. | t_rad | next_t_rad | w | next_w |
0 | 9.7e+03 K | 9.69e+03 K | 0.795 | 0.799 |
5 | 1e+04 K | 9.98e+03 K | 0.284 | 0.288 |
10 | 9.87e+03 K | 9.94e+03 K | 0.175 | 0.17 |
15 | 9.7e+03 K | 9.67e+03 K | 0.126 | 0.125 |
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Current t_inner = 10638.432 K
Expected t_inner for next iteration = 10647.110 K
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Starting iteration 9 of 20 (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Luminosity emitted = 1.060e+43 erg / s
Luminosity absorbed = 3.398e+42 erg / s
Luminosity requested = 1.059e+43 erg / s
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Iteration converged 7/4 consecutive times. (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Plasma stratification: (
Shell No. | t_rad | next_t_rad | w | next_w |
0 | 9.69e+03 K | 9.69e+03 K | 0.799 | 0.796 |
5 | 9.98e+03 K | 9.98e+03 K | 0.288 | 0.29 |
10 | 9.94e+03 K | 9.9e+03 K | 0.17 | 0.173 |
15 | 9.67e+03 K | 9.72e+03 K | 0.125 | 0.124 |
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Current t_inner = 10647.110 K
Expected t_inner for next iteration = 10645.643 K
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Starting iteration 10 of 20 (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Luminosity emitted = 1.056e+43 erg / s
Luminosity absorbed = 3.430e+42 erg / s
Luminosity requested = 1.059e+43 erg / s
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Iteration converged 8/4 consecutive times. (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Plasma stratification: (
Shell No. | t_rad | next_t_rad | w | next_w |
0 | 9.69e+03 K | 9.67e+03 K | 0.796 | 0.806 |
5 | 9.98e+03 K | 9.98e+03 K | 0.29 | 0.287 |
10 | 9.9e+03 K | 9.94e+03 K | 0.173 | 0.168 |
15 | 9.72e+03 K | 9.67e+03 K | 0.124 | 0.125 |
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Current t_inner = 10645.643 K
Expected t_inner for next iteration = 10653.827 K
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Starting iteration 11 of 20 (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Luminosity emitted = 1.059e+43 erg / s
Luminosity absorbed = 3.438e+42 erg / s
Luminosity requested = 1.059e+43 erg / s
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Iteration converged 9/4 consecutive times. (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Plasma stratification: (
Shell No. | t_rad | next_t_rad | w | next_w |
0 | 9.67e+03 K | 9.67e+03 K | 0.806 | 0.804 |
5 | 9.98e+03 K | 9.98e+03 K | 0.287 | 0.29 |
10 | 9.94e+03 K | 9.89e+03 K | 0.168 | 0.174 |
15 | 9.67e+03 K | 9.63e+03 K | 0.125 | 0.128 |
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Current t_inner = 10653.827 K
Expected t_inner for next iteration = 10653.844 K
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Starting iteration 12 of 20 (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Luminosity emitted = 1.058e+43 erg / s
Luminosity absorbed = 3.445e+42 erg / s
Luminosity requested = 1.059e+43 erg / s
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Iteration converged 10/4 consecutive times. (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Plasma stratification: (
Shell No. | t_rad | next_t_rad | w | next_w |
0 | 9.67e+03 K | 9.66e+03 K | 0.804 | 0.814 |
5 | 9.98e+03 K | 9.98e+03 K | 0.29 | 0.292 |
10 | 9.89e+03 K | 9.9e+03 K | 0.174 | 0.173 |
15 | 9.63e+03 K | 9.64e+03 K | 0.128 | 0.128 |
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Current t_inner = 10653.844 K
Expected t_inner for next iteration = 10655.809 K
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Starting iteration 13 of 20 (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Luminosity emitted = 1.060e+43 erg / s
Luminosity absorbed = 3.443e+42 erg / s
Luminosity requested = 1.059e+43 erg / s
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Iteration converged 11/4 consecutive times. (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Plasma stratification: (
Shell No. | t_rad | next_t_rad | w | next_w |
0 | 9.66e+03 K | 9.66e+03 K | 0.814 | 0.806 |
5 | 9.98e+03 K | 9.95e+03 K | 0.292 | 0.291 |
10 | 9.9e+03 K | 9.92e+03 K | 0.173 | 0.172 |
15 | 9.64e+03 K | 9.66e+03 K | 0.128 | 0.126 |
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Current t_inner = 10655.809 K
Expected t_inner for next iteration = 10653.812 K
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Starting iteration 14 of 20 (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Luminosity emitted = 1.062e+43 erg / s
Luminosity absorbed = 3.414e+42 erg / s
Luminosity requested = 1.059e+43 erg / s
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Iteration converged 12/4 consecutive times. (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Plasma stratification: (
Shell No. | t_rad | next_t_rad | w | next_w |
0 | 9.66e+03 K | 9.65e+03 K | 0.806 | 0.809 |
5 | 9.95e+03 K | 9.98e+03 K | 0.291 | 0.29 |
10 | 9.92e+03 K | 9.88e+03 K | 0.172 | 0.175 |
15 | 9.66e+03 K | 9.7e+03 K | 0.126 | 0.125 |
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Current t_inner = 10653.812 K
Expected t_inner for next iteration = 10647.073 K
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Starting iteration 15 of 20 (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Luminosity emitted = 1.057e+43 erg / s
Luminosity absorbed = 3.428e+42 erg / s
Luminosity requested = 1.059e+43 erg / s
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Iteration converged 13/4 consecutive times. (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Plasma stratification: (
Shell No. | t_rad | next_t_rad | w | next_w |
0 | 9.65e+03 K | 9.65e+03 K | 0.809 | 0.812 |
5 | 9.98e+03 K | 9.93e+03 K | 0.29 | 0.294 |
10 | 9.88e+03 K | 9.84e+03 K | 0.175 | 0.175 |
15 | 9.7e+03 K | 9.66e+03 K | 0.125 | 0.126 |
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Current t_inner = 10647.073 K
Expected t_inner for next iteration = 10653.086 K
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Starting iteration 16 of 20 (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Luminosity emitted = 1.056e+43 erg / s
Luminosity absorbed = 3.470e+42 erg / s
Luminosity requested = 1.059e+43 erg / s
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Iteration converged 14/4 consecutive times. (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Plasma stratification: (
Shell No. | t_rad | next_t_rad | w | next_w |
0 | 9.65e+03 K | 9.67e+03 K | 0.812 | 0.809 |
5 | 9.93e+03 K | 9.94e+03 K | 0.294 | 0.291 |
10 | 9.84e+03 K | 9.87e+03 K | 0.175 | 0.173 |
15 | 9.66e+03 K | 9.65e+03 K | 0.126 | 0.126 |
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Current t_inner = 10653.086 K
Expected t_inner for next iteration = 10661.756 K
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Starting iteration 17 of 20 (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Luminosity emitted = 1.063e+43 erg / s
Luminosity absorbed = 3.451e+42 erg / s
Luminosity requested = 1.059e+43 erg / s
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Iteration converged 15/4 consecutive times. (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Plasma stratification: (
Shell No. | t_rad | next_t_rad | w | next_w |
0 | 9.67e+03 K | 9.72e+03 K | 0.809 | 0.793 |
5 | 9.94e+03 K | 9.96e+03 K | 0.291 | 0.289 |
10 | 9.87e+03 K | 9.95e+03 K | 0.173 | 0.168 |
15 | 9.65e+03 K | 9.7e+03 K | 0.126 | 0.125 |
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Current t_inner = 10661.756 K
Expected t_inner for next iteration = 10653.617 K
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Starting iteration 18 of 20 (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Luminosity emitted = 1.062e+43 erg / s
Luminosity absorbed = 3.422e+42 erg / s
Luminosity requested = 1.059e+43 erg / s
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Iteration converged 16/4 consecutive times. (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Plasma stratification: (
Shell No. | t_rad | next_t_rad | w | next_w |
0 | 9.72e+03 K | 9.65e+03 K | 0.793 | 0.804 |
5 | 9.96e+03 K | 9.9e+03 K | 0.289 | 0.296 |
10 | 9.95e+03 K | 9.87e+03 K | 0.168 | 0.175 |
15 | 9.7e+03 K | 9.65e+03 K | 0.125 | 0.127 |
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Current t_inner = 10653.617 K
Expected t_inner for next iteration = 10647.884 K
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Starting iteration 19 of 20 (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Luminosity emitted = 1.057e+43 erg / s
Luminosity absorbed = 3.425e+42 erg / s
Luminosity requested = 1.059e+43 erg / s
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Iteration converged 17/4 consecutive times. (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Plasma stratification: (
Shell No. | t_rad | next_t_rad | w | next_w |
0 | 9.65e+03 K | 9.69e+03 K | 0.804 | 0.796 |
5 | 9.9e+03 K | 9.92e+03 K | 0.296 | 0.297 |
10 | 9.87e+03 K | 9.87e+03 K | 0.175 | 0.174 |
15 | 9.65e+03 K | 9.65e+03 K | 0.127 | 0.127 |
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Current t_inner = 10647.884 K
Expected t_inner for next iteration = 10652.936 K
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Simulation finished in 19 iterations
Simulation took 86.42 s
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Starting iteration 20 of 20 (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Luminosity emitted = 1.061e+43 erg / s
Luminosity absorbed = 3.419e+42 erg / s
Luminosity requested = 1.059e+43 erg / s
[][INFO ]
Reading Atomic Data from kurucz_cd23_chianti_H_He.h5 (
[][INFO ]
Atom Data kurucz_cd23_chianti_H_He.h5 not found in local path.
Exists in TARDIS Data repo /home/runner/Downloads/tardis-data/kurucz_cd23_chianti_H_He.h5 (
[][INFO ]
Reading Atom Data with: UUID = 6f7b09e887a311e7a06b246e96350010 MD5 = 864f1753714343c41f99cb065710cace (
[][INFO ]
Non provided Atomic Data: synpp_refs, photoionization_data, yg_data, two_photon_data, linelist_atoms, linelist_molecules (
Number of density points larger than number of shells. Assuming inner point irrelevant (
[tardis.model.matter.decay][INFO ]
Decaying abundances for 1123200.0 seconds (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Starting iteration 1 of 20 (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Luminosity emitted = 7.942e+42 erg / s
Luminosity absorbed = 2.659e+42 erg / s
Luminosity requested = 1.059e+43 erg / s
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Plasma stratification: (
Shell No. | t_rad | next_t_rad | w | next_w |
0 | 9.93e+03 K | 1.01e+04 K | 0.4 | 0.507 |
5 | 9.85e+03 K | 1.02e+04 K | 0.211 | 0.197 |
10 | 9.78e+03 K | 1.02e+04 K | 0.143 | 0.117 |
15 | 9.71e+03 K | 9.88e+03 K | 0.105 | 0.0868 |
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Current t_inner = 9933.952 K
Expected t_inner for next iteration = 10703.327 K
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Starting iteration 2 of 20 (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Luminosity emitted = 1.071e+43 erg / s
Luminosity absorbed = 3.577e+42 erg / s
Luminosity requested = 1.059e+43 erg / s
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Plasma stratification: (
Shell No. | t_rad | next_t_rad | w | next_w |
0 | 1.01e+04 K | 1.08e+04 K | 0.507 | 0.524 |
5 | 1.02e+04 K | 1.1e+04 K | 0.197 | 0.202 |
10 | 1.02e+04 K | 1.08e+04 K | 0.117 | 0.124 |
15 | 9.88e+03 K | 1.05e+04 K | 0.0868 | 0.0926 |
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Current t_inner = 10703.327 K
Expected t_inner for next iteration = 10673.709 K
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Starting iteration 3 of 20 (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Luminosity emitted = 1.074e+43 erg / s
Luminosity absorbed = 3.397e+42 erg / s
Luminosity requested = 1.059e+43 erg / s
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Iteration converged 1/4 consecutive times. (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Plasma stratification: (
Shell No. | t_rad | next_t_rad | w | next_w |
0 | 1.08e+04 K | 1.1e+04 K | 0.524 | 0.484 |
5 | 1.1e+04 K | 1.12e+04 K | 0.202 | 0.19 |
10 | 1.08e+04 K | 1.1e+04 K | 0.124 | 0.118 |
15 | 1.05e+04 K | 1.06e+04 K | 0.0926 | 0.0894 |
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Current t_inner = 10673.709 K
Expected t_inner for next iteration = 10637.548 K
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Starting iteration 4 of 20 (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Luminosity emitted = 1.058e+43 erg / s
Luminosity absorbed = 3.365e+42 erg / s
Luminosity requested = 1.059e+43 erg / s
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Iteration converged 2/4 consecutive times. (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Plasma stratification: (
Shell No. | t_rad | next_t_rad | w | next_w |
0 | 1.1e+04 K | 1.1e+04 K | 0.484 | 0.471 |
5 | 1.12e+04 K | 1.13e+04 K | 0.19 | 0.181 |
10 | 1.1e+04 K | 1.1e+04 K | 0.118 | 0.113 |
15 | 1.06e+04 K | 1.07e+04 K | 0.0894 | 0.0851 |
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Current t_inner = 10637.548 K
Expected t_inner for next iteration = 10641.159 K
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Starting iteration 5 of 20 (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Luminosity emitted = 1.057e+43 erg / s
Luminosity absorbed = 3.391e+42 erg / s
Luminosity requested = 1.059e+43 erg / s
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Iteration converged 3/4 consecutive times. (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Plasma stratification: (
Shell No. | t_rad | next_t_rad | w | next_w |
0 | 1.1e+04 K | 1.1e+04 K | 0.471 | 0.48 |
5 | 1.13e+04 K | 1.13e+04 K | 0.181 | 0.179 |
10 | 1.1e+04 K | 1.1e+04 K | 0.113 | 0.115 |
15 | 1.07e+04 K | 1.07e+04 K | 0.0851 | 0.0838 |
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Current t_inner = 10641.159 K
Expected t_inner for next iteration = 10647.218 K
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Starting iteration 6 of 20 (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Luminosity emitted = 1.060e+43 erg / s
Luminosity absorbed = 3.394e+42 erg / s
Luminosity requested = 1.059e+43 erg / s
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Iteration converged 4/4 consecutive times. (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Plasma stratification: (
Shell No. | t_rad | next_t_rad | w | next_w |
0 | 1.1e+04 K | 1.11e+04 K | 0.48 | 0.466 |
5 | 1.13e+04 K | 1.13e+04 K | 0.179 | 0.182 |
10 | 1.1e+04 K | 1.1e+04 K | 0.115 | 0.115 |
15 | 1.07e+04 K | 1.07e+04 K | 0.0838 | 0.0853 |
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Current t_inner = 10647.218 K
Expected t_inner for next iteration = 10645.645 K
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Starting iteration 7 of 20 (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Luminosity emitted = 1.060e+43 erg / s
Luminosity absorbed = 3.389e+42 erg / s
Luminosity requested = 1.059e+43 erg / s
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Iteration converged 5/4 consecutive times. (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Plasma stratification: (
Shell No. | t_rad | next_t_rad | w | next_w |
0 | 1.11e+04 K | 1.1e+04 K | 0.466 | 0.469 |
5 | 1.13e+04 K | 1.14e+04 K | 0.182 | 0.173 |
10 | 1.1e+04 K | 1.1e+04 K | 0.115 | 0.113 |
15 | 1.07e+04 K | 1.06e+04 K | 0.0853 | 0.0865 |
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Current t_inner = 10645.645 K
Expected t_inner for next iteration = 10644.007 K
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Starting iteration 8 of 20 (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Luminosity emitted = 1.062e+43 erg / s
Luminosity absorbed = 3.356e+42 erg / s
Luminosity requested = 1.059e+43 erg / s
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Iteration converged 6/4 consecutive times. (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Plasma stratification: (
Shell No. | t_rad | next_t_rad | w | next_w |
0 | 1.1e+04 K | 1.11e+04 K | 0.469 | 0.47 |
5 | 1.14e+04 K | 1.13e+04 K | 0.173 | 0.178 |
10 | 1.1e+04 K | 1.11e+04 K | 0.113 | 0.112 |
15 | 1.06e+04 K | 1.07e+04 K | 0.0865 | 0.0836 |
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Current t_inner = 10644.007 K
Expected t_inner for next iteration = 10636.775 K
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Starting iteration 9 of 20 (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Luminosity emitted = 1.053e+43 erg / s
Luminosity absorbed = 3.409e+42 erg / s
Luminosity requested = 1.059e+43 erg / s
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Iteration converged 7/4 consecutive times. (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Plasma stratification: (
Shell No. | t_rad | next_t_rad | w | next_w |
0 | 1.11e+04 K | 1.1e+04 K | 0.47 | 0.471 |
5 | 1.13e+04 K | 1.14e+04 K | 0.178 | 0.172 |
10 | 1.11e+04 K | 1.12e+04 K | 0.112 | 0.109 |
15 | 1.07e+04 K | 1.07e+04 K | 0.0836 | 0.0836 |
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Current t_inner = 10636.775 K
Expected t_inner for next iteration = 10653.396 K
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Starting iteration 10 of 20 (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Luminosity emitted = 1.071e+43 erg / s
Luminosity absorbed = 3.320e+42 erg / s
Luminosity requested = 1.059e+43 erg / s
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Iteration converged 8/4 consecutive times. (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Plasma stratification: (
Shell No. | t_rad | next_t_rad | w | next_w |
0 | 1.1e+04 K | 1.1e+04 K | 0.471 | 0.477 |
5 | 1.14e+04 K | 1.14e+04 K | 0.172 | 0.178 |
10 | 1.12e+04 K | 1.11e+04 K | 0.109 | 0.114 |
15 | 1.07e+04 K | 1.06e+04 K | 0.0836 | 0.0872 |
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Current t_inner = 10653.396 K
Expected t_inner for next iteration = 10624.877 K
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Starting iteration 11 of 20 (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Luminosity emitted = 1.050e+43 erg / s
Luminosity absorbed = 3.378e+42 erg / s
Luminosity requested = 1.059e+43 erg / s
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Iteration converged 9/4 consecutive times. (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Plasma stratification: (
Shell No. | t_rad | next_t_rad | w | next_w |
0 | 1.1e+04 K | 1.1e+04 K | 0.477 | 0.473 |
5 | 1.14e+04 K | 1.12e+04 K | 0.178 | 0.182 |
10 | 1.11e+04 K | 1.1e+04 K | 0.114 | 0.115 |
15 | 1.06e+04 K | 1.06e+04 K | 0.0872 | 0.0858 |
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Current t_inner = 10624.877 K
Expected t_inner for next iteration = 10649.271 K
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Starting iteration 12 of 20 (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Luminosity emitted = 1.057e+43 erg / s
Luminosity absorbed = 3.427e+42 erg / s
Luminosity requested = 1.059e+43 erg / s
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Iteration converged 10/4 consecutive times. (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Plasma stratification: (
Shell No. | t_rad | next_t_rad | w | next_w |
0 | 1.1e+04 K | 1.11e+04 K | 0.473 | 0.465 |
5 | 1.12e+04 K | 1.13e+04 K | 0.182 | 0.18 |
10 | 1.1e+04 K | 1.11e+04 K | 0.115 | 0.111 |
15 | 1.06e+04 K | 1.07e+04 K | 0.0858 | 0.083 |
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Current t_inner = 10649.271 K
Expected t_inner for next iteration = 10653.802 K
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Starting iteration 13 of 20 (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Luminosity emitted = 1.062e+43 erg / s
Luminosity absorbed = 3.405e+42 erg / s
Luminosity requested = 1.059e+43 erg / s
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Iteration converged 11/4 consecutive times. (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Plasma stratification: (
Shell No. | t_rad | next_t_rad | w | next_w |
0 | 1.11e+04 K | 1.11e+04 K | 0.465 | 0.466 |
5 | 1.13e+04 K | 1.13e+04 K | 0.18 | 0.178 |
10 | 1.11e+04 K | 1.11e+04 K | 0.111 | 0.113 |
15 | 1.07e+04 K | 1.07e+04 K | 0.083 | 0.086 |
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Current t_inner = 10653.802 K
Expected t_inner for next iteration = 10646.746 K
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Starting iteration 14 of 20 (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Luminosity emitted = 1.061e+43 erg / s
Luminosity absorbed = 3.377e+42 erg / s
Luminosity requested = 1.059e+43 erg / s
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Iteration converged 12/4 consecutive times. (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Plasma stratification: (
Shell No. | t_rad | next_t_rad | w | next_w |
0 | 1.11e+04 K | 1.11e+04 K | 0.466 | 0.468 |
5 | 1.13e+04 K | 1.13e+04 K | 0.178 | 0.181 |
10 | 1.11e+04 K | 1.1e+04 K | 0.113 | 0.114 |
15 | 1.07e+04 K | 1.06e+04 K | 0.086 | 0.0867 |
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Current t_inner = 10646.746 K
Expected t_inner for next iteration = 10641.333 K
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Starting iteration 15 of 20 (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Luminosity emitted = 1.055e+43 erg / s
Luminosity absorbed = 3.411e+42 erg / s
Luminosity requested = 1.059e+43 erg / s
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Iteration converged 13/4 consecutive times. (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Plasma stratification: (
Shell No. | t_rad | next_t_rad | w | next_w |
0 | 1.11e+04 K | 1.1e+04 K | 0.468 | 0.484 |
5 | 1.13e+04 K | 1.13e+04 K | 0.181 | 0.18 |
10 | 1.1e+04 K | 1.1e+04 K | 0.114 | 0.113 |
15 | 1.06e+04 K | 1.07e+04 K | 0.0867 | 0.0852 |
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Current t_inner = 10641.333 K
Expected t_inner for next iteration = 10652.281 K
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Starting iteration 16 of 20 (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Luminosity emitted = 1.058e+43 erg / s
Luminosity absorbed = 3.437e+42 erg / s
Luminosity requested = 1.059e+43 erg / s
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Iteration converged 14/4 consecutive times. (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Plasma stratification: (
Shell No. | t_rad | next_t_rad | w | next_w |
0 | 1.1e+04 K | 1.1e+04 K | 0.484 | 0.472 |
5 | 1.13e+04 K | 1.14e+04 K | 0.18 | 0.173 |
10 | 1.1e+04 K | 1.11e+04 K | 0.113 | 0.112 |
15 | 1.07e+04 K | 1.07e+04 K | 0.0852 | 0.0832 |
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Current t_inner = 10652.281 K
Expected t_inner for next iteration = 10654.516 K
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Starting iteration 17 of 20 (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Luminosity emitted = 1.066e+43 erg / s
Luminosity absorbed = 3.375e+42 erg / s
Luminosity requested = 1.059e+43 erg / s
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Iteration converged 15/4 consecutive times. (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Plasma stratification: (
Shell No. | t_rad | next_t_rad | w | next_w |
0 | 1.1e+04 K | 1.11e+04 K | 0.472 | 0.465 |
5 | 1.14e+04 K | 1.14e+04 K | 0.173 | 0.171 |
10 | 1.11e+04 K | 1.12e+04 K | 0.112 | 0.108 |
15 | 1.07e+04 K | 1.08e+04 K | 0.0832 | 0.0813 |
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Current t_inner = 10654.516 K
Expected t_inner for next iteration = 10637.793 K
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Starting iteration 18 of 20 (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Luminosity emitted = 1.059e+43 erg / s
Luminosity absorbed = 3.354e+42 erg / s
Luminosity requested = 1.059e+43 erg / s
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Iteration converged 16/4 consecutive times. (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Plasma stratification: (
Shell No. | t_rad | next_t_rad | w | next_w |
0 | 1.11e+04 K | 1.11e+04 K | 0.465 | 0.463 |
5 | 1.14e+04 K | 1.14e+04 K | 0.171 | 0.174 |
10 | 1.12e+04 K | 1.11e+04 K | 0.108 | 0.11 |
15 | 1.08e+04 K | 1.07e+04 K | 0.0813 | 0.0844 |
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Current t_inner = 10637.793 K
Expected t_inner for next iteration = 10638.424 K
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Starting iteration 19 of 20 (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Luminosity emitted = 1.054e+43 erg / s
Luminosity absorbed = 3.403e+42 erg / s
Luminosity requested = 1.059e+43 erg / s
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Iteration converged 17/4 consecutive times. (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Plasma stratification: (
Shell No. | t_rad | next_t_rad | w | next_w |
0 | 1.11e+04 K | 1.11e+04 K | 0.463 | 0.465 |
5 | 1.14e+04 K | 1.14e+04 K | 0.174 | 0.173 |
10 | 1.11e+04 K | 1.11e+04 K | 0.11 | 0.109 |
15 | 1.07e+04 K | 1.07e+04 K | 0.0844 | 0.0839 |
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Current t_inner = 10638.424 K
Expected t_inner for next iteration = 10651.315 K
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Simulation finished in 19 iterations
Simulation took 20.00 s
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Starting iteration 20 of 20 (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO ]
Luminosity emitted = 1.061e+43 erg / s
Luminosity absorbed = 3.400e+42 erg / s
Luminosity requested = 1.059e+43 erg / s
%matplotlib inline
color='red', label='truncated blackbody (custom packet source)')
color='blue', label='normal blackbody (default packet source)')
plt.xlabel('$\lambda [\AA]$')
plt.ylabel('$L_\lambda$ [erg/s/$\AA$]')
plt.xlim(500, 10000)
[py.warnings ][WARNING]
<>:8: SyntaxWarning:
invalid escape sequence '\l'
[py.warnings ][WARNING]
<>:9: SyntaxWarning:
invalid escape sequence '\l'
[py.warnings ][WARNING]
<>:8: SyntaxWarning:
invalid escape sequence '\l'
[py.warnings ][WARNING]
<>:9: SyntaxWarning:
invalid escape sequence '\l'
[py.warnings ][WARNING]
/tmp/ipykernel_5478/ SyntaxWarning:
invalid escape sequence '\l'
[py.warnings ][WARNING]
/tmp/ipykernel_5478/ SyntaxWarning:
invalid escape sequence '\l'
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x7f015d874c50>