Notation in Carsus

  • Use “0” for neutral elements.

    Example: Si 0 is equivalent to \(\text{Si I}\), Si 1 to \(\text{Si II}\), etc.

  • Use “-” to grab intervals of consecsutive elements or species.

    Example: H-He selects \(\text{H I}\) and \(\text{H II}\) plus \(\text{He I}\), \(\text{He II}\) and \(\text{He III}\), while C 0-2 selects \(\text{C I}\), \(\text{C II}\) and \(\text{C III}\).

  • Use “,” to grab non-consecutive species.

    Example: Si 0, 2 selects \(\text{Si I}\) and \(\text{Si III}\).

  • Use “;” to grab non-consecutive elements.

    Example: H; Li selects \(\text{H I}\) and \(\text{H II}\) plus \(\text{Li I}\), \(\text{Li II}\), \(\text{Li III}\) and \(\text{Li IV}\).

  • Finally, mix all the above syntax as needed.

    Example: H; C-Si; Fe 1,3.