Source code for

"""Convergence Plots to see the convergence of the simulation in real time."""

from collections import defaultdict
import as cm
import matplotlib.colors as clr
import numpy as np
import plotly.graph_objects as go
from IPython.display import display
import matplotlib as mpl
import ipywidgets as widgets
from contextlib import suppress
from traitlets import TraitError
from astropy import units as u

[docs]def transition_colors(length, name="jet"): """ Create colorscale for convergence plots, returns a list of colors. Parameters ---------- length : int The length of the colorscale. name : string, default: 'jet', optional Name of the colorscale. Returns ------- colors: list """ cmap =, length) colors = [] for i in range(cmap.N): rgb = cmap(i)[:3] colors.append(mpl.colors.rgb2hex(rgb)) return colors
[docs]class ConvergencePlots(object): """ Create and update convergence plots for visualizing convergence of the simulation. Parameters ---------- iterations : int iteration number **kwargs : dict, optional Additional keyword arguments. These arguments are defined in the Other Parameters section. Other Parameters ---------------- plasma_plot_config : dict, optional Dictionary used to override default plot properties of plasma plots. t_inner_luminosities_config : dict, optional Dictionary used to override default plot properties of the inner boundary temperature and luminosity plots. plasma_cmap : str, default: 'jet', optional String defining the cmap used in plasma plots. t_inner_luminosities_colors : str or list, optional String defining cmap for luminosity and inner boundary temperature plot. The list can be a list of colors in rgb, hex or css-names format as well. export_convergence_plots : bool, default: False, optional If True, plots are displayed again using the `notebook_connected` renderer. This helps to display the plots in the documentation or in platforms like nbviewer. Notes ----- When overriding plot's configuration using the `plasma_plot_config` and the `t_inner_luminosities_config` dictionaries, data related properties are applied equally accross all traces. The dictionary should have a structure like that of `plotly.graph_objs.FigureWidget.to_dict()`, for more information please see """ def __init__(self, iterations, **kwargs): self.iterable_data = {} self.value_data = defaultdict(list) self.iterations = iterations self.current_iteration = 1 self.luminosities = ["Emitted", "Absorbed", "Requested"] self.plasma_plot = None self.t_inner_luminosities_plot = None if "plasma_plot_config" in kwargs: self.plasma_plot_config = kwargs["plasma_plot_config"] if "t_inner_luminosities_config" in kwargs: self.t_inner_luminosities_config = kwargs[ "t_inner_luminosities_config" ] if "plasma_cmap" in kwargs: self.plasma_colorscale = transition_colors( name=kwargs["plasma_cmap"], length=self.iterations ) else: # default color scale is jet self.plasma_colorscale = transition_colors(length=self.iterations) if "t_inner_luminosities_colors" in kwargs: # use cmap if string if type(kwargs["t_inner_luminosities_colors"]) == str: self.t_inner_luminosities_colors = transition_colors( length=5, name=kwargs["t_inner_luminosities_colors"], ) else: self.t_inner_luminosities_colors = kwargs[ "t_inner_luminosities_colors" ] else: # using default plotly colors self.t_inner_luminosities_colors = [None] * 5
[docs] def fetch_data(self, name=None, value=None, item_type=None): """ Fetch data from the Simulation class. Parameters ---------- name : string name of the data value : string or array string or an array of quantities item_type : string either iterable or value """ # trace data for plasma plots is added in iterable data dictionary if item_type == "iterable": self.iterable_data[name] = value # trace data for luminosity plots and inner boundary temperature plot is stored in value_data dictionary if item_type == "value": self.value_data[name].append(value)
[docs] def create_plasma_plot(self): """Create an empty plasma plot.""" fig = go.FigureWidget().set_subplots(rows=1, cols=2, shared_xaxes=True) # empty traces to build figure fig.add_scatter(row=1, col=1) fig.add_scatter(row=1, col=2) # 2 y axes and 2 x axes correspond to the 2 subplots in the plasma plot fig = fig.update_layout( xaxis={ "tickformat": "g", "title": r"$\text{Velocity}~[\text{km}~\text{s}^{-1}]$", }, xaxis2={ "tickformat": "g", "title": r"$\text{Velocity}~[\text{km}~\text{s}^{-1}]$", "matches": "x", }, yaxis={ "tickformat": "g", "title": r"$T_{\text{rad}}\ [\text{K}]$", "nticks": 15, }, yaxis2={ "tickformat": "g", "title": r"$W$", "nticks": 15, }, height=450, legend_title_text="Iterations", legend_traceorder="reversed", margin=dict( l=10, r=135, b=25, t=25, pad=0 ), # reduce whitespace surrounding the plot and increase right indentation to align with the t_inner and luminosity plot ) # allow overriding default layout if hasattr(self, "plasma_plot_config"): self.override_plot_parameters(fig, self.plasma_plot_config) self.plasma_plot = fig
[docs] def create_t_inner_luminosities_plot(self): """Create an empty t_inner and luminosity plot.""" fig = go.FigureWidget().set_subplots( rows=3, cols=1, shared_xaxes=True, vertical_spacing=0.08, row_heights=[0.25, 0.5, 0.25], ) # add inner boundary temperature vs iterations plot fig.add_scatter( name="Inner<br>Boundary<br>Temperature", row=1, col=1, hovertext="text", marker_color=self.t_inner_luminosities_colors[0], mode="lines", ) # add luminosity vs iterations plot # has three traces for emitted, requested and absorbed luminosities for luminosity, line_color in zip( self.luminosities, self.t_inner_luminosities_colors[1:4] ): fig.add_scatter( name=luminosity + "<br>Luminosity", mode="lines", row=2, col=1, marker_color=line_color, ) # add residual luminosity vs iterations plot fig.add_scatter( name="Residual<br>Luminosity", row=3, col=1, marker_color=self.t_inner_luminosities_colors[4], mode="lines", ) # 3 y axes and 3 x axes correspond to the 3 subplots in the t_inner and luminosity convergence plot fig = fig.update_layout( xaxis=dict(range=[0, self.iterations + 1], dtick=2), xaxis2=dict( matches="x", range=[0, self.iterations + 1], dtick=2, ), xaxis3=dict( title=r"$\mbox{Iteration Number}$", dtick=2, ), yaxis=dict( title=r"$T_{\text{inner}}\ [\text{K}]$", automargin=True, tickformat="g", exponentformat="e", nticks=4, ), yaxis2=dict( exponentformat="e", title=r"$\text{Luminosity}~[\text{erg s}^{-1}]$", title_font_size=13, automargin=True, nticks=7, ), yaxis3=dict( title=r"$~~\text{Residual}\\\text{Luminosity[%]}$", title_font_size=12, automargin=True, nticks=4, ), height=630, hoverlabel_align="right", margin=dict( b=25, t=25, pad=0 ), # reduces whitespace surrounding the plot ) # allow overriding default layout if hasattr(self, "t_inner_luminosities_config"): self.override_plot_parameters(fig, self.t_inner_luminosities_config) self.t_inner_luminosities_plot = fig
[docs] def override_plot_parameters(self, fig, parameters): """ Override default plot properties. Any property inside the data dictionary is however, applied equally across all traces. This means trace-specific data properties can't be changed using this function. Parameters ---------- fig : go.FigureWidget FigureWidget object to be updated parameters : dict Dictionary used to update the default plot style. """ # because is a tuple of traces, a property in the data dictionary is applied to all traces # the fig is a nested dictionary, any property n levels deep is not changed until the value is a not dictionary # fig["property_1"]["property_2"]...["property_n"] = "value" for key, value in parameters.items(): if key == "data": # all traces will have same data property for trace in list( self.override_plot_parameters(trace, value) else: if type(value) == dict: self.override_plot_parameters(fig[key], value) else: fig[key] = value
[docs] def build(self, display_plot=True): """ Create empty convergence plots and display them. Parameters ---------- display_plot : bool, default: True, optional Displays empty plots. """ self.create_plasma_plot() self.create_t_inner_luminosities_plot() if display_plot: display( widgets.VBox( [self.plasma_plot, self.t_inner_luminosities_plot], ) )
[docs] def update_plasma_plots(self): """Update plasma convergence plots every iteration.""" # convert velocity to km/s velocity_km_s = ( self.iterable_data["velocity"].to( / u.s).value.tolist() ) # add luminosity data in hover data in plasma plots customdata = len(velocity_km_s) * [ "<br>" + "Emitted Luminosity: " + f'{self.value_data["Emitted"][-1]:.4g}' + "<br>" + "Requested Luminosity: " + f'{self.value_data["Requested"][-1]:.4g}' + "<br>" + "Absorbed Luminosity: " + f'{self.value_data["Absorbed"][-1]:.4g}' ] # add a radiation temperature vs shell velocity trace to the plasma plot self.plasma_plot.add_scatter( x=velocity_km_s, y=np.append( self.iterable_data["t_rad"], self.iterable_data["t_rad"][-1:] ), line_color=self.plasma_colorscale[self.current_iteration - 1], line_shape="hv", row=1, col=1, name=self.current_iteration, legendgroup=f"group-{self.current_iteration}", showlegend=False, customdata=customdata, hovertemplate="<b>Y</b>: %{y:.3f} at <b>X</b> = %{x:,.0f}%{customdata}", ) # add a dilution factor vs shell velocity trace to the plasma plot self.plasma_plot.add_scatter( x=velocity_km_s, y=np.append(self.iterable_data["w"], self.iterable_data["w"][-1:]), line_color=self.plasma_colorscale[self.current_iteration - 1], line_shape="hv", row=1, col=2, legendgroup=f"group-{self.current_iteration}", name=self.current_iteration, customdata=customdata, hovertemplate="<b>Y</b>: %{y:.3f} at <b>X</b> = %{x:,.0f}%{customdata}", )
[docs] def update_t_inner_luminosities_plot(self): """Update the t_inner and luminosity convergence plots every iteration.""" x = list(range(1, self.iterations + 1)) with self.t_inner_luminosities_plot.batch_update(): # traces are updated according to the order they were added # the first trace is of the inner boundary temperature plot[0].x = x[0].y = self.value_data[ "t_inner" ][ 0 ].hovertemplate = "<b>%{y:.3f}</b> at X = %{x:,.0f}<extra>Inner Boundary Temperature</extra>" # trace name in extra tag to avoid new lines in hoverdata # the next three for emitted, absorbed and requested luminosities for index, luminosity in zip(range(1, 4), self.luminosities):[index].x = x[index].y = self.value_data[ luminosity ][index].hovertemplate = ( "<b>%{y:.4g}</b>" + "<br>at X = %{x}<br>" ) # last is for the residual luminosity y = [ ((emitted - requested) * 100) / requested for emitted, requested in zip( self.value_data["Emitted"], self.value_data["Requested"] ) ][4].x = x[4].y = y[ 4 ].hovertemplate = "<b>%{y:.2f}%</b> at X = %{x:,.0f}"
[docs] def update(self, export_convergence_plots=False, last=False): """ Update the convergence plots every iteration. Parameters ---------- export_convergence_plots : bool, default: False, optional Displays the convergence plots again using plotly's `notebook_connected` renderer. This helps to display the plots in notebooks when shared on platforms like nbviewer. Please see for more information. last : bool, default: False, optional True if it's last iteration. """ if self.iterable_data != {}: # build only at first iteration if self.current_iteration == 1: self.update_plasma_plots() self.update_t_inner_luminosities_plot() # data property for plasma plots needs to be # updated after the last iteration because new traces have been added if hasattr(self, "plasma_plot_config") and last: if "data" in self.plasma_plot_config: self.override_plot_parameters( self.plasma_plot, self.plasma_plot_config ) self.current_iteration += 1 # the display function expects a Widget, while # returns None, which causes the TraitError. if export_convergence_plots and (self.plasma_plot is not None): with suppress(TraitError): display( widgets.VBox( [ renderer="notebook_connected" ), renderer="notebook_connected" ), ] ) )