Source code for

import logging

from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod, abstractproperty
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

__all__ = [

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class BasePlasmaProperty(object, metaclass=ABCMeta): """ Attributes ---------- outputs : Tuple (strings) List of output parameter names for particular property. name : String Class name latex_name : String Used to label nodes when plotting graphs """ @abstractproperty def outputs(self): pass @property def name(self): return self.__class__.__name__ def __init__(self): for output in self.outputs: setattr(self, output, None) def _update_type_str(self): self.type_str = repr(type(self.value))
[docs] def get_latex_label(self): latex_template = r"""\textbf{{Name}} {name} \textbf{{Formula}} {formula} {description} """ outputs = self.outputs.replace("_", r"\_") latex_name = getattr(self, "latex_name", "") if latex_name != "": complete_name = f"{latex_name} [{self.latex_name}]" else: complete_name = latex_name latex_label = latex_template.format( name=complete_name, formula=getattr(self, "latex_formula", "--"), description=getattr(self, "latex_description", ""), ) return latex_label.replace("\\", r"\\")
[docs]class ProcessingPlasmaProperty(BasePlasmaProperty, metaclass=ABCMeta): """ Attributes ---------- inputs : Tuple (strings) List of input parameters required to create the property """ def __init__(self, plasma_parent): super(ProcessingPlasmaProperty, self).__init__() self.plasma_parent = plasma_parent self._update_inputs() self.frozen = False def _update_inputs(self): """ This function uses the CPython API to read the variable names from the `calculate`-function and makes the plasma routines easily programmable. """ calculate_call_signature = self.calculate.__code__.co_varnames[ : self.calculate.__code__.co_argcount ] self.inputs = [ item for item in calculate_call_signature if item != "self" ] def _get_input_values(self): return (self.plasma_parent.get_value(item) for item in self.inputs)
[docs] def update(self): """ Updates the processing Plasma by calling the `calculate`-method with the required inputs :return: """ if not self.frozen: if len(self.outputs) == 1: setattr( self, self.outputs[0], self.calculate(*self._get_input_values()), ) else: new_values = self.calculate(*self._get_input_values()) for i, output in enumerate(self.outputs): setattr(self, output, new_values[i]) else:"{} has been frozen!".format(
[docs] @abstractmethod def calculate(self, *args, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError( "This method needs to be implemented by " "processing plasma modules" )
[docs]class HiddenPlasmaProperty(ProcessingPlasmaProperty, metaclass=ABCMeta): """ Used for plasma properties that should not be displayed in the final graph (e.g. lines_lower_level_index). The code will automatically remove these property names from the graph and instead connect their inputs directly to their outputs. """ def __init__(self, plasma_parent): super(HiddenPlasmaProperty, self).__init__(plasma_parent)
class TransitionProbabilitiesProperty( ProcessingPlasmaProperty, metaclass=ABCMeta ): """ Used for plasma properties that have unnormalized transition probabilities as one of their outputs. This makes it possible to easily track all transition probabilities and to later combine them. """ @abstractproperty def transition_probabilities_outputs(self): pass
[docs]class BaseAtomicDataProperty(ProcessingPlasmaProperty, metaclass=ABCMeta): """ Used for atomic data properties. Main feature is the ability to filter atomic data by the elements required for the simulation. """ inputs = ["atomic_data", "selected_atoms"] def __init__(self, plasma_parent): super(BaseAtomicDataProperty, self).__init__(plasma_parent) self.value = None @abstractmethod def _set_index(self, raw_atomic_property): raise NotImplementedError("Needs to be implemented in subclasses") @abstractmethod def _filter_atomic_property(self, raw_atomic_property): raise NotImplementedError("Needs to be implemented in subclasses")
[docs] def calculate(self, atomic_data, selected_atoms): if getattr(self, self.outputs[0]) is not None: return getattr(self, self.outputs[0]) else: raw_atomic_property = getattr(atomic_data, self.outputs[0]) return self._set_index( self._filter_atomic_property( raw_atomic_property, selected_atoms ) )
[docs]class Input(BasePlasmaProperty): """ The plasma property class for properties that are input directly from model and not calculated within the plasma module, e.g. t_rad. """ def _set_output_value(self, output, value): setattr(self, output, value)
[docs] def set_value(self, value): assert len(self.outputs) == 1 self._set_output_value(self.outputs[0], value)
[docs]class ArrayInput(Input): def _set_output_value(self, output, value): setattr(self, output, np.array(value, copy=False))
[docs]class DataFrameInput(Input): def _set_output_value(self, output, value): setattr(self, output, np.array(pd.DataFrame(value), copy=False))
[docs]class PreviousIterationProperty(BasePlasmaProperty): """ This class is used for properties where, to prevent a property calculation loop, the property values from the previous iteration (which are static) are used in the current calculation. Usually only required for NLTE calculations. Given a sufficient number of iterations, the values should converge successfully on the correct solution. """ def _set_initial_value(self, value): self.set_value(value) def _set_output_value(self, output, value): setattr(self, output, value)
[docs] def set_value(self, value): assert len(self.outputs) == 1 self._set_output_value(self.outputs[0], value)