Source code for

import copy
import logging
import os
import pprint

import pandas as pd
import yaml
from astropy import units as u

from import config_validator
from import load_yaml_from_csvy
from import HDFWriterMixin, YAMLLoader, yaml_load_file

pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4)

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class ConfigurationError(ValueError): pass
[docs]class ConfigurationNameSpace(dict): """ The configuration name space class allows to wrap a dictionary and adds utility functions for easy access. Accesses like a.b.c are then possible Code from Parameters ---------- config_dict : dict configuration dictionary Returns ------- config_ns : ConfigurationNameSpace """
[docs] @classmethod def from_yaml(cls, fname): """ Read a configuration from a YAML file Parameters ---------- fname : str filename or path """ try: yaml_dict = yaml_load_file(fname) except OSError as e: logger.critical(f"No config file named: {fname}") raise e return cls.from_config_dict(yaml_dict)
[docs] @classmethod def from_config_dict(cls, config_dict): """ Validating a config file. Parameters ---------- config_dict : dict dictionary of a raw unvalidated config file Returns ------- `tardis.config_reader.Configuration` """ return cls(config_validator.validate_dict(config_dict))
def __init__(self, value=None): if value is None: pass elif isinstance(value, dict): for key in value: self.__setitem__(key, value[key]) else: raise TypeError("expected dict") if hasattr(self, "csvy_model") and hasattr(self, "model"): raise ValueError( "Cannot specify both model and csvy_model in main config file." ) if hasattr(self, "csvy_model"): model = dict() csvy_model_path = os.path.join(self.config_dirname, self.csvy_model) csvy_yml = load_yaml_from_csvy(csvy_model_path) if "v_inner_boundary" in csvy_yml: model["v_inner_boundary"] = csvy_yml["v_inner_boundary"] if "v_outer_boundary" in csvy_yml: model["v_outer_boundary"] = csvy_yml["v_outer_boundary"] self.__setitem__("model", model) for key in self.model: self.model.__setitem__(key, self.model[key]) def __setitem__(self, key, value): if isinstance(value, dict) and not isinstance( value, ConfigurationNameSpace ): value = ConfigurationNameSpace(value) if key in self and hasattr(self[key], "unit"): value = u.Quantity(value, self[key].unit) dict.__setitem__(self, key, value) def __getitem__(self, key): return super(ConfigurationNameSpace, self).__getitem__(key) def __getattr__(self, item): if item in self: return self[item] else: super(ConfigurationNameSpace, self).__getattribute__(item) __setattr__ = __setitem__ def __dir__(self): return self.keys()
[docs] def get_config_item(self, config_item_string): """ Get configuration items using a string of type 'a.b.param' Parameters ---------- config_item_string : str string of shape 'section1.sectionb.param1' """ config_item_path = config_item_string.split(".") if len(config_item_path) == 1: config_item = config_item_path[0] if config_item.startswith("item"): return self[config_item_path[0]] else: return self[config_item] elif len(config_item_path) == 2 and config_item_path[1].startswith( "item" ): return self[config_item_path[0]][ int(config_item_path[1].replace("item", "")) ] else: return self[config_item_path[0]].get_config_item( ".".join(config_item_path[1:]) )
[docs] def set_config_item(self, config_item_string, value): """ set configuration items using a string of type 'a.b.param' Parameters ---------- config_item_string : str string of shape 'section1.sectionb.param1' value : value to set the parameter with it """ config_item_path = config_item_string.split(".") if len(config_item_path) == 1: self[config_item_path[0]] = value elif len(config_item_path) == 2 and config_item_path[1].startswith( "item" ): current_value = self[config_item_path[0]][ int(config_item_path[1].replace("item", "")) ] if hasattr(current_value, "unit"): self[config_item_path[0]][ int(config_item_path[1].replace("item", "")) ] = u.Quantity(value, current_value.unit) else: self[config_item_path[0]][ int(config_item_path[1].replace("item", "")) ] = value else: self[config_item_path[0]].set_config_item( ".".join(config_item_path[1:]), value )
[docs] def deepcopy(self): return ConfigurationNameSpace(copy.deepcopy(dict(self)))
[docs]class ConfigWriterMixin(HDFWriterMixin): """ Overrides HDFWriterMixin to obtain HDF properties from configuration keys """
[docs] def get_properties(self): data = yaml.dump(self) data = pd.DataFrame(index=[0], data={"config": data}) return data
[docs]class Configuration(ConfigurationNameSpace, ConfigWriterMixin): """ Tardis configuration class """ hdf_name = "simulation"
[docs] @classmethod def from_yaml(cls, fname, *args, **kwargs): try: yaml_dict = yaml_load_file( fname, loader=kwargs.pop("loader", YAMLLoader) ) except OSError as e: logger.critical(f"No config file named: {fname}") raise e tardis_config_version = yaml_dict.get("tardis_config_version", None) if tardis_config_version != "v1.0": raise ConfigurationError( "Currently only tardis_config_version v1.0 supported" ) kwargs["config_dirname"] = os.path.dirname(fname) return cls.from_config_dict(yaml_dict, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def from_config_dict(cls, config_dict, validate=True, config_dirname=""): """ Validating and subsequently parsing a config file. Parameters ---------- config_dict : dict dictionary of a raw unvalidated config file validate : bool Turn validation on or off. Returns ------- `tardis.config_reader.Configuration` """ if validate: validated_config_dict = config_validator.validate_dict(config_dict) else: validated_config_dict = config_dict validated_config_dict["config_dirname"] = config_dirname montecarlo_section = validated_config_dict["montecarlo"] Configuration.validate_montecarlo_section(montecarlo_section) if "csvy_model" in validated_config_dict.keys(): pass elif "model" in validated_config_dict.keys(): model_section = validated_config_dict["model"] Configuration.validate_model_section(model_section) # SuperNova Section Validation supernova_section = validated_config_dict["supernova"] time_explosion = supernova_section["time_explosion"] luminosity_wavelength_start = supernova_section[ "luminosity_wavelength_start" ] luminosity_wavelength_end = supernova_section[ "luminosity_wavelength_end" ] if time_explosion.value <= 0: raise ValueError( f"Time Of Explosion is Invalid, {time_explosion}" ) if ( luminosity_wavelength_start.value > luminosity_wavelength_end.value ): raise ValueError( "Integral Limits for Luminosity Wavelength are Invalid, Start Limit > End Limit \n" f"Luminosity Wavelength Start : {luminosity_wavelength_start} \n" f"Luminosity Wavelength End : {luminosity_wavelength_end}" ) # Plasma Section Validation plasma_section = validated_config_dict["plasma"] initial_t_inner = plasma_section["initial_t_inner"] initial_t_rad = plasma_section["initial_t_rad"] if initial_t_inner.value < -1: raise ValueError( f"Initial Temperature of Inner Boundary Black Body is Invalid, {initial_t_inner}" ) if initial_t_rad.value < -1: raise ValueError( f"Initial Radiative Temperature is Invalid, {initial_t_rad}" ) spectrum_section = validated_config_dict["spectrum"] Configuration.validate_spectrum_section( spectrum_section, montecarlo_section["enable_full_relativity"] ) return cls(validated_config_dict)
[docs] @staticmethod def validate_spectrum_section( spectrum_section, enable_full_relativity=False ): """ Validate the spectrum section dictionary Parameters ---------- spectrum_section : dict """ # Spectrum Section Validation start = spectrum_section["start"] stop = spectrum_section["stop"] if start.value > stop.value: raise ValueError( "Start Value of Spectrum Cannot be Greater than Stop Value. \n" f"Start : {start} \n" f"Stop : {stop}" ) spectrum_integrated = spectrum_section["method"] == "integrated" if enable_full_relativity and spectrum_integrated: raise NotImplementedError( "The spectrum method is set to 'integrated' and " "enable_full_relativity to 'True'.\n" "The FormalIntegrator is not yet implemented for the full " "relativity mode. " )
[docs] @staticmethod def validate_model_section(model_section): """ Parse the model section dictionary Parameters ---------- model_section : dict """ if model_section["structure"]["type"] == "specific": start_velocity = model_section["structure"]["velocity"]["start"] stop_velocity = model_section["structure"]["velocity"]["stop"] if stop_velocity.value < start_velocity.value: raise ValueError( "Stop Velocity Cannot Be Less than Start Velocity. \n" f"Start Velocity = {start_velocity} \n" f"Stop Velocity = {stop_velocity}" ) elif model_section["structure"]["type"] == "file": v_inner_boundary = model_section["structure"]["v_inner_boundary"] v_outer_boundary = model_section["structure"]["v_outer_boundary"] if v_outer_boundary.value < v_inner_boundary.value: raise ValueError( "Outer Boundary Velocity Cannot Be Less than Inner Boundary Velocity. \n" f"Inner Boundary Velocity = {v_inner_boundary} \n" f"Outer Boundary Velocity = {v_outer_boundary}" ) if "density" in model_section["structure"].keys(): if model_section["structure"]["density"]["type"] == "exponential": rho_0 = model_section["structure"]["density"]["rho_0"] v_0 = model_section["structure"]["density"]["v_0"] if rho_0.value <= 0: raise ValueError(f"Density Specified is Invalid, {rho_0}") if v_0.value <= 0: raise ValueError(f"Velocity Specified is Invalid, {v_0}") if "time_0" in model_section["structure"]["density"].keys(): time_0 = model_section["structure"]["density"]["time_0"] if time_0.value <= 0: raise ValueError(f"Time Specified is Invalid, {time_0}") elif model_section["structure"]["density"]["type"] == "power_law": rho_0 = model_section["structure"]["density"]["rho_0"] v_0 = model_section["structure"]["density"]["v_0"] if rho_0.value <= 0: raise ValueError(f"Density Specified is Invalid, {rho_0}") if v_0.value <= 0: raise ValueError(f"Velocity Specified is Invalid, {v_0}") if "time_0" in model_section["structure"]["density"].keys(): time_0 = model_section["structure"]["density"]["time_0"] if time_0.value <= 0: raise ValueError(f"Time Specified is Invalid, {time_0}") elif model_section["structure"]["density"]["type"] == "uniform": density = model_section["structure"]["density"]["value"] if density.value <= 0: raise ValueError( f"Density Value Specified is Invalid, {density}" ) if "time_0" in model_section["structure"]["density"].keys(): time_0 = model_section["structure"]["density"]["time_0"] if time_0.value <= 0: raise ValueError(f"Time Specified is Invalid, {time_0}")
[docs] @staticmethod def validate_montecarlo_section(montecarlo_section): """ Validate the montecarlo section dictionary Parameters ---------- montecarlo_section : dict """ if montecarlo_section["convergence_strategy"]["type"] == "damped": montecarlo_section[ "convergence_strategy" ] = Configuration.parse_convergence_section( montecarlo_section["convergence_strategy"] ) elif montecarlo_section["convergence_strategy"]["type"] == "custom": raise NotImplementedError( 'convergence_strategy is set to "custom"; ' "you need to implement your specific convergence treatment" ) else: raise ValueError('convergence_strategy is not "damped" or "custom"')
[docs] @staticmethod def parse_convergence_section(convergence_section_dict): """ Parse the convergence section dictionary Parameters ---------- convergence_section_dict : dict dictionary """ convergence_parameters = ["damping_constant", "threshold"] for convergence_variable in ["t_inner", "t_rad", "w"]: if convergence_variable not in convergence_section_dict: convergence_section_dict[convergence_variable] = {} convergence_variable_section = convergence_section_dict[ convergence_variable ] for param in convergence_parameters: if convergence_variable_section.get(param, None) is None: if param in convergence_section_dict: convergence_section_dict[convergence_variable][ param ] = convergence_section_dict[param] return convergence_section_dict
def __init__(self, config_dict): super(Configuration, self).__init__(config_dict)
[docs]def quantity_representer(dumper, data): """ Represents Astropy Quantity as str Parameters ---------- dumper : YAML dumper object data : ConfigurationNameSpace object Returns ------- yaml dumper representation of Quantity as string """ return dumper.represent_data(str(data))
[docs]def cns_representer(dumper, data): """ Represents Configuration as dict Parameters ---------- dumper : YAML dumper object data : ConfigurationNameSpace object Returns ------- yaml dumper representation of Configuration as dict """ return dumper.represent_dict(dict(data))
yaml.add_representer(u.Quantity, quantity_representer) yaml.add_representer(ConfigurationNameSpace, cns_representer) yaml.add_representer(Configuration, cns_representer)