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Gamma-ray energy deposition

This notebook provides the initial implementation of Gamma-ray energy deposition into an arbitrary ejecta. It is a WORK IN PROGRESS and should NOT be used for any science work until further notice.

Main loop

Generates a simple 1D ejecta and a list of gamma-ray objects.

Runs packets of gamma-rays through the ejecta. Handles interactions by calling the appropriate function.

Adds deposited energy and output energy to 2 different dataframes.

Model setup

import numpy as np

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from tardis.model import SimulationState
from import Configuration

from import Density, Abundance, IsotopeAbundance, IsotopeNumberDensity, AtomicData, AtomicMass, IsotopeMass, NumberDensity, SelectedAtoms
from tardis.plasma.base import BasePlasma
from import AtomData

import astropy.units as u
from tardis.energy_input.gamma_ray_transport import main_gamma_ray_loop

# Adjust model
config = Configuration.from_yaml("../../../../tardis/io/tests/data/tardis_configv1_density_exponential_nebular.yml")
config.model.structure.velocity.start = 1 * / u.s
config.model.structure.density.rho_0 = 5e2 * u.g / ( ** 3)
config.supernova.time_explosion = 2.0 * u.d

config.atom_data = "kurucz_cd23_chianti_H_He.h5"

model = SimulationState.from_config(config)

# Construct plasma
input = [Density, Abundance, IsotopeAbundance, AtomicData, AtomicMass, IsotopeNumberDensity, NumberDensity, SelectedAtoms, IsotopeMass]

plasma = BasePlasma(
        density = model.density,
        abundance = model.abundance,
        isotope_abundance = model.raw_isotope_abundance,
        atomic_data = AtomData.from_hdf(config.atom_data)

# Set up packet count
num_packets = 500000

# Lock seed

Generate plasma


from import Density, Abundance, IsotopeAbundance, IsotopeNumberDensity, AtomicData, AtomicMass, IsotopeMass, NumberDensity, SelectedAtoms from tardis.plasma.base import BasePlasma from import AtomData input = [Density, Abundance, IsotopeAbundance, AtomicData, AtomicMass, IsotopeNumberDensity, NumberDensity, SelectedAtoms, IsotopeMass] plasma = BasePlasma( plasma_properties=input, density = model.density, abundance = model.abundance, isotope_abundance = model.raw_isotope_abundance, atomic_data = AtomData.from_hdf(config.atom_data) )

# Compute energy deposition rate # ejecta_energy_df is the deposited energy # ejecta_plot_energy_df is information for plotting # escape_energy is the escaping energy # decayed_packet_count is the number of packets created per shell # energy_plot_positrons is the deposited energy from positrons # estimated_deposition is the deposited energy from the Kasen (2006) estimator (currently not functional) ( energy_df, energy_plot_df, escape_energy, decayed_packet_count, energy_plot_positrons, estimated_deposition ) = main_gamma_ray_loop( num_packets, model, plasma, time_steps=50, time_end=50.0, path_to_decay_data="~/compiled_ensdf.hdf" ) ejecta_energy = energy_plot_df["energy_input"] ejecta_energy_r = energy_plot_df["energy_input_r"] energy_input_time = energy_plot_df["energy_input_time"] energy_input_type = energy_plot_df["energy_input_type"]
Total gamma-ray energy
Total positron energy
Total packets: 500000
Energy per packet 7.975724746893494e+52
Initializing packets
Total positron energy from packets
Total CMF energy
Total RF energy
/home/afullard/tardis/tardis/energy_input/ NumbaPerformanceWarning: is faster on contiguous arrays, called on (array(float64, 1d, A), array(float64, 1d, C))
  doppler_factor = doppler_factor_3d(
/home/afullard/tardis/tardis/energy_input/ NumbaPerformanceWarning: is faster on contiguous arrays, called on (array(float64, 1d, C), array(float64, 1d, A))
  ) = distance_trace(
/home/afullard/tardis/tardis/energy_input/ NumbaPerformanceWarning: is faster on contiguous arrays, called on (array(float64, 1d, A), array(float64, 1d, C))
  packet, ejecta_energy_gained = process_packet_path(packet)
Entering gamma ray loop for 500000 packets
Escaped packets: 81593
Scattered packets: 23333
Final energy to test for conservation

Plotting results

Energy deposited at a given radius

fig = plt.figure(dpi=150, facecolor='w')
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)

scatter = ax.scatter(np.array(ejecta_energy_r)/np.max(model.v_outer.value), np.array(ejecta_energy), s=1, alpha=0.1)
ax.set_ylabel("E (keV)")

Interactions binned by radius

fig = plt.figure(dpi=150, facecolor='w')
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
ax.hist(np.array(ejecta_energy_r), bins=200)
#ax.set_xlim(0, 1)
ax.set_xlabel("r (cm)")
ax.set_ylabel("Interaction count");

Density Profile

fig = plt.figure(dpi=150, facecolor='w')
plt.semilogy(model.r_middle/np.max(model.r_outer), model.density)
plt.ylabel("Density g cm$^{-3}$")

Fraction of energy escaping from the ejecta

np.sum(np.sum(escape_energy) / (np.sum(escape_energy) + np.sum(energy_df)))

Spectrum of escape energy at the final time step

from tardis.energy_input.energy_source import read_artis_lines

ni56_lines = read_artis_lines("ni56", "~/Downloads/tardisnuclear/")
co56_lines = read_artis_lines("co56", "~/Downloads/tardisnuclear/")

plt.figure(figsize=(12, 6), dpi=150)
plt.step(escape_energy.index, escape_energy.iloc[:,49], label="$\gamma$-spectrum", where="post")
plt.xlabel("Energy (keV)")
plt.xlim(100, 4000)
#plt.ylim(0.01, 100)
plt.vlines(*1000, 0.1, 0.2, color="k", label="Ni56")
plt.vlines(*1000, 0.1, 0.2, color="r", label="Co56")
/home/afullard/tardis/tardis/energy_input/ ParserWarning: Falling back to the 'python' engine because the 'c' engine does not support regex separators (separators > 1 char and different from '\s+' are interpreted as regex); you can avoid this warning by specifying engine='python'.
  return pd.read_csv(
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x7eff9e39b8e0>

Energy deposition rate

Dataframe index is the radial grid location. Columns are time steps in seconds

1.728000e+05 1.842903e+05 1.965447e+05 2.096139e+05 2.235522e+05 2.384173e+05 2.542708e+05 2.711786e+05 2.892106e+05 3.084416e+05 ... 2.269320e+06 2.420218e+06 2.581151e+06 2.752784e+06 2.935830e+06 3.131048e+06 3.339247e+06 3.561290e+06 3.798098e+06 4.050652e+06
0 1.268952e+54 1.434033e+53 1.283598e+53 1.493515e+53 1.665060e+53 1.864771e+53 1.369552e+53 1.291566e+53 1.206870e+53 1.210695e+53 ... 2.413105e+52 1.946078e+52 1.601020e+52 1.681973e+52 1.532812e+52 1.746724e+52 1.142765e+52 1.155513e+52 1.013063e+52 6.851335e+51
1 6.352248e+54 6.256791e+53 5.862575e+53 6.364949e+53 7.788701e+53 7.056560e+53 6.954693e+53 7.225777e+53 6.150372e+53 6.159685e+53 ... 1.326250e+53 1.128764e+53 9.533177e+52 9.066819e+52 8.349490e+52 6.819232e+52 7.361927e+52 6.937388e+52 5.521254e+52 4.563154e+52
2 1.256390e+55 1.224663e+54 1.455274e+54 1.393148e+54 1.294472e+54 1.200354e+54 1.191072e+54 1.325274e+54 1.247067e+54 1.228414e+54 ... 2.548472e+53 2.394402e+53 2.271846e+53 1.892756e+53 1.689675e+53 1.628341e+53 1.372483e+53 1.343997e+53 1.264984e+53 1.023617e+53
3 1.720830e+55 1.969217e+54 1.770751e+54 1.902969e+54 1.772499e+54 1.860536e+54 1.849413e+54 1.688380e+54 1.837876e+54 1.673101e+54 ... 3.721530e+53 3.252044e+53 2.997976e+53 2.889827e+53 2.407073e+53 2.254808e+53 2.174352e+53 1.838789e+53 1.819876e+53 1.590544e+53
4 2.061597e+55 2.118889e+54 2.361284e+54 2.224901e+54 1.929322e+54 2.138034e+54 2.121064e+54 1.924094e+54 1.987540e+54 1.973124e+54 ... 4.067807e+53 3.866050e+53 3.417029e+53 3.527510e+53 2.975597e+53 2.717593e+53 2.501916e+53 2.181535e+53 1.990705e+53 1.963625e+53
5 2.183037e+55 2.313466e+54 2.486110e+54 2.332249e+54 2.466149e+54 2.202191e+54 2.202279e+54 2.211636e+54 2.227595e+54 2.093595e+54 ... 4.533677e+53 4.126323e+53 3.522390e+53 3.371528e+53 3.012767e+53 2.863011e+53 2.678039e+53 2.315553e+53 1.989705e+53 1.950900e+53
6 2.314019e+55 2.541623e+54 2.458594e+54 2.224427e+54 2.101068e+54 2.393609e+54 2.401742e+54 2.069722e+54 2.161520e+54 2.233445e+54 ... 4.401336e+53 3.829897e+53 3.344355e+53 3.361478e+53 2.807300e+53 2.594261e+53 2.613329e+53 2.173414e+53 2.075456e+53 1.861470e+53
7 2.111323e+55 2.151525e+54 2.260010e+54 2.081330e+54 2.245851e+54 2.237418e+54 2.117185e+54 2.193539e+54 2.033406e+54 1.965041e+54 ... 4.041338e+53 3.574777e+53 3.243658e+53 2.860518e+53 2.836507e+53 2.387642e+53 2.345213e+53 2.193704e+53 1.705966e+53 1.731529e+53
8 1.922621e+55 2.195889e+54 1.937526e+54 1.994053e+54 2.080152e+54 2.091939e+54 2.013608e+54 1.954220e+54 1.887144e+54 1.888389e+54 ... 3.376278e+53 3.379366e+53 2.893652e+53 2.460482e+53 2.349191e+53 2.123134e+53 1.840041e+53 1.691727e+53 1.431448e+53 1.261554e+53
9 1.725510e+55 1.852217e+54 1.755411e+54 2.035626e+54 1.885113e+54 1.804745e+54 1.800571e+54 1.683805e+54 1.719869e+54 1.687133e+54 ... 2.819492e+53 2.637785e+53 2.536277e+53 2.043085e+53 1.644105e+53 1.596846e+53 1.468581e+53 1.328962e+53 1.123189e+53 9.315640e+52
10 1.478802e+55 1.811474e+54 1.466713e+54 1.580566e+54 1.612419e+54 1.622183e+54 1.479221e+54 1.564288e+54 1.383014e+54 1.467392e+54 ... 2.130141e+53 2.118125e+53 1.711647e+53 1.648757e+53 1.546999e+53 1.292042e+53 1.012572e+53 1.090591e+53 8.554179e+52 7.878659e+52
11 1.308745e+55 1.460406e+54 1.447386e+54 1.346796e+54 1.402081e+54 1.420153e+54 1.299567e+54 1.205790e+54 1.428299e+54 1.339745e+54 ... 1.757030e+53 1.548390e+53 1.376493e+53 1.125006e+53 1.040292e+53 9.341924e+52 8.638519e+52 7.397325e+52 6.592805e+52 5.976537e+52
12 1.123812e+55 1.225134e+54 1.087325e+54 1.129301e+54 1.278660e+54 1.068451e+54 1.077110e+54 1.102109e+54 1.066945e+54 1.003824e+54 ... 1.138373e+53 9.911889e+52 8.863272e+52 9.083607e+52 7.878527e+52 6.366229e+52 6.144144e+52 4.775543e+52 4.849689e+52 4.762654e+52
13 9.236778e+54 1.055157e+54 9.396187e+53 8.982871e+53 1.015297e+54 8.711438e+53 9.211775e+53 8.318177e+53 8.380983e+53 8.134140e+53 ... 9.137514e+52 8.480772e+52 7.327633e+52 5.763397e+52 5.614848e+52 4.220384e+52 4.918503e+52 3.944850e+52 3.457032e+52 2.885190e+52
14 7.707517e+54 8.334156e+53 9.577188e+53 7.962057e+53 6.930276e+53 8.204323e+53 7.828914e+53 7.164728e+53 6.386090e+53 6.956695e+53 ... 5.413666e+52 4.705275e+52 4.130852e+52 3.872048e+52 4.527747e+52 3.207596e+52 2.490193e+52 2.495629e+52 2.457263e+52 1.981165e+52
15 6.191768e+54 5.473081e+53 6.655216e+53 6.239894e+53 6.975514e+53 6.084465e+53 7.786685e+53 5.483303e+53 5.721475e+53 5.412126e+53 ... 3.969469e+52 4.340826e+52 3.682750e+52 3.111694e+52 2.165591e+52 2.104476e+52 2.120679e+52 2.012698e+52 1.412540e+52 1.609626e+52
16 4.915662e+54 4.883089e+53 5.309932e+53 5.435722e+53 5.847968e+53 5.329650e+53 4.808035e+53 3.888501e+53 5.008029e+53 4.654530e+53 ... 2.642693e+52 2.896227e+52 2.212667e+52 2.213041e+52 1.790653e+52 1.690462e+52 1.916662e+52 1.402938e+52 8.857395e+51 1.167084e+52
17 4.147753e+54 4.613959e+53 3.960488e+53 4.516572e+53 4.716706e+53 4.121339e+53 4.278267e+53 4.491534e+53 2.649101e+53 3.225867e+53 ... 2.639209e+52 1.600225e+52 1.834074e+52 1.458769e+52 1.407996e+52 1.274043e+52 9.493741e+51 8.616331e+51 8.732235e+51 8.816470e+51
18 3.245799e+54 3.905090e+53 3.410483e+53 3.592481e+53 2.625412e+53 3.660111e+53 3.573277e+53 4.006494e+53 2.275214e+53 2.788264e+53 ... 1.712318e+52 7.255677e+51 1.114020e+52 1.186242e+52 1.025083e+52 9.771694e+51 6.949339e+51 7.629940e+51 6.335910e+51 4.726639e+51
19 2.490859e+54 3.183146e+53 1.705482e+53 2.854045e+53 2.615611e+53 2.653951e+53 2.443372e+53 2.982978e+53 2.598039e+53 2.129802e+53 ... 9.081512e+51 5.451095e+51 9.925498e+51 8.614093e+51 9.119476e+51 5.419938e+51 4.528037e+51 3.783831e+51 4.377392e+51 3.675127e+51

20 rows × 50 columns

Energy deposition rate versus radius at time_explosion

fig = plt.figure(dpi=150, facecolor='w')
plt.semilogy(model.v_middle/np.max(model.v_outer), energy_df.iloc[:, 0])
plt.ylabel("Energy deposition rate [eV/s$]");

Energy Deposition rate versus time compared to the analytic estimate

energy = energy_df.T.sum(axis=1) *'erg')

def analytic_estimate(t):
    return 0.6 * (0.97 * (1 - np.exp(-(40 / t)**2)) + 0.03) * (6.45 * np.exp(-t/8.8) + 1.45 * np.exp(-t/111.3)) * 1e43

t_tardis = energy.index *'d')

plt.plot(t_tardis, energy / analytic_estimate(t_tardis), "-")
plt.xlabel("t_exp (d)")
plt.ylabel("Energy deposition / analytic")
plt.xlim(0, 50)
plt.ylim(0.7, 1.1)

No artists with labels found to put in legend.  Note that artists whose label start with an underscore are ignored when legend() is called with no argument.
(0.7, 1.1)
[ ]: