Source code for

from astropy import units as u
from typing import Any, Tuple
from numpy import recfromtxt
import pandas as pd
from radioactivedecay import Nuclide
from radioactivedecay.utils import Z_DICT, elem_to_Z
from pathlib import Path

import numpy as np
from import read_csv_isotope_abundances

from tardis.util.base import parse_quantity

[docs]class ConfigurationError(Exception): pass
[docs]def read_simple_ascii_density( fname: Any, ) -> Tuple[u.Quantity, u.Quantity, u.Quantity]: """ Reading a density file of the following structure (example; lines starting with a hash will be ignored): The first density describes the mean density in the center of the model and is not used. 5 s #index velocity [km/s] density [g/cm^3] 0 1.1e4 1.6e8 1 1.2e4 1.7e8 Parameters ---------- fname : str filename or path with filename Returns ------- time_of_model : astropy.units.Quantity time at which the model is valid velocity : u.Quantity velocity mean_density: u.Quantity mean density """ with open(fname) as fh: time_of_model_string = fh.readline().strip() time_of_model = parse_quantity(time_of_model_string) data = recfromtxt( fname, skip_header=1, names=("index", "velocity", "density"), dtype=(int, float, float), ) velocity = (data["velocity"] * / u.s).to("cm/s") mean_density = (data["density"] * u.Unit("g/cm^3"))[1:] return time_of_model, velocity, mean_density
[docs]def read_csv_composition(fname, delimiter=r"\s+"): """Read composition from a simple CSV file The CSV file can contain specific isotopes or elemental abundances in the different columns. The first row must contain the header in which the contents of each column is specified by the elemental symbol (for elemental abundances) or by the symbol plus mass number (for isotopic abundances). Example: C O Fe Ni56 Co The i-th row specifies the composition in the i-th shell fname : str filename of the csv file """ return read_csv_isotope_abundances( fname, delimiter=delimiter, skip_columns=0, skip_rows=[1] )
[docs]def read_simple_ascii_abundances(fname): """ Reading an abundance file of the following structure (example; lines starting with hash will be ignored): The first line of abundances describe the abundances in the center of the model and are not used. #index element1, element2, ..., element30 0 0.4 0.3, .. 0.2 Parameters ---------- fname : str filename or path with filename Returns ------- index : np.ndarray containing the indices abundances : pandas.DataFrame data frame containing index, element1 - element30 and columns according to the shells """ data = np.loadtxt(fname) index = data[1:, 0].astype(int) abundances = pd.DataFrame( data[1:, 1:].transpose(), index=np.arange(1, data.shape[1]) ) return index, abundances
[docs]def read_uniform_abundances(abundances_section, no_of_shells): """ Parameters ---------- abundances_section : config.model.abundances no_of_shells : int Returns ------- abundance : pandas.DataFrame isotope_abundance : pandas.DataFrame """ abundance = pd.DataFrame( columns=np.arange(no_of_shells), index=pd.Index(np.arange(1, 120), name="atomic_number"), dtype=np.float64, ) isotope_index = pd.MultiIndex( [[]] * 2, [[]] * 2, names=["atomic_number", "mass_number"] ) isotope_abundance = pd.DataFrame( columns=np.arange(no_of_shells), index=isotope_index, dtype=np.float64 ) for element_symbol_string in abundances_section: if element_symbol_string in ["type", "model_isotope_time_0"]: continue try: if element_symbol_string in Z_DICT.values(): z = elem_to_Z(element_symbol_string) abundance.loc[z] = float( abundances_section[element_symbol_string] ) else: nuc = Nuclide(element_symbol_string) mass_no = nuc.A z = nuc.Z isotope_abundance.loc[(z, mass_no), :] = float( abundances_section[element_symbol_string] ) except RuntimeError as err: raise RuntimeError( f"Abundances are not defined properly in config file : {err.args}" ) return abundance, isotope_abundance